Thursday, June 3, 2010

Five of Wands/The Wheel of Fortune. The Fives all represent uncomfortable motion imposed onto a situation, and this particular Five, corresponding to the element of Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes), represents hassles and minor obstacles that temporarily slow progress, both inner progress and outer progress. I certainly can understand this message today! Careful setting of priorities and implementation of a planned strategy are the keys of the day. But The Wheel (Fire; Jupiter, expansiveness and growth, justice and fortune; Kaph, grasping hand) is also reminding me that sometimes the events that present themselves and the consequences of those events are pretty much not under my control. I need to remember to go with the flow in an ethical manner, and make use of the natural direction of the energies, and I need to remember that no matter how dark and downwardly spiraling events may seem to be, sooner or later they will bottom out, and I will be able to turn that downward spiral into a slingshot that will propel me to new heights.

My Thoth card is the Queen of Cups. I believe this card in this particular deck has appeared today as a personal message to me. This Queen is telling me to maintain serenity, to be patient and ethical, and to receive and transmit information and effects without being affected by that information or those effects. Even the image of this Thoth card validates this interpretation, for the swirling fumes of emotions and feelings that arise from the still waters may be blocking my view of the Queen, but she is there, standing behind them, an ibis at her side, quiet and serene and confident.

My Legacy card is the Nine of Swords (The Magician reversed). Oy, very true card. My mind is in a place of helpless worry, and those worries could very well end up with a life of their own. I need to remember that these worries and visualizations of pain and injustice are not real and they won’t withstand the light of day. In the wee hours, when all is dark and quiet, I may have trouble remembering that in the end, I have the power to choose my future because I have the power to choose my reaction to the present, but even if I don’t remember, that power will be there when the sun rises once again to illuminate the events of the darkest night. Don’t forget: the mind **does** have an impact on matter!!

My 6-digit date number is 10, the number of endings and windings-up.

My horoscopes: “You may not feel like you're exactly clicking with anything today, Sagittarius. Adjustments will need to be made either by you or the people you're dealing with for any resolution to come about. Your emotions may feel tied to the ground, yet your mind may want to take off into the stratosphere. Dilemmas between whether to take action or stay passive could leave you paralyzed. Just go with the flow.”

And: “Have some faith that larger forces are at work in your life. It may be hard for you to place your trust in the universe when it feels like you need to go for something (or someone) more tangible, but be assured that it's all coming together behind the scenes. The right answer should appear at just the right time -- all you have to do is make sure you recognize it and act at the right time.”

And finally: “You are like the snake rising out of the basket today, Nancy. You have the ability to be quite sneaky, and also quite entertaining. The jokes will be non-stop, and other people will be tremendously amused by your sense of humor. Let yourself shine. You may find that a bit of conflict crops up at certain times during the day. Try to shake it off and not make such a big deal out of small issues.”

Challenges, challenges and more challenges. Now that the deal is done, the game has changed. I was told yesterday that the year’s salary that was promised is not to be considered severance, but rather as a payment ahead of a year’s salary. What does this mean? Well, according to one executive, it means that I am still employed. Things will slow down in a few weeks, to the point that I will not need to work five days a week, and when I mentioned that I would prefer to work Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, that seemed to be okay. The executive told me that he was working on some new business, and of course, could not guaranty when that would blossom, but in the mean time, we were keeping the office space and continuing to work a bit, although most likely things will be slow for the Summer. The executive told me that I needed to speak to my own boss to get the particulars. I spoke to my own boss later yesterday afternoon, and received even more bad news. Despite the fact that I keep mentioning Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and telling everyone that I have things planned in Cape May for Friday through Monday, he is talking about working Monday afternoon to Friday morning. That puts a major crimp on what I am trying to accomplish in Cape May. He also does not want to give me my year’s salary in one lump sum payment, but rather wants to pay me each week and deduct the week’s pay from the full amount. I am very, very uneasy about this, more so since I went home last night and talked to Bob. Bob is very afraid that I am going to end up getting screwed out of my year’s pay, on top of having to change all plans because the ending of the company that was sold has been changed.

Every single bit of divination information for today is telling me to trust that things will be fine for me. Every bit of divination information is telling me to go with the flow for now, and to **not** allow despair to control my visualizations, my expectations, and my feelings. I am once again being told to use the current flows of energy to my own advantage. And so, that is what I am going to attempt to accomplish.

My first effort is going to be to finish painting the woodwork in the back room, so that I can begin to offer Thai Massage and exercise classes there as soon as possible. I am going to do my best to make certain that I am working on Tuesdays through Thursdays, and I am going to do my best to fill the rest of the time with my own things (including evenings during the week). I also need to calm Bob down, for he is still very, very upset and feels very, very betrayed on my behalf. This conflict/challenge may have a positive side effect, if it ends up pushing Bob to begin communicating with me again.

I am going to take the high road, I am going to assume that my boss will be ethical and do the right thing, and I am going to use my Voice (both my Inner Voice and my actual Voice) to achieve my highest good, with harm to none and in particular, no harm to me.

**deep, calming breath**


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