Seven of Cups/Queen of Swords reversed. The Seven of Cups card corresponds to the sephiroth Netzach (the stimulating factors of emotion and inspiration) by offering choices, choices that can only be effectively made if we stop and carefully assess each choice. The Queens all correspond to the sephiroth Binah, which is the origin of all structure and form; she **is** her suit rather than **does** her suit. She is Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts) of Air (hot/separates and wet/adapts), and the Cups card is also related to Water. In an upright position, this Queen would have the ability to make the choices presented in the Seven of Cups. Since she is reversed, I am being told that while many choices may appear to me, today is not a day to make final decisions. Research each choice for sure; after all, even though I am not connecting with her energies, that Queen is in my card throw for the day, but no final choices today.
My Thoth card is the Nine of Disks reversed. Hmmmm . . . the “Gain” card reversed. In an upright position, this card corresponds with Venus (beauty, pleasure, allure) in Virgo (“I serve,” practical, service oriented, critical), and the sephiroth Yesod (the Treasure House of Images, patterns that should lead to a final manifestation). It is about feeling satisfaction for a job well done, but because it is reversed, I am being told that it is not yet time to rest on my laurels.
My Legacy card is the Five of Coins. I had this card on Thursday; it tells me that I may be worrying about what appears to be a time with limited physical resources. However, I am reminded that I do not need to feel that the effects of this card are out of my control. I can prepare for this and lessen the effects of material neediness by tightening my belt and simplifying my life. There is a light shining, I just need to turn around and look in an unexpected place, and I will find it.
My 6-digit date number is 5, the number of movement that upsets stability in order to prevent stagnation.
When I first began living as a Wiccan, my focus was probably 90% on my physical experiences and 10% on my astral or spiritual experiences. Now, things have gone almost to the opposite. My days are pretty much 75% focused on my astral or spiritual effects and my personal energy field, and maybe 25% on the operation of my physical body and the interactions of the physical world. Perhaps all of the illnesses and aches and pains I have been experiencing in my physical body these past months are due to this imbalance. Perhaps I need to focus on bringing a connection or bridge from the astral and spiritual focuses into the physical so that there are two-way interactions.
Wait . . . this sounds familiar. There is a term within the Phases of psychological alchemy, that means “spiritualization.” Citrinitas [or citrinatis], sometimes referred to as xanthosis, is a term given by 15th- and 16th-century alchemists to “yellowness.” It was one of the four major stages of the alchemical opus, and literally referred to “transmutation of silver into gold” or “yellowing of the lunar consciousness.” In alchemical philosophy, citrinitas stood for the dawning of the “solar light” inherent in one's being, and that the reflective “lunar or soul light” was no longer necessary. The other three alchemical stages were nigredo (blackness), albedo (whiteness), and rubedo (redness). [my emphasis added]
Wow. Once again, I have read these words and logically understood what was being describe, but now, now I have personally experienced this process, or at least I am beginning to understand it. Aha! This is what I have been feeling, that sense that soooooooo much of who I am is completely experiential and really not easily described to others. **smile** I guess I will have something to think about today.
We had a Sacred Mists Reiki Share this morning, with our Earth as a recipient in honor of Earth Day. I really love Reiki Shares! This time, for the initial part of the Share I opened myself to the flow of Reiki and then opened my chakras. To my surprise, my Elemental Guides appeared. My Earth Guide reminded me that the energy of Earth is our tether that anchors our life force to our physical bodies. My Water Guide reminded me that I am who I am because of those incarnations who came before this one (each of whom loved and cried and lived, creating a foundation for this life), and I should love myself because I am a unique physical vehicle ~and~ a deep and wonderfully textured life force. My Fire Guide reminded me that my life does not ever stand still, and I am always “becoming” and evolving and transforming, whether I realize it (and thus to some extent control the processes) or not. My Air Guide reminded me that I have the choice to be Aware, and thus to encourage and to some extent direct my growth and evolution, and thus benefit from every single experience within this lifetime.
As the time came to shift the flow of Reiki from the Share to the Earth, I saw our world from outer space: a heartbreakingly beautiful blue and green and brown and white orb. I gently cupped my hands around the Earth and allowed the Reiki to flow. How sad it is that if I were to bring my awareness closer to this lovely world, I would find in-fighting and back-stabbing; humanity as a whole does not appreciate the incredible gift that our Earth is. For a short time I wondered if our small effort would make a difference at all. But then I heard a soft voice telling me: “Yes, your effort makes a difference. The difference is not so much manifested onto and into that lovely sphere cradled in your hands; the difference is in **you** and the depth of **your** connection to that world. For your reverence and your awe will spread, little by little. Remember, even the hugest of avalanches, completely changing everything in its path, is made of tiny snowflakes connected together. Who would ever think that a tiny, fragile flake of frozen water crystals could have that kind of power?”
As I separated myself from the Share, I was filled with that now-expected sense of well-being, of being alive. The sun is shining, and the sky is blue, and I am going for a walk before heading off to work.
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