September 19, 2016:
My Dreams of Gaia card today is the Eleven of Earth reversed,
which is titled Heaven/Earth. The Court Cards of this deck are a bit different
from a traditional Tarot. There is
a King and a Queen for each suit in the fourteen and thirteen positions, a
“specialist” card (for lack of a better term) in the twelve position, and there
is a balance and realignment card in the eleven position. Which actually is a good idea. The keywords for the Eleven of Earth
are above, below, nature, humanity, magick, mundane, material and
immaterial. This card is reminding
me that I am a spiritual being that is inhabiting a physical vehicle, and one
of the jobs I have is to balance those two opposing natures in order to grow
and evolve, and to experience life and living. The Eleven of Earth is reminding me that Deity, whether named
Goddess/God or the Higher Self, is real.
This card also reminds me that the essence of Deity is all around me and
infused into everything on and in my world. Everything is connected, and humans can’t survive without
nature. Both the upright and the reversed
card hints at an imbalance and tells me I need to address the relationship
within me between spirit and earth because they are both important.
Here is that concept of Above/Below again. This concept of Deity being in
everything around me is one I have explored in the past. To me, Deity is in every life essence,
and every life essence is a reflection of Deity. An imperfect reflection for sure, as the “mirror” that is
the physical world is not perfect, but a reflection just the same. All life on our world is created in the
image of Deity.
Here is a bit of information about the star Aldebaran from
Wikipedia: Aldebaran, also known as Alpha Tauri, is an orange giant star
located about 65 light years from the Sun in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.
It is the brightest star in its constellation and usually the fourteenth
brightest star in the nighttime sky, though it varies slowly in brightness
between magnitude 0.75 and 0.95. It is likely that Aldebaran hosts a planet
several times the size of Jupiter.
Aldebaran is one of the easiest stars to find in the night sky for two
reasons: its brightness, and its location in relation to Orion’s belt. Following the three stars of Orion's
belt from left to right (in the Northern Hemisphere) or right to left (in the
Southern) and continuing the line, the first bright star found is
Aldebaran is close enough to the ecliptic to be occulted by
the Moon (near the fall equinox). There have been a series of these
occultations beginning in January, 2015 and continuing to September, 2018. Each event is visible from a different
location on Earth, but always in the northern hemisphere or close to the
In 2015 a study showed stable long-term evidence for a
planetary companion. The planetary
exploration probe Pioneer 10 is currently heading in the general direction of
the star and should make its closest approach in about two million years. LOL, I might miss that.
The name Aldebaran is from the Arabic for “The Follower,”
presumably as a hunter following prey (probably the prey was the star cluster
we call the Pleiades, which were often viewed as a flock of birds). Apparently several ancient
peoples associated the star with rain. The Wikipedia entry notes a Dakota Sioux
story in which Aldebaran was a star which had fallen to the Earth and whose
killing of a serpent led to the formation of the Mississippi River.
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