Sunday, September 18, 2016

August 15, 2016: Archangel Raphael

August 15, 2016: 

It has been a hot and humid couple of days, but I’ve not allowed temperatures in the mid to upper 90’s and humidity at 80% to stop me.  Yes, I’ve slowed down, and I’ve hydrated myself often, but I still spent two days immersed in my beloved garden.  All is well there, everything is holding up despite the burning sun. 

My Wild Unknown Tarot card is the Three of Wands; another Fire card.  The three Wands on this card create a triangle, point down.  Fertility, anyone?  That triangle is one of the symbols of the womb and the Chalice of the Goddess, and that is what this card brings to us.  The background of the card is pretty null, vertical lines with an off-white background, but the inside of the triangle is filled with beautiful rainbow colors, just like The Star of the Wild Unknown Major Arcana!  Here is creativity in a really supportive environment; here, in this symbol of potential, is a vision of what may be, what could be manifested tomorrow!  Exciting!  And the vision is right on the card, in that triangular portal to the future!

A bit about Archangel Raphael.  Raphael is the Archangel of Healing, full of compassion for people who are struggling physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.  But Archangel Raphael does not just heal humans; he also heals animals, and our world.  He is associated with compassion, joy and laughter.  People go to Raphael for assistance in overcoming addictions, in finding love, and for safe travels.  The symbol most associated with Raphael is the caduceus, and he is a patron to those in the medical professions, counselors, pharmacists, and patients, as well as to travelers, young people, and those in love. 

Archangel Raphael appears in the Book of Enoch.  Once the Fallen Angels are removed from Earth, Yahweh asks Raphael to restore the Earth.  Raphael was given the assignment to preside over every suffering and affliction of humans, and he was given the power to heal the Earth of the maladies of mankind.  Islam sees Raphael as the angel who will announce judgment day; Raphael is seen as a master of music who is able to sing praises to God in many languages. 


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