Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ace of Swords reversed/The Hierophant. The Ace of Swords is a card that indicates the potential for mental focus and stimulating communication; it is associated with Air (hot/separates and wet/adapts) and the astrological signs connected with Winter (Capricorn, “I build” and ambition, Aquarius, “I know” and the group, and Pisces, “I believe” and spirituality). The Hierophant is associated with Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes), Taurus (“I have,” sensual, cautious) and Vau, the nail. In some ways these cards balance each other and in some ways they contradict each other. The Hierophant is about tradition and belief, and to a large extent those two concepts are supported by the mind and the intellect, and yet I am being told that I am being prevented from (or should prevent myself from) accessing my intellect. In some ways, the suit of Swords tells of challenges that bring growth, and since I am coming out of just such a time, perhaps I am being told that the challenges are passing and I will finally be able to integrate my growth with my spiritual beliefs.

My Thoth card is the Eight of Disks reversed. No “Prudence” today! In an upright position this card tells of the strength to be gained by doing nothing. Once a farmer sows his seeds, he needs to wait for the crops to mature before taking the next step. Apparently, my waiting time is just about over.

My Legacy card is the Two of Cups. I love Marchetti’s thoughts on this card. He sees this Two as representing our reflection in the eyes of one who loves us. Today I am to think of love, and I am to think of those who love me. Okay, I can do that.

My New Moon Pearls of Wisdom Card is The High Priestess. My significator card, and within the Pearls of Wisdom this card tells of the wisdom that is derived from the perilous and difficult journey that ends with the understanding of the Inner Self.

My 6-digit date number is 11 (Uriel), which reduces to 2, the number of “distance between” and initial manifestation.

My horoscope: “If you aren't careful, there's a strong possibility that you'll overindulge today, Sagittarius. Your career frustrations may manifest in the form of overeating, excess drinking, or reckless spending. These are just symptoms masking the real problem. If you can take some time to meditate, you'll calm your nerves and reveal the root of your frustration. Once you have the facts, it will be easier to devise an effective solution.”

I talked to Bob last night, telling him that I really would love to figure out a way that I can be my own boss. I just might have an opportunity coming up to really give this a try, and he supports me on this, although not in an open-ended fashion. And I understand completely; we do have a minimum amount of money that we need coming in. But my cards are telling me that this may be the right time to give being my own boss a try.

The Pagan Brain Trust did our first Reiki Share while everyone was in our chat room; I am blown away! I could sense and see clearly each person’s face, and feel each person’s energy, and my hands have not gotten that hot while sending Reiki in a long time. At the end of the 15 minute period of the Share, I drew my arms into my chest and hugged myself, and I began to tingle and pulse. Awesome!! J telephoned me right after the Share had completed, to describe her experiences. She ended up seeing the internet as a huge dragon, with scales that were computer screens. The internet as a dragon; that visualization really resonates! We are getting together tonight in Wayne, and I am pretty excited to talk about this some more. I sense another aha! moment!

I posted my first essay on the Sacred Mists Blog! Coincidentally, it is about Reiki; here is a link: I have been invited to submit more essays, and I am very excited about this. I admire the Blog’s content, and I am thrilled to be a contributing author. Another important step in my spiritual growth, thanks to Lady Raven and Sacred Mists.

I am finally feeling back to my healthy self again, physically. My discomfort issues of the past weekend are almost gone, and I am back to stretching in the morning. Tomorrow, I will resume my morning Yoga poses as well.

I feel a bit different today, more confident and more focused. I feel like I have a good grasp of both the things that have happened to me in the past few weeks and the benefits or potential benefits to be derived from them. The White Phase is progressing nicely.


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