Friday, August 13, 2010

Knight of Swords/Three of Swords reversed. The Knight of Swords focuses on goals regarding intellectual and intuitive processes and communication; he brings clarity to those pursuits through the element of Air (hot/separates and wet/adapts). The danger inherent in the energies of this Knight is that sometimes he does not know his own power, until he has unleashed the whirlwind. He always gets results, but they may have a flavor of overkill. The Three of Swords reversed tells me that while the potential for the imposition of hurt, whether intentional or by accident or neglect, may be a part of the Knight’s energies today, the chances are good that with a bit of awareness and balance I will be able to prevent the hurt from occurring.

My Thoth card is the Six of Wands. “Victory” today, and I will be able to use the effects of the element of Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes) effectively today, mainly because I have done my homework and made my preparations. But the balance of today is not a permanent state, so I need to take advantage of it while it is available.

My Legacy card is the Five of Cups reversed, flavored by the Five of Wands. Two Fives today! And it sounds like there will be lots of crazy ebbs and flows of Fiery energy available to me, without any Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts) to weigh me down. The cup will be half full for me today; I won’t be focusing too much on the empty part of the cup, and there is a good chance that my inner self and my outer self may agree with each other. LOL, that could be a recipe for disaster, or at least a few minor bumps in the road, so I need to make use of the scattering of energies today, rather than trying to fight against them.

My 6-digit date number is 4, the number of stability.

My horoscopes: “An intense, emotional dream could move you so powerfully that you awaken with the odd sense that the dream was real. Write it down, Sagittarius. Maybe it is. Efforts to overcome obstacles and advance in business could finally pay off. You could walk around in a daze asking yourself if it really has happened. It has. Make the most of it, and don't be afraid to show your feelings.”

And: “Something big happens today while you're on the job, thanks to your discipline and effort. When you decide to take that next big step on your career path, you can expect better fulfillment, praise and, probably a bigger chunk of change in your paycheck. Give yourself a victory lap -- and spend more time with those close to you who haven't seen you in too long because of all your overtime.”

And: “Your mind may totally focused on work today. You might find yourself obsessing over some rather tedious but necessary tasks awaiting you tomorrow morning, which you're dreading. This isn't doing you any good, my friend. Distract yourself by phoning a friend, or by reading a book that totally engrosses you. If worse comes to worst, clean the house! Tomorrow is soon enough to think about job-related matters.”

I feel absolutely wonderful today! I must have been fighting some kind of virus, but last night Mystery gave me a distance Reiki treatment that seemed to have firmly ushered the virus right out of my system. In a meditation, Hecate (her Patroness) told Mystery that she should try using the images of roses placed in the Reiki recipient’s chakras as a method for applying distance Reiki, and She told Mystery to make use of the color correspondences for roses as she chooses the specific image for each chakra. Well, I can attest to the fact that it worked! I could still feel some of the roses this morning; the rose in each of my solar plexus and brow chakras were still buds almost opened and filled with fragrance, and the roses in my sacral and heart chakras were fully opened blooms, just past the fragrance stage but still crisp and beautiful. The coolest thing for me personally (besides the lack of discomfort!) is that today it is just one week since Hecate Herself requested a task from me, a task that I have not been 100% successful imposing on myself, I might add. Forming new habits takes a bit of time and effort, and now I know why Hecate responded with “as long as it takes” when I asked her how long I needed to greet the crossroads of dawn (eek!) and dusk each day. I have been pretty consistent with the dawn part, but dusk is in the middle of the evening and more often than not, I forget to say the chant She provided to me until almost bed time. How gracious Hecate is to reward me already for my efforts, even though I have a ways to go in order to meet my own standards, never mind Hers.

It has been a difficult week, mainly because of the extreme lethargy that plagued me each day since Monday morning. But I am happy that, while I was not able to punch through that lethargy even for a short time each day, I did fulfill my responsibilities this week. Bare minimum, but I did my best and that is what’s important. I am hoping that like a baseball batter who warms up with a weighted bat before stepping up to the plate, my efforts this week will enable me to have an awesome weekend.

Friday the 13th; awesome power day. I love it!


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