Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Four of Cups/Nine of Swords. The Four of Cups is about the stagnation that can occur when our senses are sated, and about being distracted by the desire for even more pleasure without appreciating what is already there. The Nine of Swords represents the intellect run wild, and tells me that I am most likely worrying about something that does not deserve quite so much attention.

My Thoth card is the Ten of Swords reversed. The “Ruin” card, reversed (whew!). In an upright position, this card warns that if we become so narrowly focused on the actual fighting of the battle, we may loose the war without realizing it. Because the card is reversed, I am being told that the end has not come yet, so I can still save the day if I allow myself to broaden my views and make use of more than just intellect to achieve victory.

My Legacy card is the Two of Cups reversed, flavored by the Four of Cups. Marchetti describes the energy of the Two of Cups as similar to seeing the reflection of yourself in your lover’s eyes. This is a card of recognition, recognition of an important relationship, and recognition of the fact that the connection is so strong, a part of myself is now in my lover. Today I may be able to benefit from the support of those who love me, and in turn offer my own support. I do need to remind myself, however, that sitting back and allowing myself to become intoxicated by love to the point where I can’t function is not a good thing.

My 6-digit date number is 3 the number of new creations and manifestations, and the ability to determine location.

My horoscopes: “Group events taking place at churches, meditation centers, and other places with a spiritual orientation could draw you near, Sagittarius. You might want to attend a service or program at one of them. Don't be surprised if some profound insights come to you that shed some light on a current situation you might be dealing with. Write them down or you might forget them later.”

And: “Adventure is calling, and you always answer in the affirmative. You've got the itch to get out of the house, so if you can, take a little road trip today -- even just to a new neighborhood, or maybe even a simple, tasty meal from a new-to-you culture can be enough to satisfy your wanderlust. If you've got time, start researching that trip abroad you've been meaning to take.”

Air and Water today in my Tarot cards. Air is about problems or challenges, and rises actively; Water is about staying the same, and contracts and falls. What these two elements have in common is that they are both blends, and subject to mixing. This means that I could end up with a bit of Balance, and even though these elements are mostly opposites, because they can mix, the interactions can be beneficial.

Since the Four of Cups showed up twice today, I thought I would give it a bit of additional attention. In Crowley’s Naples Arrangement, the number 4 is about stability and solidness. These energies are well grounded and not easily deformed; they are what they are and they aren’t going anywhere or making changes any time soon. Pair these energies with the element of Water, which is about feelings and emotions and flowing, and you get a still pool of water: a perfect breeding ground for stagnation. The thing about this kind of stagnation is that it tends to sneak up on you. Here we are, sitting there feeling good about ourselves, and while we aren’t watching, inertia begins to tie us down, bit by bit. As we sit and contemplate, we start visualizing the pleasures that are yet to come, until we become totally focused on those visions, and life passes us by. This is the danger of the Four of Cups.

We need challenges in order to be strong and vibrant and healthy. If we never know fear, we also never know if we have true courage. If we sit on the couch and watch tv without moving, our muscles will atrophy. If we don’t use our minds and our imaginations, they will atrophy as well. Taking a mini-vacation or allowing a bit of time to be a slug or to daydream is not a bad thing; these occupations are only bad or harmful if taken to extremes or if promoted in an imbalanced manner.

So how do I counter this imbalance? Out of five cards thrown, I have three cards that describe the suit of Cups and the influence of the element of Water, and two cards that describe the suit of Swords and the influence of the element of Air. The only reversed card is the Ten of Swords, a card that further focuses on the gradual ebbing of motion because of the lack of fuel. I need to balance my day out with a bit of focus on something that feeds my passions, my enthusiasm, and my intention to transform, and a bit of awareness of the presence of these Fiery sensations and feelings. I can do this effectively by getting up and moving around, and focusing on my personal energy field. I am heading to the ladies room, to do some stretches. I will go out at lunchtime, and I will stretch in the afternoon, too. Then, I have a belly dance class tonight; a perfect ending to a day which needs some “get-up-and-go”!!

Last night I did my third bodywork session in as many days. I have a dance class tonight, so I won't be able to do one today, but tomorrow I will do another. Practice!!


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