My Inner Focus card for today is the 2 of Chalices. The image on this card shows a naked couple on a rumpled bed in a well-lit room, with an orange curtain pulled back in the foreground and what looks like either a screen or a prie-dieu embossed with an image of the Mother and Child in the background. The man is laying on his back with his knees bent and his feet on the bed, lifting his hips to thrust deeper into the woman, who is astride his hips with her head tilted back and her hands on her head, back arched, as she experiences pleasure. Both have their eyes closed and their mouths open as they cry out with pleasure. He is gripping the covers, and she is moving enthusiastically. The key phrase for this card is: a couple experiencing ecstasy and passion during an idyllic moment.
My Outer Focus card is XIII Death. The image on this card shows a woman on her hands and knees and facing away from the viewer, looking down at a skull that is partially buried in the ground in a field of golden grain. She has her dress around her waist, with her breasts and hips and buttocks bare, but she is still wearing her thigh-high stockings. Just past her shoulder is a scythe; we cannot see if it is impaled in the ground (with blade up), or if she is holding it. In the background is the hooded figure of Death, approaching her through the golden grain. In the foreground of the image are dead branches with a bit of new growth and tiny white and yellow flowers. The key phrases for this card are: it is best to not turn down joy because of shyness or a fear of something new, for time passes, and let go of the past.
The image on the Decameron 2 of Chalices is erotic, elemental and earthy. These two feel comfortable around each other, comfortable enough to release inhibitions and enjoy each other. These idyllic moments are a gift, whether they end up just being a moment of pleasure that allows us to forget for a bit the things that worry us, or whether they are the initial moments in a deeper and more lasting relationship. They don't have to have a deeper meaning in order to please us, but after all, the 2 cards of the Minor Arcana are about the possibility of building on the potential presented by the Ace, so the possibility of a more lasting relationship is there.
I've never been afraid of the Death card. Well, let me clarify that: I don't usually see this card as meaning actual physical death, although actual physical death is a good metaphor for the meaning of this card. After all, death is a one-way trip through a gateway into a different reality. Once you pass through that gateway, you can't go back to the way things were before. You are changed, permanently. You also do not know what is beyond that gateway, or whether it will be better or worse once you pass through. It is definitely a "risk everything" kind of a situation, even if we are willingly passing through the gateway.
Perhaps the message here is to enjoy those idyllic moments and even allow them to nudge us to a happier place. Even of the moment is only temporary, we can remember it with pleasure and allow that little mental vacation to make us happier or more at peace now. Perhaps another message is that if we allow the possibility of that idyllic moment to pass us by because we are too busy to indulge right now, we won't ever have that opportunity again.
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