Friday, November 28, 2014


The Magician/Ace of Wands. The Magician corresponds with Air (hot/separates and wet/adapts, and quick and animated energy which usually presents problems or challenges), Mercury (reason, intelligence, orderliness, communication), Beth (house; builder) and the Path between Binah (female, receptive energy and the origin of form and structure) and Kether (the source, limitless possibility).  The Magician works hard to perfect his abilities, to make use of those abilities in unexpected ways, and to focus and carry through to the end of a task (which is pretty important to him).  This card is personally significant to me, and since he represents the manifestation of tangible knowledge (and the ability to control that manifestation), he is offering me another way of viewing The Horned One and The Emperor, and even my reversed Hierophant.  The skills of The Magician were gifted to me after a particulary harrowing experience, so having this card appear is empowering, in an able-to-work-within-the-physical-world-to-my-own-benefit kind of way. The Ace of Wands (Leo, “I am,” passionate, dramatic, egotistical, Virgo, “I serve,” practical, analytical, sensible, orderly) tells of the initial emanation of enthusiasm or inspiration that could very well energize an entire process or project.  Lots of Fiery energy here, or at least lots of potential for that Fiery energy to manifest, handy for overcoming the physical inertia of the day after Thanksgiving.  These two are powerful, because the passion and enthusiasm and pleasure of the Ace of Wands are all the things that The Magician is looking to experience.

My Thoth cards are the Ace of Disks reversed and the Seven of Wands (“Valor”). Aces present potential only, and the Ace of Disks (Aries, “I want,” action oriented, assertive, competitive, Taurus, “I have,” sensual, cautious, stubborn, and Gemini, “I think,” curious, talkative, dual, social) tells of the presence of potential that is connected in some way to the physical world, and perhaps the physical world is where I can have the most impact today.  Crowley calls this card the root of the element of Earth, and thus it tells of all possibilities within that element, from the very best to the very worst, and since my Ace is reversed, I’m thinking that I won’t see much potential in the Earthy world today.  Too much fertilizer can be a danger. The Seven of Wands (Mars, action, spontaneity, aggression, drive, in Leo, “I am,” passionate, dramatic, natural leader, egotistical, selfish) reminds me that my own judgment is worth relying on, so I should have confidence in that judgment.  This card also reminds me to choose my projects carefully, and then stand by them until the end, because I just might be experiencing a test of some kind.  I love comparing this Seven to the Seven of Swords; such a difference between the two cards.  These two, the Ace and the Seven, kind of mirror the first two cards, eh?

My Legacy card is the Ten of Coins, flavored by The Empress.  Oooooh, niiiice! The Ten of Coins (Mercury, reason, intelligence, education, communication, in Virgo, “I serve,” practical, analytical, work and service oriented) represents the attainment of physical world wealth and bounty, usually achieved through the implementation of long-term plans, and the attempt to maintain the status quo.  The negative side of this card (yes, there is a negative side) is that if we pause too long to look at all the pretties, lethargy will take over, and all those good Coins will turn into a burden rather than a foundation, all ready to be used for new stuff.  Looks like I will be able to overcome my food coma today, and I already have been thinking about my many blessings and what I can create with them.  My Ten of Coins is being flavored with my Significator card, The Empress.  How is that for a big finish!! The Empress (which corresponds with Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes, and stable, material, practical energies that are slow to change), Venus (beauty, allure, pleasure, relationships), the Hebrew letter Daleth (door or womb) and the Path between Binah (female receptive energy and the origin of form and structure) and Chokmah on the Tree of Life (dynamic male energy and the origin of vital force and polarity)) is one half of the Major Arcana representation of the Sacred Feminine (along with The High Priestess), the half that is about creativity, fertility of all kinds, a deep connection to Nature and the nurturing of others, and an enjoyment of the senses. My Empress is not stern and analystical.  On the contrary, she is able to enjoy the pleasures of Nature and of her own body, and she is able to create a pleasing environment for all.  Ha!

My 6-digit date number is 8, the number that tells of a conscious and deliberate reaction to the pause and approach of degeneration of the 7, in order to preserve for a bit longer the balance and harmony of the number 6.

My horoscopes: “Witty, much? With the Moon in Aquarius, your communicative third house, you're on fire--and funny--making you in demand at parties or hanging out with pals. Yet as much as you want to engage with folks on an intellectual level, you can't escape a nagging feeling that something ain't right. The subtle disruption is courtesy of stern Saturn in Scorpio, your subconscious 12th house, forming a harsh square to la luna. Perhaps an old issue needs attention (and not the kind you can give via side-splitting banter). Instead of letting the undercurrent ruin your night, give yourself some solo time to process, figuring out what the emotional baggage is—and then giving it the heave ho.

And: “Peace and harmony is the regularly scheduled program for the day, but there is a good chance that this signal might be intercepted by a warring force with strong opinions and vindictive tendencies. Hold on to your hat, Nanci, and make sure you have your actions well aligned with your soul, or else you are apt to be thrown into the fire of a battle that has nothing to do with you.

 I can't believe I'm 60 years old.  I don't feel that old at all!  One change in me: I am thinking about the fact that this life is probably more than halfway over.  Barring accidents or devastating illnesses, I could have another 40 years to live, but when I think about how quickly the last 60 years have gone, I realize that is actually not that long.  I'm not being morbid here, however, I am renewing my vow to live in the now, and to truly experience every moment whether joyful or uncomfortable (and find a benefit, no matter what). 

This morning, as I sit here in a food coma after yesterday's Thanksgiving feast, I am grateful that my loved ones and I are able to create the lavish meal we had yesterday.  I am grateful that this morning I am able to sit with my coffee and remember the joys of the last few days. 

Our human world is transitioning, filled with people who are looking to coming changes with excitement (and yes, maybe a little fear of the unknown), and people who are devoting all their resources toward maintaining what we have now.  Of course, we "woo-woo" people know that clinging to what we have without allowing evolution will be a recipe for disaster. 

We are alive at such an exciting time, a time filled with the wonders of technology and the potentials for integrating that technology into a spiritually fulfilling life!  As this personally pivotal week comes to an end, I am turning my gaze forward, to the unknown that is tomorrow.


Thursday, November 27, 2014


The Star/The Emperor.  Wow!  Interesting combination. The Star (Air, hot/separates and wet/adapts; Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, cause-oriented, the group, aloofness; Tzaddi, fishhook; the Path between Malkuth, the physical world of action and outer, physical reality, and Netzach, the stimulating factors of emotion and inspiration) is the “good will to all” card, and while it can hint at some unexpected darkness, it also reminds us that things will turn out okay in the end.  The Star reminds us to have faith (and this card is indeed the embodiment of faith), for while it may seem to be the darkest night, the dawn is just beyond the horizon, and it is in the dark sky that Stars can really shine.  I think that last phrase is the important one for today, alongside the subtle nature of the energies of The Star.  The Emperor corresponds with Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes, and spontaneous, impulsive, energetic change), Aries (“I want,” action oriented, assertive, competitive) and the Hebrew letter Heh (window, illumination), represents confidence, authority, and the archetype of the Father.  The Emperor instills balance, form and structure onto the fertility and creations of The Empress, an important task.  The Emperor says that the best way to make the day have a happy ending is to follow the rules, get things done on time, and encourage others to do the same, and he does his best to guide and protect others so they may do so.  This also makes sense to me.  Sometimes you have to be the big gorilla in the room, but with these combined energies perhaps I can manage to offer guidance in a good way, without being too serious about it.  After all, the day is not about war and conquest; it’s Thanksgiving!

My Thoth cards are the Prince of Swords reversed and the Two of Swords (“Peace”) reversed. The Princes of the Thoth Tarot are actually the Knights.  The Knight/Prince of Swords (the cusp of Taurus, “I have,” sensual, stubborn, cautious, and Gemini, “I think,” curious, talkative, dual, intelligent) is outspoken, assured, alert, and logical, as well as rude, domineering, critical and sarcastic.  His daring and courage are impressive, but he can also be disruptive, too.  Crowley describes this Knight/Prince as being full of ideas that tumble all over each other, not a good mindset for today.  This Prince can also be very political, but political discussions don’t work well at the dinner table. The Two of Swords (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation) in an upright position represents a time of not looking or of shutting out the world.  A bit of disconnect from the world can be helpful, but not today.  This card can also tell of the reconciliation of differences (hence the keyword of Peace), but today this kind of Peace could be stifling.  In a way, these two cards kind of oppose each other, even reversed.  I need a happy medium today, and I should remember that my analytical processes might tend towards extremes.

My Legacy card is the Seven of Wands reversed, flavored by Faith/The Hierophant. The Seven of Wands (Mars, action, spontaneity, aggression, drive, in Leo, “I am,” passionate, dramatic, natural leader, egotistical, selfish) in an upright position reminds me that my own judgment is worth relying on, so I should have confidence in that judgment.  This card also reminds me to choose my projects carefully, and then stand by them until the end.  The Legacy Seven of Wands has a personal message to me whether upright or reversed: a test is coming.  Because my card is reversed, I should be able to relax a bit at least for today, but I do need to keep in mind the fact that the card did appear.  My reversed Seven of Wands is being flavored by Faith/The Hierophant. Faith/The Hierophant corresponds with Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes), Taurus (“I have,” sensual, cautious, stubborn), Vau (the nail which holds tradition in place), and the Path between Chesed (the place where forms and structures are stabilized and nurtured), and Chokmah (dynamic male energy, the origin of vital force and polarity).  This card is an archetype of Spirit (with The Emperor as archetype of the Sacred Masculine, The Empress as archetype of the Sacred Feminine, and all three representing the supernal triad) that reminds us of the value of tradition, ritual and ceremony, and conforming to the rules and traditions with the aim of presenting the highest good of the group.  There is duty to be found in this card, as well as morality, and a suggestion that tradition should not be accepted blindly.  The Emperor is also a part of my throw today, and since The Star can be seen as a somewhat feminine card (as its manifestations are inner), the entire Triad of Sacred Essences is represented in my cards.  That means there is some good potential to be had.

Horoscopes: “Say what? Today, with communicator Mercury entering Sagittarius, your house of identity, you feel like saying everything--and then some. Sure, you could be making a lot of "I" statements over the next three weeks--and why not? This is your time to express your personal passions and goals. If you don't speak 'em out loud, how will they ever become a reality? Since your sign is already known for being, uh, blunt, do be careful about not overstepping people's boundaries with your strong opinions. The fun part of having something to say, after all, is having someone to say it to, Sag.

And: “You might want to consider taking a short trip today. Get out and travel. Perhaps you just need to get out of your house and across town. Whatever it is, introduce your brain to a new reality. It is time to expand and explore. Your mind is itching to see new things and experience new places, either physically or mentally. Perhaps a religious sanctuary or quiet place among a grove of trees is what you need to quench this inner thirst.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Eight of Wands reversed/Nine of Wands reversed.  Hmmm . . . a non-progression?  The Eight of Wands (Mercury, reason, intelligence, education, skill, communication, in Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, adventurous, blundering) is a card of action, of quick developments, and of pulling it all together so things can be completed.  The energies of this card are fast and strong and sudden, and while the dust will surely fly, the end result should be balance.  This one is kind of a Minor Arcana version of The Wheel, and because it is reversed, I might find that things are not happening in a fast or sudden way.  While the energies of the upright Eight of Wands are not sourced from people (the traditional image of this card does not have any people on it; one of the few Minors without people in the image), perhaps I need to remember that whether things are happening slowly or quickly, I can still choose to do something about them.  Maybe not change them, but change my response to them. The Nine of Wands (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, adventurous, blundering) in an upright position tells us that the final challenge approaches, and we need to ready ourselves so we can guard our assets.  This card also tells of the order and control that helps us to plan for possible challenges or hostilities to come, the way a seasoned warrior would plan.  My card is reversed, and perhaps I am being told that planning is not the answer.  I’m considering the differences between these two cards.  The Eight is about sudden movement that can’t be controlled, and the Nine is about holding the line, even if we are tired.  Perhaps what I need is a balance between the two, rather than one or the other.

My Thoth cards are the Knight of Disks and the Seven of Disks (“Failure”). The Knights of the Thoth Tarot are actually the Kings.  The Knight/King of Disks (cusp of Aries, “I want,” action oriented, assertive, competitive, and Taurus, “I have,” sensual, stubborn, cautious, physically oriented) is the expert on physical world manifestation of all kinds.  He is good at managing physical world resources, but he focuses a lot on the business end of things.  My Knight/King is reminding me that I need to manage my resources and meet my commitments.  No matter what is happening in my personal life, people are depending on me. The Seven of Disks (Saturn, discipline, responsibility, law and order, in Taurus, “I have,” sensual, cautious, stubborn) tells of pauses and choices and assessments. To Crowley, the pause indicated by the Seven of Disks is happening because of sloth and lethargy, and the image on the card is dark and heavy, even stagnant.  Failure can happen due to a lack of success, but it can also happen due to non-performance; the Golden Dawn name for this card is the Lord of Success Unfulfilled.  Crowley also saw this one as representing bad money; ugh.  While these two Disks cards could be seen to promote lethargy, I need to remember that doing nothing is still a choice.

My Legacy card is the Queen of Coins, flavored by the Queen of Swords.  Inward focus, anyone? The Queen of Coins (cusp of Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, blundering, and Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, caution, cunning, authoritative) is very good at sustaining the physical world, keeping things dry and cozy and safe and orderly.  She has a “greatness of soul” and can easily manifest this greatness around her through her visualizations.  She is comfortable with all physical world sensations and experiences, she understands the philosophies behind building and healing and nurturing, and she is able to find beauty in all experiences.  Our Queen represents Water of Earth, and represents a time when emotions support the senses (or counteract them, if the card is reversed).  My Queen of Coins is being flavored by another Queen, the Queen of Swords. The Queen of Swords (cusp of Virgo, “I serve,” practical, sensible, work and service oriented, and Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation, grace) can be considered a Minor Arcana representation of the Justice card, which is about responsibility and the relationship between “cause” and “effect.”  The main difference is that while Justice is about the law, the Queen of Swords is about the intent behind the law.  She is Water of Air, and paired with the Water of Earth of my other Queen, I am being shown different aspects of my own Inner Self.  These two make a powerful combination because sustaining the physical world ~and~ understanding cause and effect are not too shabby!

My horoscopes: “Budget time! Tend to the nuts-and-bolts of work and money in the early hours of the day, while the Moon is still in Capricorn, your security-minded second house. If you need to map out a solid plan for long-term stability, perhaps even by requesting a raise, now's the time. In the afternoon, once the Moon shifts into Aquarius, your conversational third house, you're far more cerebral than cost conscious. Spend the afternoon on a writing project or engaging in some brainstorming with colleagues. We all know that when it comes to finding inspiration, you're a veritable whiz.

And: “Grab a hold of the boisterous energy of the day and run with it. This is a good time to kick up your heels and have fun. You might find that people are a bit more high-strung than usual, so you will probably find that you need to utilize your ability to go with the flow quite a bit. The more relaxed you are, the more relaxed others will be while they are around you.



Two of Swords reversed/Six of Wands reversed. The Two of Swords (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation) in an upright position  represents a time of not looking or of shutting out the world.  A bit of disconnect from the world can be helpful, but not today.  Today I should instead strive to connect with others, maybe enjoy some intellectually stimulating conversations with like minded (or not like-minded) individuals, rather than clamming up.  The Six of Wands (Jupiter, expansiveness and growth, justice, fortune, in Leo, “I am,” passionate, dramatic, noble, authoritative) in an upright position expresses the celebration we feel when we have passed some test or successfully met a challenge. Since my card is reversed, I could experience some sense of not succeeding, or maybe of not receiving the recognition I feel I deserve.  Looks like my first intention will be to shut out the world, but that cannot be allowed to happen for more than a moment or two.

My Thoth cards are the Prince of Cups reversed and The Star reversed. The Prince/Knight of Cups (cusp of Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, the group, cause-oriented, and Pisces, “I believe,” feelings, duality, suffering, soul growth) is about feeling things strongly and without restraint or grounding.  This Prince appears calm to others, but inwardly he feels things strongly. This makes sense when you consider that within the Thoth Tarot, he represents Air of Water.  The message here is that I tend to respond deeply to life’s events, but today those emotional responses might tend toward melancholy or depression.  Today is my 60th Solar Return, so that could be likely.  Age is just a number! The Star (Air, hot/separates and wet/adapts; Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, cause-oriented, the group, aloofness; Tzaddi, fishhook; the Path between Malkuth, the physical world of action and outer, physical reality, and Netzach, the stimulating factors of emotion and inspiration) is the “good will to all” card, and while it can hint at some unexpected darkness, it also reminds us that things will turn out okay in the end.  The Star reminds us to have faith, for while it may seem to be the darkest night, the dawn is just beyond the horizon, and it is in the dark sky that Stars can really shine.  Even though my reversed Star hints at some disappoiontments (probably emotional ones, with that reversed Prince of Cups), I should not let them weigh me down for more than a moment or two.

My Legacy card is the Ten of Swords, flavored by The Fool. The Ten of Swords (the Sun, the inner core of a person or situation, in Gemini, “I think,” curious, sociable, dual, talkative) in an upright position tells of the perception that interference, powerlessness and restriction will rule the day.  The futility, interference, and mental agony of the previous cards have manifested as a total breakdown of the thinkig process. The traditional image on this one is of a body laying on its stomach, with ten Swords sticking up out of his back, a perfect example of overkill!  I need to remember that circumstances may not be under my control, but my reactions to them are under my control.  My Ten of Swords, a card of self-pity and capitulation, is being flavored by the most fertile of the Majors, The Fool. The Fool corresponds with Air (hot/separates and wet/adapts, and challenges that tend to require the use of the intellect to solve), Uranus (technology, science, radical change), Aleph (the head, youthful learning) and the Path between Chokmah (male in the electric sense, dynamic energy and the origin of vital force and polarity) and Kether (the source; limitless possibility).  The Fool is the spark that begins the idea, and the neutral powers of creativity; he is above, beyond and before the world and all its extremes.  He is also the archetype of the Holy Child, above, beyond and before petty squabbles, evil intent, and pessimistic expectations, and if I can look to The Fool for solutions, I won’t linger long in the darkness of despair.

My 6-digit date number is 11 (Archangel Uriel), which reduces further to 2, the number of balance, polarity, and the energy of “distance between.”

My horoscopes: “Look who's money-minded! With the Moon in Capricorn moving through your security-focused second house, practical matters come to the fore. Prioritize your day, first tackling the project that will yield the most tangible (and possibly lucrative) results. Today, you'll get ahead not because you know so-and-so, but because you're placing extra value on your bottom line. Check out your bank account and budget. Is it time to nix your daily, pricey mocha cafe latte? Small tweaks to your routine can have big effect down the line. Buckle down, Sagittarius.

And: “If you have been stamping the ground with impatience, waiting for the moment to jump into new adventures with renewed vigor after your meditation during the last few months, know that the moment has almost arrived! You now have the strategy, objective and means at your disposal to succeed. Just a bit more work remains to be done. Gather your strength and get ready for action!


Sunday, November 23, 2014


Transparent Oracle Sunday!

44, Moon (Above). The direction of Above takes us up and out of the four traditional elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, and reminds us that we are but a small part of the Cosmos.  Above also reminds us that while the Machinery of the Universe is huge, it does have an effect on each of us, and each of us is an important part of the workings of that Machinery.  The Moon is a card of cycles and tides, and of mystery, the subconscious, and fantasy.  All are useful tools and effects, except when taken to extremes.  The Moon also represents the Sacred Feminine, and inner, passive and receptive energies.

35, Landscape: Forest (North). North is the direction of Earth, and thus of the physical or physically formed or manifested world, and of nurturing, health, finances and security, and the wisdom associated with living simply, being well-grounded, and being in touch with our physical body.  Forest is about the results over the long term, results which happen because of fertility and nurturing and patience; Forest represents the manifestation of age and wisdom and patience, connections (and results) that are not openly apparent but rather, like roots under the ground, are all around us.  Different energies can work together; a Forest is proof of that.

24, Time of Day: Sunset (West).  West is the direction of Water, and thus, of feelings and emotions, relationships of all kinds, cleansing and healing, the wisdom associated with natural endings, and the bubbling up of pure joy.  Sunset is the time when we pause as the daylight hours come to a close.  We should not, however, assume that the day is done, for much can be had from the dark hours.  The light of the setting sun and the long shadows can transform even the most mundane environment into something mystical and magickal, the perfect environment to remember the experiences of the day.

I then stacked my cards and created my mandala.  What a beautiful image!  The full Moon is in the center, surrounded by the trees of Forest, with the Sunset framing it all with golden beams of light.  The message here is pretty simple: cycles, connections, and long term results are all important now, and just because the sun has set does not mean the experiences are over.  While all cycles are important, endings are particularly so.  Endings bring new beginnings!

Today was the Advanced Yoga Intensive for spinal surgery patients.  What a wonderful day I had!  I learned so much, and my awe of the spine and its intricacies has not been lessened at all.  I am so lucky to have this training available!

I also submitted my next article for PaganPages.  That new column will be out on the first of December.


Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Eight of Wands reversed/The Hermit.  Okay, that’s a clear message!  The Eight of Wands (Mercury, reason, intelligence, education, skill, communication, in Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, adventurous, blundering) is a card of action, of quick developments, and of pulling it all together so things can be completed.  The energies of this card are fast and strong and sudden, and while the dust will surely fly, the end result should be balance.  This one is kind of a Minor Arcana version of The Wheel, and because it is reversed, I might find that things are not happening in a fast or sudden way.  While the energies of the upright Eight of Wands are not sourced from people (the traditional image of this card does not have any people on it; one of the few Minors without people in the image), perhaps I am being told that I am better off working with effects that I have caused, rather than just riding the wave of whatever effects are flowing by. The Hermit corresponds with Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes, and material, practical and stable energy that is slow to change), as well as Virgo (“I serve,” practical, analytical, work and service oriented, orderly), Yod (open hand, touch), and the Path between Tiphareth (the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify) and Chesed (the place where forms and structure are stabilized and nurtured), and is about searching within for a deeper meaning, often through solitude bordering on discomfort.  The Hermit tells us that in order to release the past and achieve something of value, the work must be done internally, usually involving solitude to the point of discomfort, and with an outward mantle of “business as usual.”  Like The High Priestess, he deals with hidden or not obvious knowledge, however The Hermit understands that his knowledge is insignificant when compared to what he does not know.  He also acknowledges that the maintenance of his solitude requires Will power.  I should be able to focus inward today.  This is the time for such focus, the quiet and dark between Samhain and Yule.  Going into this kind of focus with the understanding that in actuality I know very little, will help me to be open to any messages that come my way.

My Thoth cards are the Princess of Swords reversed and The Empress.  Wow!  Another clear message!  . The Princess/Page of Swords (Capricorn, “I build,” ambitious, competent, cautious, cunning, Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, the group, society, cause-oriented, and Pisces, “I believe,” feelings, duality, soul growth, spirituality) encourages us to use our mind and intellect to analyze our situations as well as our emotions and feelings.  Uncle Al sees this Princess as being a bit on the stern side.  My Princess is reversed, and her stern analysis won’t be of use.  If we look at my other Thoth card, we can see why. The Empress (my significator card, which corresponds with Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes, and stable, material, practical energies that are slow to change), Venus (beauty, allure, pleasure, relationships), the Hebrew letter Daleth (door or womb) and the Path between Binah (female receptive energy and the origin of form and structure) and Chokmah on the Tree of Life (dynamic male energy and the origin of vital force and polarity)) is one half of the Major Arcana representation of the Sacred Feminine (along with The High Priestess), the half that is about creativity, fertility of all kinds, a deep connection to Nature and the nurturing of others, and an enjoyment of the senses. My Empress is not stern and analystical.  On the contrary, she is able to enjoy the pleasures of Nature and of her own body, and she is able to create a pleasing environment for all.

My Legacy card is the Five of Coins reversed, flavored by the Ace of Cups reversed.  The Five of Coins (Mercury, reason, intelligence, education, skill, communication, in Taurus, “I have,” sensual, cautious, stubborn) in an upright position tells of some loss or need within the physical world.  Sometimes this card can indicate an inability to balance personal issues with professional issues, but because my Five of Coins is reversed, I should find light in unlooked-for places, and any physical-world losses that present themselves just might not be bad at all.  My Five of Coins is being flavored by the Ace of Cups reversed.   Upright, the Ace of Cups (Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation, Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, deep, mysterious, obsessive, Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, adventurous, blundering) tells of the potential to experience deep emotions, a connection to my Inner Voice, and a connection to those around me.  My Ace is reversed, however, and that could be indicating some kind of inner attunement that is experiencing a moment of discord.  That reversed Five of Coins is reminding me that emotional potential can be found even in the physical world, and shutting out the potential of this Ace because I fear the interactions is not productive at all.

My 6-digit date number is 8, the number that tells of a conscious and deliberate response to the pause and approach of degeneration of the 7, in order to maintain for a bit longer the harmony of the 6.

My horoscopes: “Guess who's coming to dinner! Um, everyone? Today expansive Jupiter in your global-adventure zone aligns with the Moon in party sign Libra in your "the more, the merrier" 11th house. More than ever, you'll enjoy the spontaneous, unpredictable energy of flying by the seat of your pants and meeting scintillating strangers. Every conversation holds the potential for new friendships, business collaborations and possibly more. When it comes to work, there's no need to be bound by geography. New connections are just clicks away!

And: “If you find that there is tension in a close relationship, you may be getting the feeling that this is not the right partner for you. Don't automatically assume that the problem lies within your partner. Difficult situations involving the need for love and affection are likely to emerge, regardless of the situation you are in or the company you keep. Instead of running off to the next person in line, stick with the one you are with, and take the time to work things out.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Five of Swords/Six of Pentacles reversed. The Five of Swords (Venus, beauty, allure, relationships, pleasure, in Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, cause-oriented, the group, aloof) shows what happens when we insist that our way is right, or when we impose our needs or wants onto a situation. This card could also be telling of what seems to be overwhelming opposition, or being made to suffer the sins of others; in other words, being on the receiving end of that insistence that one way is the right way.  The thwarting of the plans of others is on the table today, and if this is the action I’m going to take, I need to be darned sure that I’m not acting the tyrant. The Six of Pentacles (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Taurus, “I have,” Sensual, cautious, stubborn) brings an awareness of resources to the situation, both those that I have and those that I don’t have, in both the upright and reversed position.  I read the upright Six of Pentacles as telling me that resources will be available to me, and that I will be able to share those resources with others and experience fulfillment from that sharing.  Since my card is reversed, there will be some kind of frustration today dealing with resources.  No wonder that Five of Swords wants to do things his way; careful!

My Thoth cards are the Eight of Cups (“Indolence”) reversed and the Seven of Swords (“Futility”). The Eight of Cups (Saturn, discipline, responsibility, limitation, law and order, in Pisces, “I believe,” feeling, duality, suffering, soul growth) tells of an ending or a decline or a change of direction, often one associated with emotions, and it offers one possible response to that decline or change: moving on.  Crowley’s keyword, Indolence, tells of a reluctance to release and move on, and here is the danger of this card. The Seven of Swords (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, cause-oriented, the group, aloofness) tells of the effort to maintain things as we want them, often through the use of deception and without considering the wants or needs of others.  Oh boy, these two cards together are a recipe for disaster.  Since I also have the Five of Swords today, I might be better off just going back to bed. 

My Legacy card is the Knight of Swords, flavored by the Ace of Coins. The Knight of Swords (the cusp of Taurus, “I have,” sensual, stubborn, cautious, and Gemini, “I think,” curious, talkative, dual, intelligent) is outspoken, assured, alert, and logical, as well as rude, domineering, critical and sarcastic.  His daring and courage are impressive, but he can also be disruptive, too.  While all of the Knights can be considered as mercinaries, the Knight of Swords truly personifies this career.  And oh boy, I don’t think I need this Knight today; I’ve already got an imbalance of Swords cards.  My Knight of Swords is being flavored by the Ace of Coins. The Ace of Coins (Aries, “I want,” action oriented, assertive, competitive, Taurus, “I have,” sensual, cautious, stubborn, and Gemini, “I think,” curious, talkative, dual, social) tells of the presence of potential that is connected in some way to the physical world.  This card represents the seed of something that could be great; this could be money or fertile condiions that could bring success, and considering the Swords cards I have today, and the other cards, there is danger, yes, but there is also opportunity.  I am being told there is potential to be had in the physical world, and I need to find a balance between forcing change for my own purposes and maintaining the status quo, again for my own purposes.  I need to overcome my fear of releasing the theings that need to be released, and I really do need to keep an eye on resources.  Okay.

My 6-digit date number is 7, the number that tells of the pause that occurs as growthslows and degeneration approaches, usually involving a choice of some kind.

My horoscopes: “It's a day for endings, Archer, but even if they're not happy, they're essential so that you can move on with your life. Today's meetup of taskmaster Saturn and the Sun in your 12th house of closure helps you end a relationship or behavior that's not working anymore. Goodbyes aren't easy, especially when you have emotional attachments, but you need to get rid of the old to make room for the new. Afterward, you'll be able to start off again with a fresh perspective and clear conscience.

And: “Try not to think too much about what is "supposed" to happen next. The truth of the matter is that things don't necessarily work out the way they are planned, so don't count on something that has no guarantee of ever coming to fruition. Stick to your own way of doing things and try not to get too hung up on the results. The key now is to enjoy the process.

There are moments, tiny moments, that make your eyes shine and your soul leap within itself and the world slightly shimmers for a second. Extend those seconds into a lifetime of awareness.  Those words are by Alison Brown, a blogger at Times New Romantic.  This is good advice.  No matter what challenges may present themselves to us during our day, there is beauty to be found.  I must always look for the day’s beauty.


Sunday, November 16, 2014


Transparent Oracle Sunday!

2, Weather: Wind (East).   East is the direction of the rising sun, and thus of new beginnings and fresh ideas, as well as knowledge, intellectual ideas and thoughts.  Wind brings chaos and unpredictability; a stiff breeze can disrupt order, or it can clear away the cobwebs of stagnation.  What we need to remember is that we can’t control the effects of the Wind, only deal with them.  Sometimes we are rewarded for bravely accepting the effects of Wind, by receiving inspiration.

45, Mars (Above). Mars is about drive and energy and passion; it is also about striving to do things our own way, about conquest, power and aggression.  Mars can bring sexual tension, often infused with domination or submission, as well as fiery tempers.  Since Mars is connected to the element of Fire, all the traits of this planet can bring transformation.

28, Guide: Frog (West). Water is emotional and sensitive energy that strives to stay the same; its dignities are cold/binds and wet/adapts.  Water is necessary for Frog to exist and thrive.  Frog tells of fertility and creativity, and Frog also represents the amazing transformations that occur during a lifetime.  We need to grow and adapt to the situations that present themselves, and Frog is an expert at this!  Frog has a permeable skin, so this card is also associated with healing and empathy and healing, and with partnerships.

I then stacked my cards and created my mandala.  I get he impression of lots of chaotic, outward, emanating motion, with Frog just sitting there with an “I-just-ate-the-bug” smile on its face.  This week it looks like my cards are offering a simple message: ride the wave and expect benefits.  I think Frog is also reminding me that the transformation does not begin when the wind gusts; rather the time leading up to that wind gust causes the gust itself, and the time after the gust is when we perceive manifestations and effects.  This is a life-long process, which in the end is a good thing, because corrections are easier to make.  How is that for a bit of optimism?

I took a nice, quiet walk at Point Park today.  It was overcast, and the weekend has been chilly, so there were not many people there.  Although I saw many, many hawks while standing in the bread line yesterday morning, I did not see one raptor.  I saw a lovely great egret, who stayed where he was, posing for me, for a while.  I saw a pair of gorgeous red-bellied woodpeckers, startling them as I walked along the deserted path.  I saw three malek mergansers in one of the ponds; they are such adorable ducks.  I was surprised to read that they are carnivores, and regularly eat small fish.  I saw a beautiful great blue heron, fishing quietly.  I saw aonther bird that I can’t identify; it had distinct white wing bars and eye stripes, lighter chest.  The closest I can come is an immature robbing.  Oh well, he was pretty, sitting at the top of a tree, watching me go by.


Friday, November 14, 2014


The Horned One/Five of Swords reversed. The Horned One/The Devil (Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes, and stable, material, practical energies that are slow to change), Capricorn (“I build,” ambitious, competent, cautious, cunning), Ayin (the eye, senses), and the Path between Hod (which provides analysis and communication) and Tipareth (the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify) tells of being caught up in the physical world and the effects of the physical senses, to the point of being bound or addicted to those things. The Llewellyn Welsh Tarot does not see the Devil as a more negative card (hence the name, “The Horned One” rather than “The Devil”).  The traditional keywords for this card are about chains and bondage, but the Llewellyn Welsh card is more about life in its natural state, without the interference of technology and society.  This card is about primal instincts and ancestral memories as well as the pleasure of the senses, and of course, it is about how easy it can be to get carried away by each.  I’ve been really attuned to Nature lately, so this card makes sense.  I just need to stay grounded in reality, too. The Five of Swords (Venus, beauty, allure, relationships, pleasure, in Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, cause-oriented, the group, aloof) shows what happens when we insist that our way is right, or when we impose our needs or wants onto a situation. This card could also be telling of what seems to be overwhelming opposition, or being made to suffer the sins of others, and because it is reversed, these kinds of things should not be an issue today.  As long as I don’t put myself out there as the know-it-all who needs to control things, I should be good.

My Thoth cards are the Knight/King of Disks and the Six of Disks (“Success”). The Knights of the Thoth Tarot are actually the Kings.  The Knight/King of Disks (cusp of Aries, “I want,” action oriented, assertive, competitive, and Taurus, “I have,” sensual, stubborn, cautious, physically oriented) is the expert on physical world manifestation of all kinds.  He is good at managing physical world resources, but he focuses a lot on the business end of things.  He is good at managing details, but to some he seems just too slow and lethargic.  Success in the physical world is what the Six of Disks refers to, and what a perfect card to appear with the expert at managing resources. The Six of Disks (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Taurus, “I have,” Sensual, cautious, stubborn) brings an awareness of resources to the situation, both those that I have and those that I don’t have, in both the upright and reversed position. I am being told today that being aware of what I do have is the best way to perceive what I don’t have.  This card shows us what happens when we don’t let the apparent failure of the Five of Disks hold us back. Crowley sees the Six of Disks as a card of balance, and while that balance is fertile, it is also temporary. 

My Legacy card is The High Priestess, flavored by The Devil reversed. Bookends again!  The High Priestess (Water; the Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination; Gimel, the camel who safely crosses Da’ath, the Abyss, and thus, has the secret of life; and the Path between Tiphareth, the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify, and Kether, the source, limitless possibility), is one-half of the Major Arcana representation of the Sacred Feminine, with The Empress being the other half. The High Priestess is the source of the power of The Magician (who is also in my spread today), the feminine version of The Hierophant, and the Keeper of the Mysteries.  She is the Gatekeeper who determines whether I am ready to experience the Mysteries, and she is somewhat removed from everyday life although her mind is receptive.  She is not about mental analysis at all; rather she tells me that in order to access the Mysteries she guards, I must know my inner self completely, and accept the messages of my Inner Voice, even if they defy analysis. How cool that the Llewellyn Horned One and The High Priestess appear in the same throw!  Lots of Aha! Moments available here today.  My High Priestess is being flavored by the Devil reversed.  The Legacy Devil is very handsome, and this version tells very adequately about the seductive allure of superficial beauty and attractiveness.  These things can easily blind us to reality, and overcome us with addiction.  Thankfully my Devil is reversed, and flavoring my High Priestess.  Maybe I will be more drawn to the beauty within, today.  I can do that!

More about my Bookends card, The Devil.  As I stated above, many see this one as a negative card.  However, to me this one is about the physical world, and the binds that hold us there.  One huge bind is our physical bodies and their workings, pains and pleasures.  After all, the physical body is the vehicle of the subtle body and the “spirit/self,” and in our physical form it is our body that is our tool of perception of the world.  When we balance this knowledge with our subtle body perceptions, all is well, but when we rely too much on the messages of our physica brains and bodies, there is an imbalance.  Thus it makes sense that this card is about bondage and addictions of all kinds.  What I love is that my two Devils today are alternative versions of the traditional card, one representing the experiences of the Natural world without the influence of technology, and the other telling of beauty and attractiveness, and how empty they can be without some kind of substance to back them up.

My 6-digit date number is 3, the number that tells of a new creation out of the potential and position of the Ace, and the balance, polarity, and energy of “distance between” of the 2.

My horoscopes: “Rise above it all. You like to keep your thoughts focused on higher truths, Sagittarius, and you'll be able to do just that today, as the Moon and your philosophical ruler Jupiter team up in your ninth house of wisdom. You have no time for petty dramas now; instead, connect your daily actions to a higher meaning or purpose. For example, don't just eat your food, but really meditate on the taste and texture, allowing this normal action to force you to be present

And: “If you are having trouble tackling a giant problem at this time, don't get discouraged or overwhelmed. They key for you is to break things down into smaller chunks, analyze them, and figure out their role within the greater whole. You will find that by taking things one step at a time, any problem you encounter will be infinitely easier to overcome than you may have first thought.
