Thursday, July 29, 2010

Knight of Swords/Page of Cups reversed. The Knights of the Court Cards are the hired mercenaries who are able to put their own needs aside in order to accomplish a specific task. The Knight of Swords focuses on goals regarding communication and intellectual and intuitive processes, and I am being told that these are the things that I can best affect today. The Page of Cups in an upright position is about manifesting creative projects, usually in idealized form or regarding the pleasing of the senses or a feeling of satisfaction. As this Page is reversed, satisfaction will not be something I will find today, unless that satisfaction comes from being able to focus intensely on the intellect and logic, and the imposition of logic onto and into the challenges and tasks of the day.

My Thoth card is the Two of Cups reversed. “The Lord of Love,” but the love and happiness associated with this card are being blocked from me. That does not mean they are not there waiting to be accessed, for the card has appeared; but it is up to me to take the next step and strive to connect.

My Legacy card is the Ten of Swords reversed, flavored by the Page of Wands. The Ten of Swords in an upright position illustrates what happens when we manifest the energies of the suit exclusively; those who do not accept the message of the Ace of Swords and its suggestion to use intellectual challenges in order to grow and to integrate the other suits into solutions, will be impaled by that Sword. Because the card is reversed, I may be able to deflect the end result, or I will be able to learn valuable lessons from it. The Page of Wands uses assertion and action in order to feed his need for adventure and excitement. He has a childlike optimism, and since the suit of Wands is associated with Fire and the Will, he can often manifest that optimism into reality, mainly because in his childlike enthusiasm he refuses to see failure. Together, these cards are telling me that I have a truly powerful opportunity to learn and grow before me, and I need to not only view this opportunity as an exciting adventure, but I need to also believe that the results will be well worth the effort.

My 6-digit date number is 10, the number of completion of a cycle, which reduces to the number 1, the number of position and new beginnings.

My horoscopes: “Today is a very powerful day for you, Sagittarius. You may find yourself going to extremes in certain areas of your life, especially when it comes to your romantic nature. You could be pulled way over to one side and then to the other. At first you may give it your all and the next minute completely withdraw. Try to find a balance in this seesaw game.”

And: “You're not afraid of hard work, but you've been doing far more than your fair share lately, and you seriously need some time off. Let yourself go! You can be extravagant when it comes to down time -- or anything else that perks you up. All your self-discipline is good for your soul, but not all that great for your love life. Walk away from it all and get out there.”

And: “You may be especially sensitive to the moods of others, and today they could be a bit testy. It could be hard to get much accomplished with all the yelling and screaming that's going on. This is definitely not an environment conducive to deep thinking. Do your best to stay completely out of the fray and focus on what you need to do. The yelling is likely to subside by the end of the day.”

“Summertime, and the living is easy . . .”; well, the living is slow and hot and sweaty, akshully. Since the “dog days” began in June this year, my brain has been foggy for weeks now. Add to the heat fog that is slowing down my thinking processes the Rubedo stage and its focus on integrating new acquisitions rather than striving to attain them, and I am experiencing with new awareness the transition from the peak of the waxing year (equal to the vertical and horizontal balance of the number 6; sorry, but I always think in Tarot analogies *grin*) to the first harvest and the beginning of the waning year (equal to the pause and beginning of degeneration that is the number 7).

Yes, there is a difference between the putrefaction of the transition from the Albedo to the Rubedo and the stagnation that is the transition from waxing energies to waning energies. Since my awareness of the effects of growth and evolution is more intense within this cycle, I am able to see details that have not been visible to me in the past.

The putrefaction of the Great Work seems to have happened as I reached my maximum capacity to download and process information. There would be a natural slowdown as that maximum capacity came close, which would give inertia an easier time to grab hold of the process and slow it down even further. this slowdown as maximum capacity nears is a necessary safety feature for it prevents overflow and the resulting loss of potentially important data. My putrefaction happened at the transition from receiving the download to processing the download, or LOL, installing the program, and computer downloads are a good metaphor for this process. Once the files had been extracted and moved into my mind, I needed to activate the installation process, and that activation can only be done if I can overcome the inertia that caused the necessary slowdown of the download. I needed to choose to begin processing the information and to do that, I needed to overcome the putrefaction of the safety slowdown.

At this point in the Wheel of the Year, when the Summer Solstice and it’s peak of active and outer energies is now progressing towards the first harvest of Lammas and the beginning of movement toward the dark, outer quiet and inner focus of Winter, I am also dealing with the ending of the Rubedo and its focus on the integration of what has been accumulated thus far. During this time of integration, the part of my mind that is open to receiving new information has been quiet as it was gradually emptied by the processing and integration of the Rubedo; now this part of me only contains the dregs of all that information and there is very little movement. Stagnation has begun, just the very beginning of stagnation, but stagnation just the same. I had accumulated quite a lot of new knowledge and wisdom that needed to be integrated, but now I am beginning to miss the accumulation process as the integration process begins to wind down and accumulate its own inertia. Like that first cool and dry breeze that cuts through the heat and humidity and gives us a new burst of energy, I am feeling the first need to reconnect with that accumulating phase of the Great Work. In order to do that, I need to go back to the very beginning of the entire cycle, and begin again. I hesitate to say that I need to start over, for that is not a truly accurate description. Yes, I will be going through the entire cycle of the Great Work again, from the beginning, but I will be doing it at a different level because I have within me the knowledge and wisdom and resulting skills from the last cycle, and I will make use of them as I move forward.

I love this stuff!!

On another note, I did three massages this weekend, and received one. Helen and I are really happy with our sequence; it is working well and we are ready to fly. This week we will work on our website and on getting PayPal and credit card information.

I also have been feeling the presence of Miss Pauline again. It had been so long that I was beginning to think that she had left us, but once again she is joining me in the wee hours of the morning. I am usually awakened by either the sound of hammering or knocking coming from downstairs, or the feeling of the bed being shaken. Then, if I have covers on, I fell the now-familiar sensation of having the covers pulled from my body. This last weekend, something different happened: since it was hot, the light blanket I had was laying next to me and after she woke me, Miss Pauline dropped one corner of the blanket onto my shoulder! These events aren’t happening every weekend yet, and I am hoping that they will continue.

The Pagan Brain Trust will be meeting this Monday night; I am really looking forward to getting together with them because things have been happening, to all of us, and I love the way we all process each others’ informational downloads. I will be bringing my matt, of course.

Mystery received her Reiki III attunement last night from Lady Raven. The cool thing is that I actually woke up during her attunement (at about 1:10 am this morning), and my palms were tingling in a similar but less intense fashion as they tingled during my own three attunements! She and I have certainly achieved a strong energy body connection through our workings! This morning, she told me that she could clearly feel my presence during the whole attunement process, validating my own experience.


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