Monday, November 29, 2021

November 29, 2021: The Magician and the VII of Pentacles

Gotta love repeat cards!

The Magician card has such a powerful image! It shows a man with a beard in a hooded robe; the shadow of the hood blocks his eyes so we cannot see if he is looking at us, or if his eyes are closed.  Behind him is a dark horizon; the sky behind the horizon is lit with orange smoke and steam and sparks, as if a conflagration was burning just out of sight.  Silhouettes of wands and swords grounded in the dark earth surround him, and above him is a golden lemniscate or infinity symbol, representing infinite quantity.  The Magician's arms are raised with elbows facing out; his thumbs meet just below his throat and his fingers are arranged in the same mudra as traditionally seen in The Hierophant card except the fingers of his right hand are pointing downward with palm facing in and the fingers of his left hand are pointing upward with palm out.  Behind and above him is part of a sky map of the Southern Hemisphere.  The keywords for this card are creation, manifestation, power, and will.

The VII of Pentacles is a pretty card.  Its image shows six gold coins on one side of a scale and a list of tasks on the other side; that list of tasks is just a bit heavier than the gold coins.  Below the coin side of the scale is some unharvested wheat; below the task list are Lily of the Valley in bloom.  In front of them all is a large gold coin, partially buried in the soil.  The keywords for this card are reward, evaluation, rest, and pride.

As stated elsewhere in this blog, The Magician is a personally significant card for me, and when he shows up I am usually being told to make use of my skills, my connection to the elements and Nature, and my connection to Deity in order to get something manifested.  It not only takes knowledge, skills and connections to wield this power, but also concentration and the ability to focus.  The glowing orb at The Magician's heart is surrounded by orbs and sparkles, and combined with the other symbols of this card, urge me to understand the workings of my world in order to access its powers.  Because of the manner in which I was gifted this card, I am also being reminded that confidence can be the ribbon that ties all these other effects together.  

The VII of Pentacles is the perfect grounding card to go with The Magician.  This card is about pausing in order to evaluate how much progress has been made, and resting in order to prepare for the next step, whatever that may be. I am reminded by the partly buried coin and the To-Do list that I should make certain the T's are crossed and the I's are dotted before I decide whether or not what I have done is enough. Wheat is a symbol of fertility, harvest, the basic necessities of life, and life itself, and Lily of the Valley, representing good luck, prosperity, humility, protection, and trustworthiness, is said to attract happiness.  These symbols tell me that this VII of Pentacles is a positive omen, especially if it can keep my Magician grounded, focused, realistic, and conscious of consequences.  

Sunday, November 28, 2021

November 28, 2021: The Moon and the Page of Pentacles

The True Black Moon card has the most intriguing image that begs a second glance.  A large crescent Moon is acting as a conduit for a strong flow of water.  Below and in front of the crescent is a woman, seated with her left leg crossed over her right and lit dramatically from above.  One hand holds her long hair back so she can gaze downward unimpeded and the other hand reaches down toward a glass bowl on a three-legged stand at her feet; that bowl contains still water, in which we can see a reflection of her hand.  Above the large crescent, ominously gesturing over the whole image, is a large hand.  The keywords for this card are intuition, psychic, fear, and illusion. 

We have seen the Page of Pentacles before.  The image on this card shows a powerful-looking woman with very short hair pulling herself up into an overgrown canopy of vines so she can reach a golden coin, fruit of the vines above her.  The keywords for this card are physical, earthly, initiative, and practical.  

The Moon is such a powerful card.  It represents the archetype of dreams, instincts, and the anima; all very powerful effects that are internally experienced and that are difficult to be proven to exist through physical-world measuring devices.  Our Moon revolves around our planet in a synchronous rotation, always showing the same face and hiding the features found on the dark side.  Because our Moon is actually reflecting sunlight, its appearance changes as it passes through regular phases in the night sky.  Occasionally, our moon passes through the shadow of the Earth and out of the light of the Sun, causing it to change color and appearance drastically, albeit temporarily.  This reflective action also causes our Moon to appear creamy white when its surface is actually dark.  Our Moon controls the tides of our oceans, and occasionally it completely blocks the light of the Sun for a few dramatic moments.  All of these traits of our own satellite and its effects on our world also apply to the energies of The Moon, and the ever-changing dreams, visions and manifestations this card brings.

Illusion is powerful; it can be a creative catalyst or it can be our downfall.  It can convince a person that something is true and valid when actually the believed-in effect is being created in the mind.  This is neutral, neither good nor bad; it is what we do with that mental belief that matters. The image on the card tells me this, for if I look closely, I will see that ominous hand above the flowing water is actually the same hand that is reaching for the bowl of water at the feet of the woman.  The placebo effect is a perfect example of the power of belief and its ability to encourage a beneficial health outcome.  Humanity's recent embrace of conspiracy theories is an example of the harmful effects of the power of belief.  For me, the True Black card is shining light on the power to be had through viewing things in a different light and through visualizing in detail a desired outcome.  There is energy to be had, energy whose ebb and flow can be controlled in part by how I view things.  Is the glass half full or half empty?  Both are true.

My Page of Pentacles is encouraging me to find the focus within me that will allow me to control that ebb and flow.  She is showing me that I can accomplish this with my own body by pursuing a new understanding of my own power, through physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual efforts.  She tells me I can literally lift myself up by applying muscle power, so the fact that the shining gold coin appears out of reach is actually an illusion.  It turns out that I can reach it after all.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

November 27, 2021: II of Swords and VI of Pentacles

Well, I guess I missed something in my interpretation of the II of Swords yesterday, because despite a thorough shuffle and cutting of the deck, that is my first card again today.  Time to look a bit closer.

The II of Swords shows two crossed Swords with tips pointed downward.  At first glance the Swords appear identical but they are not; their handles are different and the blades are embossed with patterns, again appearing the same but actually slightly different.  Immediately below the handles, the Swords are intact, but in the area where they cross and below, the swords are crumbling apart.  The piece of paper containing the message is shredded, not crinkled (as I stated yesterday), looking like it was clawed.  The keywords again for this card are blocked off, refusal, avoidance, and stuck.

The image on the True Black VI of Pentacles shows three golden coins resting on a platform of woven vines; below the three golden coins are three other coins, also laced into the vines but in the shadow created by the three golden coins. These darker coins lack the glowing illumination of the golden coins, not pretty at all.  Above the golden coins are a golden scepter (a symbol of authority) and a hard-cover book open so we can see writing on the pages (a symbol of knowledge).  The keywords for this card are inequality, domination, appraisal, and contrast.  

Arthur's description of the II of Swords specifically states that whatever the card is referring to requires action of some kind, even if I am uncomfortable about taking that action.  The two Swords are wearing each other down without accomplishing anything, telling me that refusing to choose action of some kind is the worst choice of all.  Resolution is needed, and procrastinating will cause things to disintegrate beyond repair.  Today's companion to my II of Swords is focused on the physical world (rather than the enthusiasm and warmth of yesterday's Queen of Wands), and one of the things the VI of Pentacles refers to is resources and the managing of those resources.  Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin, but that does not always create situations of balance or equality.  Abundance can be a tool of extremes, allowing someone to control a situation and dominate an issue unfairly, or allowing someone to help offer equity to those who are lacking.  Receiving assistance at a time of need can be empowering and life-changing, or it could serve to lessen a person's sense of worth, beating them down even further. 

There are things to ponder here.  That II of Swords could be warning me that I am not seeing the reality of something and thus I am unable to determine the appropriate action to take, an action that will affect others in some way, especially if I don't take that action. Perhaps I am being told to not expect the harvest to resemble the investment, or to remember that while mine is the hand that gives or takes, I am doing so in the name of others.  Either way there is something being missed.   No matter what, action needs to be taken and the concepts of authority and knowledge are involved; perhaps they are the names of the two Swords, and neither one is supposed to win outright.

Friday, November 26, 2021

November 26, 2021: II of Swords and Queen of Wands

Back to reality after the Thanksgiving holiday, and as expected, the True Black Tarot has given me some good advice to ponder.

The image on the II of Swords shows two crossed Swords, both tips pointed downward and beginning to disintegrate.  Between them is a paper containing a message of some sort; it is wrinkled and torn as if crumpled by its reader.  The keywords for this card are blocked off, refusal, avoidance, and stuck.

The True Black Queen of Wands is wearing a warm, golden dress, is crowned by golden peacock feathers, and holds a golden rose blossom in one hand and her staff of rank, emanating a golden light, in the other hand.  The keywords for this card are beautiful, empathic, confident, and optimistic.

These two cards may seem to be opposing in their message at first glance.  After all, the II of Swords tells of a mental closing out of the rest of the world, while the Queen of Wands is out in the world, adding her delightful fire and warmth to the things she loves to do and the people she loves to be with.  These two cards at this time, however, do offer a valuable message.  The holiday season is upon us.  Last year we were all locked away in order to protect ourselves from Covid. This year, we are vaccinated and once again have the opportunity to joyously reconnect with family members and loved ones.  Perhaps this reconnection might not be easy at first, perhaps we fear that we have lost the ability to be with other people.  The necessity of shutting out the world has been valid, but there comes a time when we must take the walls down.

I am a homebody.  I love where I live and I could easily become a recluse, particularly as the days become colder and windier.  I can easily come up with excuses to postpone getting out into the world until later tonight, tomorrow afternoon, next week, or next month.  The fact that my home is my peaceful place is awesome; I don't need to go anywhere in order to feel calm and joyful, to love life.  I also love to experience a true connection with someone, a connection based on caring and respect, and the excitement of learning something new.  I love shared experiences, enjoyed with people I love and respect.  These need to be accomplished by taking down the walls and choosing to get out into the world, for not choosing is also a choice (something this card is certainly representing).  The Queen of Wands is generally a positive omen, and her presence in my card throw today is encouraging me to step out of the solitude of the II of Swords, for love and loving relationships are the reason for the season.  

Thursday, November 25, 2021

November 25, 2021: Ace of Pentacles and Page of Pentacles

 Perfect throw for Thanksgiving Day!

The image on the True Black Ace of Pentacles shows a huge golden coin floating among vines laden with golden coins and above jagged golden mountain peaks.  Floating below the large glowing coin (and in the shadow of that coin) are a hammer and and axe.  The blades of both are behind the mountains.  The keywords for this card are wealth, stability, practicality, and working.

The Page of Pentacles image shows a powerful-looking girl with very short hair pulling herself up into an overgrown canopy of vines, reaching for a golden coin, fruit of the vines above her.  The keywords for this card are physical, earthly, initiative, and practical.

These two cards are a pleasant surprise for a day that is about gratitude (and this year, the day after my own Solar Return and the first day of the next solar year of my life).  I am being reminded of the many, many blessings I have in the physical world.  These blessings are in part things I am already experiencing, and perhaps the day after my Solar Return is a good day to think about what I have already achieved.  Gratitude is the word of the day, and I do have much to be thankful for.  I live in the best place ever, between an ocean and a bay, and I am surrounded by the plants and living creatures that inhabit those worlds.  I have a huge and beneficial practice with my physical and subtle body through yoga and energy work.  I try to challenge my mind all the time.  I have a deep connection to Deity and my Guides.

I am also being reminded that I am not done; what I have already achieved is a foundation to move onward, to move deeper.  There is so much potential to maintain the sense of well-being that fills me, and to grow my appreciation for the beauty of Nature that surrounds me, and at the same time be practical and aware of my responsibilities.  I have the ability to be detail-oriented, to follow bits of knowledge down the rabbit hole and come back out better than I was before.  I do need to learn how to be patient and allow things to happen on their own timeline, and I need to get better at thinking out of the box rather than allowing what I already know to shut me in.  This True Black Page uses her own strength to lift herself up so her goal is within reach; I have her confidence and strength and if I believe in myself, I can access them both.  I should see challenges and the unknown as exciting opportunities for new experiences, for what I have built should allow me to embrace those opportunities without fear.  

That potential in the physical world includes the potential to be more physically healthy.  Since the physical body is connected to the energy body, the emotional body, the mental body and the spiritual body, those too will benefit from my efforts to be healthy and active.  My love of learning will serve me well, for I am not intimidated by "not knowing," as long as I have the opportunity to learn.  My awe of Nature and of my interactions with Deity have only grown stronger with each year of my life.  Yes, I do have a lot to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

November 23, 2021: IV of Swords and VIII of Cups

Again, perfect cards for what I need today. 

The image on the True Black IV of Swords is of four beautiful floating blades that appear to have been created using the flint knapping process, each with a slightly different shaped blade, all with points grounded or aiming downward.  The center and largest blade floats over a glowing pond and golden water lily blooms.  The keywords for this card are resting, rejuvenating, preparing, and healing.

The True Black VIII of Cups is somewhat unique in this deck because it has so much light in the image.  This one shows a crevice in which a female octopus has laid her eggs.  The beautiful strands of eggs hanging from the ceiling of the crevice are golden and appear lit from above.  Below the eggs are bubbles of air, and one tiny baby octopus, the first hatchling to emerge.  The keywords for this card are discovery, journey, loneliness, and moving on.

The IV of Swords in this deck seems to be more about healing and resting after expending a lot of energy in preparation for a new effort. The whole sense of this card is of peace and solitude.  Yes, sometimes the quiet alone time is lonely, but sometimes that alone time is when we detach ourselves from the stresses of the mind (this is, after all, the suit that connects to the intellect and the workings of the mind) and recharge our batteries so that we can re-engage with our thoughts clear and energized.  The VIII of Cups of this deck is also a bit more optimistic than the usual images associated with this card.  The number 8 is about taking deliberate action in order to prevent stagnation, and the hatching of an egg happens at this exact moment.  It happens when the young has reached enough development to survive without the protection of the egg and when the yolk is no longer sufficient to support and feed the young.  In other words, if the egg did not hatch, degeneration would begin and the young would not survive.  I need to prepare, to be sure my mind, my body and my spirit are ready for new experience, and I need to release what has been protecting me from those experiences, acknowledging that protection was well done but no longer applies, in order to move forward into the unknown.  If I have healed and prepared sufficiently, I will have the ability to move forward, acknowledge the intimidation of the unknown, and wholeheartedly believe in the value of the choices I have made.

Monday, November 22, 2021

November 22, 2021: VIII of Pentacles and X of Wands

Oh what perfect cards for today!  The Hubs took me out for dinner last night to celebrate birthdays, and I have a touch of a hangover.  Not enough to debilitate me, but certainly enough to slow me down.  Let's dig in.

The image on the True Black VIII of Pentacles shows a worn and heavily-used hammer or metal mallet; the two faces of the hammer are red, as if the metal was super-hot because of excessive use.  Floating around the hammer are eight golden coins, each embossed with a part of a star map. This card tells of a person with hard-earned skills who is attentive to details and who has the patience to understand that things of worth are not created immediately.  They usually require a sustained effort in order to manifest.  This card is not just about physical efforts; it also represents the attainment of knowledge and a higher understanding of that knowledge; hence the star charts on the coins. Crowley named this card Prudence and described it as "intelligence lovingly applied to material matters." The keywords for this card are crafting, work, quality, and diligence.

The X of Wands shows a golden Hercules beetle; on his back is stacked ten sticks.  In the midst of those sticks is a smaller Hercules beetle, riding along with the sticks piled high and being carried by the larger beetle.  In the Minor Arcana, the number 10 cards represent the completion of a cycle of the entire suit, and since Wands represent the element of Fire, it is easy to understand what this card means: I have only to think about a campfire that has burned itself out.  No more flames, no more warmth, just smoke and a few embers.  The problem here is that while I feel out of gas (sorry for mixing metaphors), I have not yet reached my destination, so I need to keep moving onward.  The keywords for this card are overwhelmed, burdened, struggling, and near goal.

Yeah, I get the message for sure.  Today I am having trouble concentrating on even the simplest of tasks.  I am pushing forward, doing what needs to be done, but all I want to do is either go back to bed or sit in front of the fire with a book.  The day ahead seems eternal, stretching before me.  But I am being shown that the correct response is to continue working hard, diligently doing what needs to be done, no matter how overburdened I feel.  I am also being told that this day just might be about both progress and education.  If I can last through the day and suppress my need to give up and instead, push myself beyond what I believe I can endure, I will learn something: I will learn just how tough I am.  What I learn today may be of use to me tomorrow.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

November 21, 2021: The Magician and The Empress

 What a great pair to follow yesterday's throw!  I am trying real hard to not spend more time describing the images than interpreting the cards, but I keep getting lost in the symbolism.  **deep breath**  Okay.

The True Black Magician is awesome.  The image shows a man with a beard wearing a hooded robe. Behind him is a dark horizon lined with sparks, billows of smoke and steam, and orange light, as if a conflagration was burning just out of sight.  Silhouettes of Wands and Swords grounded in the earth are behind him  Above him is the lemniscate, used to represent an infinite quantity.  The Magician has his arms raised with thumbs meeting at his throat, with fingers in the same mudra as The Hierophant but with one hand pointing up with palm out and the other hand pointing down with palm in.  Below his hands and at heart level is a glowing orb of energy, seeming to emit sparks that look like stars and planets. Behind him is a part of a sky map of the Southern Hemisphere.

The Empress of this deck has an aura of feminine confidence to me.  She is lounging on a beautiful golden throne consisting of flowering plants and overgrown vines, with her knees together and pointed toward the viewer's right.  Her hair is the same color as her throne.  Her body posture is relaxed and sensually aware of how good it feels to relax and enjoy the pleasures of her physical senses.  Her right hand is beginning to pull the white tunic she wears off of her shoulder, allowing her fingers to trail against her skin; her left hand cradles a golden, perfectly ripe melon, a symbol of mothering and birth.  Behind her head is a diagram of the hormone Oxytocin.

The Magician is a personally significant card for me, and having him show up today, after beginning to work with this powerful deck and after yesterday's cards, is meaningful.  His keywords in this deck are creation, manifestation, power and will.  He is all about being a bridge or conduit between the Earthly energies and effects, and the powers of the Divine.  His intellect, wisdom, and honed skills allow him to not only open himself to the flow of those energies, but also to use them to manifest his own will.  The Magician makes things happen in a hands-on way because he has experience with the use of secret knowledge and a strong connection to his own intellect, and he tends to be oblivious of the constrictions of the concepts of normal rules and accepted behavior.  In a sense, he has achieved the ability to work with the potential of the Aces of the Minor Arcana.  Indeed, one interpretation of that infinity symbol is of a potential infinity, rather than an actual infinite quantity.  He focuses outward to grasp the needed tools, but then he brings his focus inward in order to infuse those effects and powers with his own needs and then manifests them.

Pairing The Magician with the True Black Empress is such an interesting concept.  He is all about power and the owning and using of power, and she is all about pleasure, the pleasure that comes from lush materials, intense sex, a loving embrace, and the release that comes from laughter.  The Empress is surrounded with bounty, both the fruits of a fertile earth and the sense of home and health and well-being that cannot be purchased with any coin.  The Empress also understands that gratitude and sharing are both an integral part of the pleasures she offers.  Yes, she is fertility personified, but that fertility only works when it is shared, not guarded jealously.  Her keywords are mothering, riches, pleasure and sexuality.  Oxytocin is a hormone that is released into the blood in response to sexual activity, physical embraces, and birth labor, and it plays a role in social bonding, the feelings of empathy and generosity, and reproduction.  

There is a message here for me, and it is empowering.  The Magician reminds me that I have survived the extremes of the energies and powers of the physical world, survived alone and made my own decisions that allowed me to benefit from and learn from the experience.  The Empress reminds me that my inner sense of rightness and purpose (and the pleasure that comes from that inner sense) can be applied in many different ways in order to create a more fulfilling tomorrow.  The Empress is reminding The Magician that power, knowledge and skill are empty without connections, enjoyment and a grateful awareness of the bounties offered by the Earth.  Yes, The Magician can connect the powers of the elements with the powers of the Divine, but The Empress can access the power of transformation and creativity that is inherent within Nature and manifest that power in the physical world.  In a way, the workings of The Magician might be only an imitation of that transformative and creative natural manifestation of Deity that is Nature.

Hmmmm . . .

Saturday, November 20, 2021

November 20, 2021: The Tower and the Queen of Cups

 Welcome to the True Black Tarot!  This deck is amazing, high end, exquisite to see and touch, but my favorite thing about this deck is the way the cards speak to each other.  Let's get started!  As usual, I will throw two cards; for now, as I get to know this deck, I will not be interpreting reversals.

My two cards are The Tower and the Queen of Cups.  Now that is an interesting start.  The True Black Tower shows a figure that is literally cracking apart, as if made from porcelain. I cannot tell for sure if this figure is male or female (one of the nice things about the images on these cards is that many are somewhat gender-neutral) but Arthur uses the pronoun "she" in the card description, so I will go with that.  She is holding a glowing sphere (which is also cracked) between her palms. Floating next to her on the left is a crown and on the right is a flower blossom; both are cracked in half. Behind her are vines heavy with grapes, and at her feet is a fox.  Behind her head and somewhat hidden in the darkness is a large eye.

The Queen of Cups is standing in profile to the viewer, her hair flowing around her as if she was immersed in water; she is wearing a ribbon around her neck, and the ends of the ribbon are also floating.  She holds a clear glass cup in one hand, with her other hand over the cup, creating golden angelfish after angelfish.  They float upward, circling over her head and creating her golden crown.  Above the crown floats an oracle ball; at her feet are two koi fish, one black and one white.

The shattered figure on The Tower really personifies the sudden and violent change that this card signifies.  She is vivisected by a large crack, one knee is cracked, both elbows and one shoulder are cracked, and one eye socket is shattered.  Whatever has happened to her has been uncomfortable at the very least, and more likely life-changing.  The grapes and fox are a homage to a parable in which a fox tries to jump up and grab the ripe and juicy grapes hanging just out of reach and when he fails, declares that the grapes are sour and he doesn't want them anyway.  Arthur describes this as cognitive dissonance, which is defined as the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs or attitudes, especially relating to behavioral decisions and attitude changes. The danger is that you will adjust your beliefs to the point that you are not connected to reality, and will hasten a sudden and chaotic adjustment because of this.  The Tower is not always a bad card, at least in the long term.  After all, in order to build a home on raw land, a builder must first clear the land, destroying what is currently there. The keywords for The Tower are change, cataclysm, danger and epiphany.  Yes, there is danger when dealing with The Tower and the lack of power and control over the situation can be frightening, but sometimes the shattering of what is currently in place clears space for something new.  We just need to keep our eyes open so that we can learn from our mistakes.

The True Black Queen of Cups seems gentle and warm and nurturing.  Indeed, nurturing is one of her keywords, along with intuitive, understanding, and tender.  She gently creates the tiny golden angelfish through her own giving and selfless love, and they manifest that love, following her to be near.  The oracle ball above her head reminds us that the element of Water is also about dreams and visions, and the image on this card does have a dreamy feel to it.  The two koi circling at her feet symbolize the balance of the dark depths of the deep water along with the sparkling glimmers of a fountain in the sun, balanced in harmony within the energies of this lovely Queen.

Yes, sometimes we need to destroy in order to create.  Perhaps I am being warned today that I need to keep my eyes open and my senses alert, for even if things crumble around me, I can make lemonade from lemons by learning from the experience.  I must do this through love, not through anger or resentment, and be grateful for the opportunity to create something new.  The reward for enduring through the discomfort and fear could very well be an epiphany.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

New Tarot Deck coming soon!!

 I finally ordered the True Black Tarot, and I can't wait to start delving into this one.  I will begin posting again once I receive the deck.  Soon!!