Today I grabbed my Haindle
Tarot, and threw the Seven of Swords reversed and the Queen of Stones/Pentacles
reversed. Hmmm . . . are my cards
reversed because I haven’t picked up a Tarot deck in over a week, or because
the energies of the day are not readily available to me?
The Seven of
Swords (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Aquarius, “I
know,” friendships, cause-oriented, the group, aloofness) in an upright
position tells of the effort to maintain things as we want them, often through
the use of deception and without considering the wants or needs of others. Because this card is reversed, any
effort to maintain things as they are might be well-spent and prudent.
The Haindle
Seven of Swords has an interesting keyword: “Uselessness.” The LWB describes the keyword as “the
useless old men who arrange the world for their benefit,” and this makes
sense. Here are the rulers who
refuse to see that the world has evolved and moved on; if it worked in the
past, it ain’t broke so don’t fix it.
Reversed, this card tells of attempting to deal with uselessness.
The Queen of Pentacles
(cusp of Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, blundering, and
Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, caution, cunning, authoritative) in an upright
position is very good at sustaining the physical world, keeping things dry and
cozy and safe and orderly. She has
a “greatness of soul” and can easily manifest this greatness around her through the manifestation of her
visualizations, and help everyone, including herself, in the process. She is comfortable with all physical
world sensations and experiences, she understands the philosophies behind building and healing and
nurturing, and she is able to find beauty in all experiences. This Queen
represents Water of Earth, and represents a time when emotions support the
senses (or counteract them, since the card is reversed).
The Haindle
Queen of Stones is called the Mother of Stones, and is represented by the face
of Spider Woman and the web-like labyrinth of her thoughts. She is serene and confident when upright,
but reversed she indicates a difficulty in pausing in order to enjoy life.
It sounds as if
things might be a bit unsettled for me for a while. At least I am able to be aware that my brain is a bit
muddled, but that does not mean I will be able to clear the fog and find that
well-grounded yet versatile center.
Emotions, dreams and feelings won’t be any help, but perhaps building a
bit of aerobic Fire might be the ticket.
I’d better make sure I take my walk and make time for my personal
Yin/Flow Yoga practice!
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