My Dreams of Gaia card for today is the Two of Fire reversed, and oh boy, does this make sense. The keywords for this card are power sharing, mentorship, partnerships, equality, teamwork, mutual interests, ambition, and control. The card in an upright position represents power sharing, teamwork, and manifesting goals by working together. My card is reversed, and the connection with this day is obvious. The reversed meaning is an unequal power exchange or a struggle to have power over another.
The election has ended in a frightening way. To me, both candidates are flawed. The Democratic candidate blurs the lines between ethical behavior and privacy, sometimes to the point of paranoia. The Republican candidate is a xenophobic, misogynistic, bigoted loudmouth who is empty of ethics and unable to filter the words that come out of his mouth. And yes, the Republican won the election. I am actually frightened. I am a woman who demands control over her own health care and who chooses to manifest her sexuality in her own way without tolerating patriarchy or glorifying sexual assault. My son and stepson are gay, and a good friend of mine is trans. I practice a non-Abrahamic, non-monotheistic religion. And I feel fear. I can’t imagine how Muslim Americans feel today. Unequal power exchange? Ya think?
I do have hope, though. Our democracy has lasted for over 240 years, through revolution, civil war, two world wars, and multiple armed conflicts. It has survived scandals and upheavals. In fact, our democracy has grown and evolved through these tests, and become even better. It can survive this, too. I just don’t know how well I will do.
I need to remember that while my Two of Fire is reversed, it is there. That means the cooperation and power sharing represented by the upright card can be manifested. I will shield myself, and I will do my best to manifest good things around me.
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