Thursday, October 31, 2013


Two of Cups/Three of Wands.  Niiice.  The Two of Cups (Venus, beauty, allure, relationships, in Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, family and home oriented, tenacious, moody) tells of about love and connections, usually having to do with feelings, relationships and commonalities.  It also has to do with recognizing these things and the effects they have on us.  Today will be a day of magnetic attractions of all kinds, as well as sharing that brings balance. The Three of Wands (Sun, the inner core of a person or situation, the deepest self and personal power, in Aries, “I want,” action oriented, pioneering, assertive) is a card of planning ahead that tells of the excitement that comes with good possibilities at hand.  Broadening our horizons, exploring possibilities, and perhaps creating some kind of trade or give-and-take through negotiations could bring profit. 

My Thoth cards are the Ace of Swords reversed and the Prince of Cups reversed.  The Ace of Swords (Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, caution authority, cunning, Aquarius and Pisces, “I believe,” feeling, duality, soul growth, artistic) tells of the birth of ideas and concepts.  The Ace of Swords tells of consciousness and the beginning of the awareness of “self,” and it is reversed today, which tells me that asserting my Will might be dangerous.  The Prince/Knight of Cups (cusp of Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, the group, cause-oriented, and Pisces, “I believe,” feelings, duality, suffering, soul growth) is about feeling things strongly and without restraint or grounding.  He may appear calm, cool and collected to others, but in an upright position my Prince of Cups responds deeply to life, and dreams big dreams.  I may not be good at hiding emotions or feelings today; between this one and my reversed Ace of Swords, I might be better off staying inside.

My Legacy card is the Seven of Coins reversed, flavored by the Seven of Swords reversed.  Two Sevens, both reversed!  The Seven of Coins (Saturn, discipline, responsibility, law and order, in Taurus, “I have,” sensual, cautious, stubborn) tells of pauses and choices and assessments within the physical world.  The pause and assessment of this card reminds us that blossoms need to fade in order for seeds to appear.  Timing is important to the energies of this card, and since it is reversed, I may not perceive the issue clearly.  I need to be patient, but I also can’t allow patience to turn into procrastination.  My Seven of Coins is being flavored by another reversed Seven card, the Seven of Swords.  The Seven of Swords (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, cause-oriented, the group, aloofness) in an upright position tells of the effort to maintain things as we want them, often through the use of deception and without considering the wants or needs of others.  My card is reversed, and thus is telling me to trust in my own beliefs and needs, and trust that I will be able to prevent any behind-the–scenes shenanigans from causing harm.

My 6-digit date number is 9, the number that tells of the completeness of manifestation or effect.  Appropriate, eh?

My horoscopes: “You may feel like you're doing all the work in a project or relationship and if you pull out for even a minute, the whole thing will fall apart. Be careful of putting so great a burden on yourself that you grow resentful of everyone else. You're good at criticizing other people's actions, but maybe the person you need to talk to about these issues is you.”

And: “Too many people might ask favors of you at once, and as is your way, you'll probably agree. Usually you can handle it, but today you might find you've bitten off more than you can chew. This could have you running around trying to keep everything straight. Stop for a moment, and see everything in its proper perspective. Then prioritize. You'll find you'll finish everything a lot more quickly!”

Today is the Sabbat of Samhain, the last of the harvest celebrations that tells of the death of the Sun God and the beginning of the dark time of the Wheel of the Year.  In our busy modern lives we often do not allow time for re-setting ourselves.  This year, I am going to consciously give myself this time.  I am going to strive to keep an inner focus during these cold, dark days, as I prepare for the rebirth of the Sun God in six weeks.  I will focus on releasing the things that no longer serve me, just like the trees around me that are releasing the leaves that had huge value over the Summer, but that are used up and ready to be recycled into Nature. 

So much has happened since last year, and more and more I believe that my experiences with Superstorm Sandy were the catalyst that began the changes.  Here is a part of my Journal entry from last year:

Maybe it is just the aftermath of experiencing the hugely churning energies of the past few days.  Maybe those energies have sand-blasted my senses, making them supercharged.  But it is interesting to me that this storm happened as Samhain approached, the final Fertility Sabbat and the re-setting of the Wheel of the Year.  This is the time that focuses on the Death card of the Tarot Major Arcana, which corresponds with Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts, and sensitive, imaginative energy that strives to stay the same or take the same course), Scorpio, Nun (fish head; liberation), and the Path between Tiphareth (the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify) and Netzach (the stimulating factors of emotion and inspiration), and tells of natural change that cannot be stopped.  In hind sight, I never came close to death over these past days, but there were a few moments when I was a bit nervous for a brief time.  I talked myself down from the ledge, but I could have easily panicked; I could have let the adrenaline rush control me. 

I have reached some tipping point over these past days, since Bob left for Hackensack at about 12 on Saturday afternoon.  The way my life essence fits into my body has shifted.  What will happen?  How will I change?  I don’t know, but change I will.  I can feel it happening already.

Tipping point?  Yep.  And here I am, in the midst of my second Saturn Return, approaching my 59th Solar Return, a totally different person.

Blessed Samhain, and Happy Halloween!


Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Page of Cups/The Tower.  Eeep! The Page of Cups corresponds to Libra (“we are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation), Scorpio (“I desire,” intensity compulsion, mystery) and Sagittarius (“I seek,” philosophic, adventurous, blundering) which has been showing up for me lately, is a card of soft and tender energies and of getting fulfillment through connections to others, and through innocent and simple joys. Often, this Page is seen as representing a more immature version of the Queen of Cups who may not always be able to work with both the emotions and the intellect.  Even so, this is a card of imagination, playfulness and a trusting heard.  Strange that it is paired today with The Tower. The Tower (Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes, and spontaneous, impulsive, energetic change), Mars (action, spontaneity, aggression, drive), Phe (mouth or speech), and the Path between Hod (which provides analysis and communication) and Netzach (which offers the stimulating factors of emotion and inspiration)) tells of a violent or explosive correction in the way things are going.   The dangers of pride and arrogance should be forefront in my mind today, and perhaps by living as the Page of Cups, I will be able to allow change to happen and prevent the worst of the toppling from affecting me.  The revolution being foretold here could end up allowing the light to shine in; I need to remember that. 

My Thoth cards are the Four of Cups and Fortune (The Wheel). The Four of Cups (the Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, nurturing, tenacious, moody) tells us that too much pleasure, or maybe too much nurturing or overprotectiveness, deadens the senses. This card is about the difference between experiencing pleasure and satisfaction.  Satisfaction is not active, and it lends itself to putrefaction. The Wheel of Fortune (Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes, and spontaneous, impulsive and energetic change), Jupiter (expansiveness and growth, justice, fortune), Kaph (grasping hand), and the Path between Netzach (the stimulating factors of emotion and inspiration) and Chesed (the place where forms and structure are stabilized and nurtured)) tells of sudden movement, but not movement caused by us or controlled by us.  Crowley sees this card as foretelling movement, movement in the right direction (because he assumes that the consultation of the cards is happening because of some discontent, and thus movement is a good thing because it is movement away from that discontent).  This movement could be bewildering at first, particularly if we can’t perceive what is causing the movement or in what direction this movement is taking us.  This pair bothers me more than the first pair above, mainly because of that Four of Cups.

My Legacy card is the Seven of Cups reversed, flavored by the Two of Cups. The Seven of Cups (Venus, beauty, allure, relationships, in Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, controlling, obsessive, mysterious) in an upright position represents the distraction, sensory overload and dissipation that can happen when we are presented with too many enticing choices.  Choices are important, and they need to be done with a clear head and a mind for consequences; since my card is reversed today, I should be better able to take the bull by the horns.  My reversed Seven of Cups is being flavored by a nice card, the Two of Cups. The Two of Cups (Venus, beauty, allure, relationships, in Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, family and home oriented, tenacious, moody) tells of about love and connections, usually having to do with feelings, relationships and commonalities.  It also has to do with recognizing these things and the effects they have on us.  How we see ourselves reflected in the eyes of those we love has an effect on us, and today that effect will be a good one.  Emotions and feelings will be well-grounded in reality today; no illusions!

My 6-digit date number is 8, the number that tells of the conscious response to the pause that occurs as growth slows and degeneration approaches, with the intention of maintaining the balance of the number 6 for a bit longer. 

My horoscopes: “Tension may arise among friends when someone suddenly feels like an ignored third wheel. People tend to pair up. Do what you can to stay on topics to which everyone can contribute equally. Staying united is key. Together you're extremely powerful allies, while divided you're each other's worst enemies.”

And: “Events are cropping up today to remind you that your dreams will never come true unless you take active steps toward planning their realization. Perhaps people are giving you a wake up call and reminding you that you can't always have your head in the clouds. Make sure you don't let this stop you from dreaming altogether. At the same time, you need to remind others of the importance of dreaming. Taking a slow and steady approach to everything may cause one to miss out on the rewards that come from spontaneous actions.”

It has been an uncomfortable day for some reason; nothing I can put my finger on, but I just feel out of sorts.  I’ve got a power flow Yoga class this evening, maybe I can sweat this malaise out of me.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013


The Chariot/The Fool reversed.  The Chariot, which corresponds with Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts, and sensitive, emotional and imaginative energy that likes to stay the same or follow the same course), Cancer (“I feel,” sensitive, tenacious, nurturing, moody), Cheth (the fence), and the Path between Geburah (the place where forms and structure are challenged or affirmed) and Binah (female receptive energy and the origin of form and structure), tells of having the control necessary to focus on goals, and to avoid distractions.  The Llewellyn Welsh Chariot tells of ability and skill, but it also tells of forward motion, possibly quick forward motion.  I am being told that to some extent I am just along for the ride, but I do have the option of using my abilities to direct the flows of energy.  The Fool corresponds with Air (hot/separates and wet/adapts, and challenges that tend to require the use of the intellect to solve), Uranus (technology, science, radical change), Aleph (the head, youthful learning) and the Path between Chokmah (male in the electric sense, dynamic energy and the origin of vital force and polarity) and Kether (the source; limitless possibility).  The Fool is the spark that begins the idea, and the neutral powers of creativity.  My Fool is reversed, and while he could be telling of missed opportunities, I am thinking that he is actually reminding me that the journey itself is not the goal.  Wandering aimlessly only serves to wear down the wheels on the Chariot and tire the horses.  However, having a goal, even an impulsive one, brings purpose into the equation.

My Thoth cards are the Knight/King of Cups and the Princess of Cups reversed.  .  The Knight/King of Cups (cusp of Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation, and Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, controlling mysterious, obsessive) is the expert on emotions and the subconscious, mainly because of his life experiences.  He is able to observe and accept the human condition with empathy and compassion, and he shows us by his own example how to love others.  The Princess/Page of Cups corresponds to Libra (“we are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation), Scorpio (“I desire,” intensity compulsion, mystery) and Sagittarius (“I seek,” philosophic, adventurous, blundering) and upright, is a card of soft and tender energies and of getting fulfillment through connections to others, and through innocent and simple joys.  Crowley sees this card as representing dreams and fantasies, and he sees this Princess as representing a more immature version of the Queen of Cups who may not always be able to work with both the emotions and the intellect.  However, she is reversed, and flavoring my King of the same suit.  Less fantasy, more sensitivity, I guess.

My Legacy card is the Eight of Cups, flavored by the Six of Coins.  Niiice.  The Eight of Cups (Saturn, discipline, responsibility, limitation, law and order, in Pisces, “I believe,” feeling, duality, suffering, soul growth) in an upright position tells of an ending or a decline or a change of direction, often one associated with emotions, and it offers one possible response to that decline or change: moving on. What I need to remember as I decide what to leave behind as Samhain approaches is that I don’t necessarily need to release all emotions, just the emotions that no longer serve me.  The Six of Coins (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Taurus, “I have,” Sensual, cautious, stubborn) brings an awareness of resources to the situation, both those that I have and those that I don’t have. This is the awareness that being rich does not just mean having physical possessions, and that sometimes the best thing we can do with what we have, whether plentiful or barely enough for our own benefit, is to share it.  This card also represents that moment immediately before balance has been obtained.  I still have the power to make it happen, and these two cards are giving very good instructions.

My 6-digit date number is 7, the number that tells of the pause that occurs when growth slows and degeneration approaches, usually requiring an “either-or” choice of some kind. 

My horoscopes: “Unexpected financial benefit could leave you speechless today. It could be an unanticipated bonus, gift, or even a small lottery win. This is the day to seek the improbable. If you have a project you've wanted to try but have hesitated because it's too risky, start it now. Success and good fortune should follow anything begun or completed now.”

And: “There may be a great deal of weightiness to the day today that leaves you feeling unmotivated and heavy. Try to put this energy to constructive use instead of being a victim of it. You will find that taking on a more restrictive approach to the situation may actually help you in sorting things out more efficiently and cost-effectively. You have a more critical eye than usual that you can use to your advantage.”

Another Wild Unknown Tarot card: The Ten of Cups.  Harmony and joy personified!  The top five Cups each spill out an individual color, and the bottom five Cups each receive one stream of each color!  Everything can be found within the energies of this card: specific emotional purity as well as a balanced mix of all feelings.  By following one of the pure Cups downward we learn integration of a specific feeling into our lives, and by following one of the colors of the mixed Cups upward, we learn how to deal with and understand and honor one specific feeling.  There is a heck of a lot of power in this card!!

I spent last evening with my much-loved Pagan Brain Trust.  I always feel so nicely grounded after an evening spent sitting around The Table, grounded enough to do some reaching upward or outward on the following day.  Today, I am remembering the events of a year ago and the effects of Superstorm Sandy.  I’ve re-read my entries of that day; holy crow!  I am amazed at how powerful that experience remains despite the passing of a year.


Monday, October 28, 2013


Knight of Swords/Four of Swords. The Knight of Swords (the cusp of Taurus, “I have,” sensual, stubborn, cautious, and Gemini, “I think,” curious, talkative, dual, intelligent) is outspoken, assured, alert, and logical, as well as rude, domineering, critical and sarcastic.  His daring and courage are impressive, but he can also be disruptive, too.  The Four of Swords (Jupiter, expansiveness and growth, justice, fortune, in Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation) can represent a pause or truce or mutual deterrent, or a time of silence and isolation.  This card is often seen as suggesting that the pause be used in preparation for challenges to come, kind of like a vigil.  The Llewellyn Welsh Four of Swords is seen to be similar to a hospital stay; I like that description. 

My Thoth cards are the Prince/Knight of Swords reversed and Art reversed.  Bookends! The Thoth Prince/Knight in an upright position tells of a purely intellectual person. My Knight is reversed, and because both the upright and reversed cards have shown up in my reading today, I may reach some crossroad that will offer the potential to be able to control those ideas tumbling over each other.  Maybe the tumbling itself will end up being productive.  Crowley calls the Temperance card “Art”; it corresponds with Sagittarius (“I seek,” philosophic, adventurous, blundering) Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes, and spontaneous, impulsive, energetic change), Samekh (the tent post), and the Path between Yesod (the place where patterns and images emerge that may manifest into the physical world of action and outer reality) and Tiphareth (the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify), and presents one version of the concept of balance: balance achieved through knowledge and experience of extremes.  The Thoth Art card in an upright position tells of achievements through accurate calculations, but since the card is reversed, I might be better off just allowing things to be what they want to be, and maybe unfocusing my gaze so I can see hidden patterns.  How very un-Prince/Knight-like!

My Legacy card is The Sun reversed, flavored by the Queen of Coins.  The Sun corresponds with Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes, spontaneous, impulsive and energetic change), our Sun (the inner core of a person or situation), Resh (the face; reason), and the Path between Yesod (the place where patterns and images emerge that may manifest in the physical world) and Hod (provides analysis and communication), and upright it tells of a time of enlightenment and peace that comes after the completion of some ordeal.  Even reversed, The Sun is not a bad card, however I do need to keep in mind that the pause and enjoyment presented by The Sun is temporary in nature.  Yes it is a Major Arcana card, so the consequences could be long-term, but the nice pause is short, particularly when the card is reversed.  The Queen of Coins (cusp of Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, blundering, and Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, caution, cunning, authoritative) is very good at sustaining the physical world, keeping things dry and cozy and safe and orderly.  She has a “greatness of soul” and can easily manifest this greatness around her.  My Queen is bringing a bit of beauty and encouragement to my reversed Sun today; I like this pairing. 

More about the Knight/Prince of Swords, my Bookends card.  This card often tells of strong beliefs, maybe even strong political beliefs.  Oh boy, do we have a few of these personalities in politics today!  Each believes he/she is rescuing the world, but the methods being used may be a bit extreme, even devious, with an end result of being separated from reality.  There are good things about being able to focus like this, because it is one way to get things done, but such tunnel vision causes us to miss out on other offerings, such as the value of compassion and mercy, or the way a bit of grounding can help to organize those ideas bouncing all around.  Reversed, this card can certainly indicate imprudence, but it also could indicate an inability to be focused enough to manifest beliefs.  Malicious plotting requires focus as well, and being stubborn requires a strong Will, but on the other hand, we could bring ourselves to the brink and then hesitate at the wrong time because that Will is unreliable and not consistent and still be acting in accordance with the Knight of Swords.  The Legacy of the Divine Knight of Swords is said to be similar to a tornado.  Lots of focused effects, yet the path of a tornado is erratic and not easy to predict. The Knight of Swords is often seen as representing a mercenary (all the Knights fit somewhat into that category), because to this Knight who loves to champion for others, goals take priority over relationships.

My 6-digit date number is 6, the number of vertical and horizontal balance. 

My horoscopes: “The special someone in your life might feel a little jealous of your friends now. Perhaps you've had a number of invitations that only involve you and your pals. It might be a good idea to turn down one in favor of being with your partner. Goals and projects may be blocked temporarily, which is frustrating. Let them ride for now.”

And: “Don't take things at face value today. There are unexpected elements brewing below the surface that you might not recognize at first, yet that need to be noticed at some point. There may be a temptation for you to be superficial about certain things that actually call for a deeper understanding. Open your eyes up a bit wider to realize what is truly going on.”

I spent the day working hard for the Hubs, looking out the window at the leaves falling from the trees.  We are surrounded by stately old maples and pin oaks, and the colors this year are breathtaking.  As I watched the leaves float to the ground and then swirl and dance in the breeze, I thought about releasing.  After all, this is the time for releasing, and I’ve been working on and off for the past six months on getting rid of what no longer serves me, both in the physical world and the spiritual realms.

So many changes!  I have gone from being employed outside of the house in a 9 to 5 job as an administrative assistant in an in-house law office to being employed by my husband.  I love getting up in the morning, washing last night’s dishes, making a pot of coffee, and then “commuting” to the office in my pj’s!  I love being able to get things done around the house during the day; of course, this means working sometimes at night, but I’m fine with this trade-off. 

This change in employment has allowed me to bring into my life more of the things that are important to me.  I’ve got an awesome group of helpers within the Leadership Department at Sacred Mists.  They enable me to be in an advisory position, which should free me to study on my own.  I have been looking at the Builders of the Adytum as a possible next step in my Tarot studies.  I am feeling an urge to look deeper into Western Mysticism, and since the Tarot is my chosen symbolism for most of what I am learning, the BOTA might be the right place for me to study. 

Also on my list is getting together some Yoga classes.  I have some sisters-in-law who are interested in a Gentle Yoga class, and I will hopefully be offering some private Chair Yoga to a woman with MS.  Gotta get them organized, and register with Yoga Alliance so I can officially add the letters “RYT” to my name.

Nice list, eh?  But for tonight, I head out to visit the Wayne Contingency of the Pagan Brain Trust!


Sunday, October 27, 2013


Transparent Oracle Sunday!

23, Element: Water (West).  West is the direction of Water, and thus, of feelings and emotions, relationships of all kinds, cleansing and healing, the wisdom associated with natural endings, and the bubbling up of pure joy.  Water is about emotions, feelings, the Inner Voice, dreams, intuition, and Water is connected to both birth and death.  Because our physical bodies contain so much Water, whatever affects Water usually affects us as well.  The image on this card also shows ripples moving outward; something to remember when we are expressing our feelings.

38, Guide: Owl (North).   North is the direction of Earth, and thus of the physical or physically formed or manifested world, and of nurturing, health, finances and security, and the wisdom associated with living simply, being well-grounded, and being in touch with our physical body.  Owl is a night hunter, and thus is very good at perceiving things, even in the dark.  Because Owl can fly silently, he is also associated with silence; dark silence can be uncomfortable for some.  Owl tends to be solitary, but this nature allows Owl to be objective and detached, and to gain much wisdom from life experiences.

40, Elemental: Gnome (North).  Earth represents stable, material, practical energies that are slow to change; its dignities are cold/binds and dry/shapes.  The Gnome is about hard work, strength and patience; Gnome is the guardian of the Earth who meets each responsibility fully and completely; he may appear serious, but he is capable of some mischief.  And woe is the person who damages what he guards!

I then stacked the cards and created my mandala.  The Gnomes appear to be guarding the circle, faced outward, while the Owls are facing inward, toward the triangle of Water.  It is as if the Gnomes and Owls are around a triangular well, guarding and guiding.  Or perhaps the Gnomes and the Owls are cradling the Water, the way the earth cradles a lake.  There is a slow, dreamy feel about these cards, but yet a grounding in a sense of responsibility as well.

Today was the last YTT Intensive; I have officially graduated, and once I register with Yoga Alliance, I will be able to put an RYT after my name.  This was an emotional day, and an empowering day.  Now, I get to sit back and digest it all.  Time for a glass of wine.


Saturday, October 26, 2013


Seven of Cups reversed/The Hierophant reversed. The Seven of Cups (Venus, beauty, allure, relationships, in Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, controlling, obsessive, mysterious) in an upright position represents the distraction, sensory overload and dissipation that can happen when we are presented with too many enticing choices.  This card in an upright position can tell of delusion and addiction; thankfully it is reversed so I might be able to be realistic today.  LOL, how unlike me. The Hierophant corresponds with Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes), Taurus (“I have,” sensual, cautious, stubborn), Vau (the nail which holds tradition in place), and the Path between Chesed (the place where forms and structures are stabilized and nurtured), and Chokmah (dynamic male energy, the origin of vital force and polarity).  This card is an archetype of Spirit (with The Emperor as archetype of the Sacred Masculine, The Empress as archetype of the Sacred Feminine, and all three representing the supernal triad) that reminds us of the value of tradition, ritual and ceremony.  Upright, this card combines benediction with orthodoxy, but it is reversed, and thus, is hinting at fanaticism  I should not follow rules today just because they are rules!

My Thoth cards are the Eight of Swords (“Interference”) and the Six of Cups reversed (“Pleasure”). The Eight of Swords (Jupiter, expansiveness and growth, justice, fortune, in Gemini, “I think,” curious, sociable talkative, dual) in an upright position tells of a confused and restrictive response to obstacles, or maybe perceived obstacles.   The image on the Thoth Eight of Swords shows six Swords alternating horizontally, and two Swords over the six, both with point down, possibly indicating a sort of paralysis of the intellect.  Uncle Al offers another source: a bit of bad luck. The Six of Cups (Sun, the inner core of a person or situation in Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, compulsive, deep, obsessive) is a card of innocence, emotional balance and harmony, of simple joy that begets even more simple joy by infecting all that is around us at this moment.  This is a card filled with harmony and an awareness of blessings, and Uncle Al sees it as one of the most fertile cards in the deck.  My Six of Cups is reversed, however, and I just might need to work a bit harder to obtain its pleasures.  I guess I had better make an effort to not allow little inconveniences to get me down, eh?

My Legacy card is the King of Cups, flavored by the Four of Wands reversed. Finally, an upright Cups card.  The King of Cups (cusp of Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation, and Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, controlling mysterious, obsessive) is the expert on emotions and the subconscious, mainly because of his life experiences.  He is able to observe and accept the human condition with empathy and compassion, and he shows us by his own example how to love others.  This King is good at caring for others, but he is pretty passive about his own emotions, to the point of being disconnected from them.  My King is being flavored by the Four of Wands reversed. The Four of Wands (Venus, beauty, allure, relationships, in Aries, “I want,” action oriented, assertive, enthusiastic) in an upright position is about building enough to become established, about the results of harmony and effort and creativity combined.  This is often considered a fortunate card because it tells of effectively planning that has manifested as a sturdy foundation. The Legacy Four of Wands is also seen as representing the creation of sacred space; my card is reversed today, and I am seeing this reversal as an indication to be alert to all possibilities and not to assume I am finished with what needs to be done.

My 6-digit date number is 4, the number of depth and stability.

My horoscopes: “You may feel inspired to make certain changes in your home. Your imagination is especially acute, so it's easy to visualize how the rooms will look afterwards. You could seek others' opinions, too. Now you need to sell your family on the idea. Don't worry - you can do it. Your persuasive powers are at an all-time high.

And: “Transformations that are taking place in your life right now are apt to have a dramatic effect on your romantic relationships. The good news is that these relationships should change for the better. Regardless of where you are with a close partnership, you should expect that it will grow deeper and much more meaningful for you at this time. Even if you find yourself breaking up with someone, keep in mind that this is probably for the better.

Another Wild Unknown Tarot card: The Father of Wands.  What an awesome image!  This card shows a cobra coiled and upright, with a wand, point upward, nestled in its coils, and a lightning bolt colored from deep red to a yellowy-green splitting the nighttime sky behind the snake.  Snakes represent Fire (and real-world dragons), and this snake is regal, and he is coiled and ready and in control of his instincts and passions.  This Father of Swords is ready to entrance his adversaries, and he is ready to create a situation that will bring him a very beneficial outcome.  Because he Wills it so!


Thursday, October 24, 2013


Temperance/Five of Cups reversed.  Temperance corresponds with Sagittarius (“I seek,” philosophic, adventurous, blundering) Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes, and spontaneous, impulsive, energetic change), Samekh (the tent post), and the Path between Yesod (the place where patterns and images emerge that may manifest into the physical world of action and outer reality) and Tiphareth (the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify), and this card presents one version of the concept of balance: balance achieved through knowledge and experience of extremes.  I know that I have experienced the energies of this card often, and each time they manifest I learn something new about myself.  The Five of Cups (Mars, action, aggression, drive, in Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, controlling, mysterious, obsessive) in an upright position tells of an emotional setback or disappointment, or perhaps the belief that a wrong choice has been made.  The good thing is that my card is reversed, so any emotional setbacks will not be debilitating.  The message here, offered by these two cards, is that there is value in every life experience, whether pleasant or uncomfortable.  Today, running away is not an option.

My Thoth cards are the Ace of Cups and the Two of Wands. The Ace of Cups (Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation, Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, deep, mysterious, obsessive, Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, adventurous, blundering) tells of the potential to experience deep emotions, a connection to my Inner Voice, and a connection to those around me.  Looks like emotions and feelings and an inner connection are valuable to me today, and I am already tapping into this awareness.  Maybe several times during the day, I should take a bit of quiet time to ask myself how I feel.  Not what I think, but how I feel; and maybe if I listen quietly, my Inner Voice just might offer a bit of encouragement. “Dominion” is Uncle Al’s keyword for the Two of Wands. The Two of Wands (Mars, action, spontaneity, aggression, drive, in Aries, “I want,” action oriented, pioneering, assertive, enthusiastic) tells of power, influence and authority.  This card tells of the purest of Will, in the “now” and undiluted by past or possible future events.   I feel this energy already, a confidence in my ability to react to the world around me. 

My Legacy card is The High Priestess, flavored by The Lovers reversed.  Oh this makes sense to me! These last two cards clarify the other four.  The High Priestess (Water; the Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination; Gimel, the camel who safely crosses Da’ath, the Abyss, and thus, has the secret of life; and the Path between Tiphareth, the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify, and Kether, the source, limitless possibility), is one-half of the Major Arcana representation of the Sacred Feminine, with The Empress being the other half. The High Priestess is the source of the power of The Magician, the feminine version of The Hierophant, and the Keeper of the Mysteries.  This card is telling of more than just an intense connection to my intuition; my High Priestess is also telling me that there is plenty of information and advice available to me.  I do need to remember that the knowledge offered by The High Priestess is spiritual knowledge, which cannot be measured or contained.  No physical-world proof!  The Lovers (Air, hot/separates and wet/adapts, quick and animated, intellectual, problems or challenges; Gemini, “I think,” curious, talkative, sociable, dual; Zayin, double-edged sword; and the Path between Tiphareth, the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify, and Binah, female receptive energy and the origin of form and structure) tells of duality, union, and personal choices.  This card is about love, but it is also about our personal values and how they affect our choices, and the promises we make to others.  The Lovers present the two halves that when united are greater than the sum of their parts, but today, spirit and the mind might be in opposition to the physical world.  Because my reversed Lovers card is flavoring my High Priestess, there may be issues with the manifestation of what I know and what I feel.  My first card today, Temperance, is offering a valid focus. Oh-kay!

My 6-digit date number is 11 (Archangel Uriel), which reduces to 2, the number of balance, polarity, and the energy of “distance between.”

My horoscopes: “Being around others should be especially gratifying for you today. Most people should be friendly, and you'll enjoy their company. The downside is that your psychic faculties are acute, so you might pick up some unsettling feelings from those you talk to. You're likely to find that many smiles hide turmoil inside.

Aaand I did not get my second horoscope. 

My next Wild Unknown card: The Ten of Pentacles.  This card is alive and vibrant with fertile energies! Ten Pentacles arranged in a diamond shape, with circles of the colors of the elements or of a rainbow as a background.  The diamond for me is personally powerful for it is one view of the octahedron, the shape of the physical world and the concept of “as above, so below.”  The circular colors go from indigo on the outside to blue, green, yellow, orange and red, moving through the chakras from the spiritual realm to the physical world.  What powerful symbolism!  Can we bring our bounties into the physical world and maintain our connection to gratitude and generosity and love?  That is the goal of this card, and indeed the whole suit of Pentacles.  Those blessings cannot become stagnant; instead we must maintain them in the position between the physical world of manifestation and the astral realms.  We do this by assuming the role of catalyst in order to activate the fertility to be found within those blessings.

Today, I received the most amazing gift from my sister and mentor, Lilyth.  I am preparing to visit my High Priestess in order to be initiated as a Sacred Mists Third Degree Priestess, and Lilyth knows this.  In fact, I will be staying with her when I go to be initiated. 

Lilyth was given three naturally shed deer antlers, and she was drawn to create a lovely wand for me!  It came in the mail yesterday, and I waited until this morning, after Hubby went out, to sit by my altar and open the box.  Oh. My. God.  Powerful!!  A clear quartz point, a sunstone, and a scarab!! All held into place by green leaves and vines accented with orange.  And there are even a few strands of hair from the deer!  What an amazing magickal tool; I had trouble putting it down to write this blog post. 

Just holding this wand has cleansed me, has sent in a fresh breeze to clear the cobwebs.  My connection to Nature and the physical world has been intensified, and I am seeing the blue sky, hearing the calls of a flock of Canadian geese as they pass overhead, with new intensity, similar to after my Reiki attunements.  And I haven’t even consecrated it to me yet!

My heart is filled with gratitude.  I am privileged, greatly privileged, to be accompanied by such awesome Travelers!!


Wednesday, October 23, 2013


The Hanging Man reversed/Two of Swords reversed. The Hanging Man corresponds with Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts, and emotional, sensitive and imaginative energy that tends to move deep, and attempts to take the same path as in the past), Neptune (inspiration, spirituality, magick, enchantment, dreams, altered states), and the Hebrew letter Mem (water, stability and balance, the reflective quality of thought), and presents the kind of balance that comes to us through surrender, and through deliberately attempting to see things in a different way.  My Hanging Man is reversed, so I most likely will not be comfortable with fatalism; instead I may need a more hands-on method. The Two of Swords (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation) validates my Eight of Pentacles, because this card represents a time of not looking or of shutting out the world.  The serenity of this card happens because we choose to not receive or acknowledge as valid the information that comes to us from the outside.  Because my Two of Swords is also reversed, it is validating the hands-on method indicated by the reversed Hanging Man. 

My Thoth cards are The Moon and the Knight of Swords. The Moon of the Tarot Major Arcana corresponds with Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts, emotional and sensitive energy that strives to stay the same), Pisces (“I believe,” feeling, suffering, soul growth, duality), Qof (the back of the head), and the Path between Malkuth (the physical world of action and physical, outer reality) and Netzach (the stimulating factors of emotion and inspiration), is about feelings and emotions and instincts and the subconscious.  All of these things can work for us, when we imagine, or they can work against us, when we fear unreasonably.  This card is telling me that today, nothing is as it seems.  The Thoth rank of Knight equals the rank of King.  The Knight/King of Swords (cusp of Capricorn, “I build,” ambitious, cautious, cunning, authoritative, and Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, the group, cause-oriented, aloof) is a good judge of people and situations.  He uses his intellect to analyze, so he may not be compassionate but he is trustworthy, and he can be trusted to fiercely stand by his decisions.  These two cards together make me uneasy; hopefully my King can be cunning and a good judge of situations, for those situations may not be what they appear to be on the surface.

My Legacy card is the Page of Swords reversed, flavored by the Five of Coins reversed.  The Page of Swords (Capricorn, “I build,” ambitious, competent, cautious, cunning, Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, the group, society, cause-oriented, and Pisces, “I believe,” feelings, duality, soul growth, spirituality) in an upright position tells us to use our mind and intellect to analyze our situations as well as our emotions and feelings. My reversed Page could be indicating a bit of indecision today, or perhaps a need for compromise rather than bold action.  My Page of Swords is being flavored by another reversed card, the reversed Five of Coins.  The Five of Coins (Mercury, reason, intelligence, education, skill, communication, in Taurus, “I have,” sensual, cautious, stubborn) in an upright position tells of some loss or need within the physical world.  Sometimes this card can indicate an inability to balance personal issues with professional issues; whatever the issue, the upright card presents the hidden reminder that there may be light in unlooked-for places.  My Five of Coins is reversed, however, and it indicates the possibility of revived energy in my physical world, perhaps a direct result of the compromise and pause before taking action represented by the reversed Page of Swords.

My 6-digit date number is 10, signifying the end of a cycle; this number can be reduced further to the number 1, representing potential and position. 

My horoscopes: “Don't blow things out of proportion today. You're apt to have a tendency to exaggerate everything to such a degree that you completely lose touch with the true reality of the situation. You could be painting a terrible scene in order to elicit pity from others. Be honest about the situation before you create more enemies than friends.

And: “Just when you thought things were going fine and that you had everything figured out, a curve ball comes your way to make you think otherwise. Be on the lookout for ways in which you can stay on top of the situation so that if indeed you are faced with problems or opposition, you have your arsenal in line and ready to go. The key is to not let your guard down at any time.

Onward; another Wild Unknown Tarot card: The Daughter of Swords.  The image on this one is of a young owl perched on a Sword, with a dark night sky behind the owl sprinkled with multi-colored stars.  The owl is alert and watchful, but does not seem frightened or agitated.  To me, she is seeing things clearly with eyes that have not been prejudiced by past experiences.  This ability to see things as they are right now, without imposing expectations or intentions, can offer powerful insight!
