Well, I guess I missed something in my interpretation of the II of Swords yesterday, because despite a thorough shuffle and cutting of the deck, that is my first card again today. Time to look a bit closer.
The II of Swords shows two crossed Swords with tips pointed downward. At first glance the Swords appear identical but they are not; their handles are different and the blades are embossed with patterns, again appearing the same but actually slightly different. Immediately below the handles, the Swords are intact, but in the area where they cross and below, the swords are crumbling apart. The piece of paper containing the message is shredded, not crinkled (as I stated yesterday), looking like it was clawed. The keywords again for this card are blocked off, refusal, avoidance, and stuck.
The image on the True Black VI of Pentacles shows three golden coins resting on a platform of woven vines; below the three golden coins are three other coins, also laced into the vines but in the shadow created by the three golden coins. These darker coins lack the glowing illumination of the golden coins, not pretty at all. Above the golden coins are a golden scepter (a symbol of authority) and a hard-cover book open so we can see writing on the pages (a symbol of knowledge). The keywords for this card are inequality, domination, appraisal, and contrast.
Arthur's description of the II of Swords specifically states that whatever the card is referring to requires action of some kind, even if I am uncomfortable about taking that action. The two Swords are wearing each other down without accomplishing anything, telling me that refusing to choose action of some kind is the worst choice of all. Resolution is needed, and procrastinating will cause things to disintegrate beyond repair. Today's companion to my II of Swords is focused on the physical world (rather than the enthusiasm and warmth of yesterday's Queen of Wands), and one of the things the VI of Pentacles refers to is resources and the managing of those resources. Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin, but that does not always create situations of balance or equality. Abundance can be a tool of extremes, allowing someone to control a situation and dominate an issue unfairly, or allowing someone to help offer equity to those who are lacking. Receiving assistance at a time of need can be empowering and life-changing, or it could serve to lessen a person's sense of worth, beating them down even further.
There are things to ponder here. That II of Swords could be warning me that I am not seeing the reality of something and thus I am unable to determine the appropriate action to take, an action that will affect others in some way, especially if I don't take that action. Perhaps I am being told to not expect the harvest to resemble the investment, or to remember that while mine is the hand that gives or takes, I am doing so in the name of others. Either way there is something being missed. No matter what, action needs to be taken and the concepts of authority and knowledge are involved; perhaps they are the names of the two Swords, and neither one is supposed to win outright.
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