Monday, August 9, 2010

Ace of Cups/Two of Swords. The Ace of Cups is the Holy Grail of love, and it tells me that today my heart is awash with pure light. The Two of Swords is about shutting out the world and in the process of shutting out, preventing growth and movement, so that blockage will also be a part of my day. I need to remember that while it’s okay to block out the outside light so I can enjoy experiencing for a bit my own unique self-created light (and DNA and the energies of my energy field do sometimes literally create light!), I should not become so mesmerized that I loose out on other equally valuable experiences.

My Thoth card is the Two of Swords reversed, and as I shuffled, a card flew right out of the deck, to land face up on the floor. It was the Ace of Cups! The Thoth Two of Swords in an upright position is known as “Peace,” but this peace is maintained by vigilance. Because the card is reversed, today I may not need to be as disciplined as usual regarding my own mind and intellect, but that does not mean I can be a slug all day. That Ace of Cups jumping out of my deck is reminding me to love myself, and to allow love to mix with intellect throughout the day.

My Legacy card is the Nine of Cups, flavored by the Three of Swords. Hoo-kay! Water and Air today fer sher. The Nine of Cups tells of satisfaction, but since the satisfaction is flavored by the Three of Swords, I need to remember the Gift of the Legacy of the Divine Nine of Cups: the heart teaches the mind!

My 6-digit date number is 9, the number of complete**ness**, and today is an 8-9-10 day!!

My horoscopes: “This is one of those days in which you're better able to stand back and look at your emotions intellectually, Sagittarius. Your freedom-loving nature isn't built to deal with heavy emotional baggage and turmoil, so don't bother trying. Be especially wary of those who seem to plop a problem in front of you and expect you to deal with it.”

And: “You usually strive to keep it positive, and today is no exception. It's sometimes crazy just how well it works out for you. Sometimes difficult situations can work out simply because you just know deep down that that's how it has to be, particularly when it comes to taking on new projects. Your energy pushes you to take risks today, so go for it. Your positive attitude means that everything should go well.”

And: “Your life has been changing for a while, and it hasn't always been easy for you. Today you're apt to be feeling the effects of this transformation more than you usually do, and wondering what on earth is happening to you. Don't let your doubts and insecurities about the future get blown all out of proportion. You can only take things one day at a time. Focus on a cherished goal, and move on ahead.”

I am feeling a wee bit out of it today, and I am having difficulty moving my mind away from a restful and fulfilling weekend. Bob and I have not had a weekend alone in Cape May for some time, and while LOL, we weren’t alone for much of the weekend, **we** chose what we wanted to do, without having to deal with anyone else’s needs or desires. Don’t get me wrong; we absolutely LOVE sharing our home with guests. But it is not often that we have a quiet weekend during the Summer, and this one was truly enjoyable.

The Pagan Brain Trust is getting together tonight, and LOL, this time I’m sure I have the right date. I have been a week ahead of myself since the middle of July, and I just can’t get my body clock to sync with the days and weeks. Hours I have, though; I started trying to connect with Mystery’s Hecate on Friday, saying a chant in Her honor at the crossroads that are dawn and dusk, and I have been able to wake up on my own each morning to connect with Her at right around dawn. Now all I need to do is remember the nighttime crossroad. I am usually pretty distracted then!

I think tonight we all have some exciting things to share; I will be bringing my mat, too.


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