Transparent Oracle Sunday!
25, Landscape:
Ocean (West). West is the direction of Water, and thus, of feelings and
emotions, relationships of all kinds, cleansing and healing, the wisdom
associated with natural endings, and the bubbling up of pure joy. Oceans are huge and magnificent; they
are considered the cradle of life.
They can be calm as glass, but beneath that smooth flat surface lurk
powerful predators. They can be
rough and deadly, yet if we travel down a short distance, all is quiet and
silent. The Ocean card is about
death and life, about destruction and creation; and amidst the chaos, healing
and purification.
56, Grail Hollows: The Cauldron
(Below). The direction of Below is not easily
associated with spirituality, yet it is a powerful symbol representing the
opportunity to create a strong foundation, and to connect to the tools and
powers of the Underworld. The
Grail Hollows are ancient treasures deeply connected to each of the four
elements, guarded throughout time by the Tuatha de Danaan. The Cauldron corresponds with the
element of Water, and thus, with feelings, emotions, intuition, nourishment and
healing, all necessary for the balance and harmony of the Self. Within Wicca, The Cauldron is also seen
as a representation of the Sacred Feminine, the Goddess, and Her fertile womb.
33, Element: Earth (North). Earth represents stable, material,
practical energies that are slow to change; its dignities are cold/binds and dry/shapes.
Earth is the element of form and substance; it is connected to physical health,
to material world security (and even wealth), and to our physical bodies and
physical senses, and the pleasures and pains they bring. Earth represents the fertile, nurturing
and serene side of Nature, and it represents the tangible end result of our
I then
stacked my cards and created my mandala.
Such a beautiful image! The
triangle of Earth appears superimposed onto The Cauldron, and everything is
surrounded by Ocean. Does that
Ocean fit into The Cauldron? Or
does The Cauldron float upon the Ocean?
Earth is below, cupping and cradling the Ocean, like that Cauldron! Feelings are important this week, and
they might be rough or they might be calm. In the end, those feelings will bring healing, balance and
harmony through dreams and visions, so I had better pay attention to what is
going on. I should not neglect my
physical body in the process. Form
and substance are as necessary as dreams and visions!
glorious weekend in my beloved garden.
I think I’m caught up now, and only need to do some maintenance. Woohoo!