Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Page of Wands/Seven of Cups. The Page of Wands (Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, tenacious, nurturing, moody; Leo, “I am,” passionate, dramatic noble egotistical; and Virgo, “I serve,” practical, analytical, work and service oriented) is a fun guy to be around, unless you have a migraine. He is telling me that enthusiasm and originality are the things to strive for today.  I am being told that I have the ability to handle what comes at me; okay then.  The Seven of Cups (Venus, beauty, allure, relationships, in Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, controlling, obsessive, mysterious) represents the distraction, sensory overload and dissipation that can happen when we are presented with too many enticing choices. The traditional image of the Seven of Cups shows seven cups, each filled with what appears to be a wonderful gift: the Wreath (Saturn and The World); the Castle (Mars and The Tower), the Woman (Venus and The Empress); the Snake (Mercury and The Magician); the Veil (the Moon and The High Priestess), the Jewels (Jupiter and The Wheel of Fortune), and the Dragon (our Sun and The Sun). Yep, all Major Arcana cards, so these choices are important.  I wonder if the enthusiasm and confidence of that Page will serve me when I try to deal with this Cups card.

My Thoth card is the Prince of Disks reversed. The Thoth Prince is the same as the Knight.  The Knight of Disks (cusp of Leo, “I am,” passionate, dramatic, egotistical, and Virgo, “I serve,” practical, analytical, work and service oriented) tells of persistence to the point of being stubborn, and caution to the point of being boring.  I am being told that plans need to be implemented as written, not quite what my Page of Wands wants.  But taking care of details means that nothing will fall through the cracks.

My Legacy card is Temperance, flavored by the Ten of Wands reversed. Temperance corresponds with Sagittarius (“I seek,” philosophic, adventurous, blundering) Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes, and spontaneous, impulsive, energetic change), Samekh (the tent post), and the Path between Yesod (the place where patterns and images emerge that may manifest into the physical world of action and outer reality) and Tiphareth (the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify), and this card presents one version of the concept of balance: balance achieved through knowledge and experience of extremes. The message of this card is very important to me today.  I can deal with the extremes because I’ve already experienced them.  The Ten of Wands (Saturn, discipline, responsibility, limitations and resistance, in Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, blundering) in an upright position tells of being taxed to some perceived limit, or of feeling as if we are out of gas at the bottom of a hill.  My card is reversed, and flavoring Temperance.  Good!  I should sleep well tonight, after being able to handle the events of the day through the right mix of taking care of myself and challenging myself.

My 6-digit date number is 6, the number of vertical and horizontal balance.

My horoscopes: “Take a time-out today and relax a little, Sagittarius. Let your romantic nature have some fun. Don't feel guilty about not being as serious as you think you should be. The day's winner is the one who can smile the most. Enter this contest with the intention of winning. The rewards will last a long time. The people you encounter won't be able to help but smile back.”

And: “Try to be persistent and don't give up the fight today. It might seem as if you are making no progress what so ever and that it gets harder and harder to make a decisions about anything. This is no reason to give up. You will find that in truth, other people are just as confused as you are. Find a clever way to verbally express what you feel. You can sort the issues out with the help of others as long as you are in touch with your own inner state.

My Shadowscapes Insight is regarding The Moon.  This is a card of illusions and distortions, yet it is also about creative visions and seeing things in an unusual way.  Dealing with the energies of this card require a bit of caution, but this mingling of dark and light can illuminate our world in new ways. 

Well, it has been a crazy few days.  Lots of churning energies, lots of stable situations being up-ended.  I guess I am being told that I need a bit of shaking up.  I am doing okay, struggling to keep up, but I knew this was going to be a busy year. 

I will be co-teaching the Chair Yoga Class with another YTT student for the month of August!  I am excited about this opportunity, and I am looking forward to teaching the classes.  I also started working on my last Third Degree Lesson, finally.  I hope to have it completed before going on vacation in August.  Progress!!


Sunday, July 28, 2013


Transparent Oracle Sunday!

42, Guide: Angel (Above).  The direction of Above takes us up and out of the four traditional elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, and reminds us that we are but a small part of the Cosmos.  Above also reminds us that while the Machinery of the Universe is huge, it does have an effect on each of us, and each of us is an important part of the workings of that Machinery. Angel is the Guide for the Celestial Realm, and you could say that Angel is one of the messengers who bridges the gap between us and the vast expanses of the Universe.  When Angel appears in a spread, some event or effect may have more significance than I think, and I had better pay attention.

29, Guide: Turtle (West). West is the direction of Water, and thus, of feelings and emotions, relationships of all kinds, cleansing and healing, the wisdom associated with natural endings, and the bubbling up of pure joy.  Water is Turtle’s environment, but not only Water, for like Otter, many Turtles are at home on Earth (and in fact, Turtles lay their eggs on Earth).  Turtle offers us an opportunity to learn about protection; not the kind of protection that shuts out the world but rather, the kind of protection that allows us to dive deep and explore the unknown without fear.  Turtle is also slow and steady, is patient, and endures; Turtle has a long lifespan, and has existed relatively unchanged since ancient times.  Turtle’s shell shows us how to exist in spite of the churning eddies of life, without being affected by them.  After all, she is able to safely travel between the worlds because she is well-protected.

19, Guide: Bee (South).  South is the direction of the midday sun and the peak of power and illumination; this direction is associated with passionate drive and creativity.  Bee is about teamwork and harmony and a sense of community, and about service to that community.  The service is performed for the greater good, and without an expectation of acknowledgment.  Bee is not about the individual’s needs, but rather it is about the needs of the hive, and often the individual is sacrificed in order to allow the hive to continue.

I then stacked my cards and created my mandala.  The Turtles each cover the faces of the Angels, and the Bees each connect the wings of the Angels. The center of the mandala is the pentagram in a circle of its own, surrounded by alternating Turtles and Bees, each facing outward as if on guard duty, with the Angels hidden, supporting but not being seen.  The energies of these cards do support each other; Turtle is about enduring and remaining true to myself over the long term, despite the churning eddies of life, and Bee is about the needs of the hive, which are often maintained by personal sacrifice.  Angel is telling me that today, these concepts are quite significant for me, and they could be bringing about a huge change of some kind. 

Awesome weekend.  Started both mornings off with a walk on Sunset Beach, then time in the garden, then off to the beach with company.  Two awesome dinners, now quiet time.  Pretty much unplugged most of the weekend, and I am better for it.

My next Wild Unknown Tarot is a lovely one: The Lovers.  This card shows two Canadian geese flying wing-to-wing, with a blue sky and lovely rays coming from a point of infinity.  The image exudes love and supportive connections and blessings being showered upon those who love and have loving and supportive connections.  Geese mate for life; I’ve heard stories of pairs of geese getting separated and the efforts they put forth to find each other.  Geese support each other when raising a family, and they look out for the entire group.  Every time I pass a large group of geese on a lawn somewhere, there are always one or two members of the group who are watching and guarding as the rest eat.  This card is about love and caring, and about choosing to nurture and value that love and caring.


Friday, July 26, 2013


Ace of Swords/Five of Wands reversed.  The Ace of Swords (Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, caution authority, cunning, Aquarius and Pisces, “I believe,” feeling, duality, soul growth, artistic) tells of the birth of ideas and concepts.  This card tells me that I am ready to make use of logic and analysis in order to assert my Will.  Clarity is mine, if I want it!  The Five of Wands, which corresponds with Saturn (discipline, responsibility, law and order) in Leo (“I am, passionate, dramatic, egotistical) in an upright position indicates a struggle caused by annoying cross-purposes. Since my card is reversed, hopefully I won’t waste too much time arguing with myself.

My Thoth card is the Queen of Disks reversed.  The Queen of Disks (cusp of Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, blundering, and Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, caution, cunning, authoritative) is very good at sustaining the physical world, keeping things dry and cozy and safe and orderly.  Because this Queen is reversed, I may need to allow myself to try new methods, or new pleasures.  If I am too confident, I may end up mired in a mess of my own making.

My Legacy card is the Nine of Cups, flavored by the Ten of Coins reversed.  Hmm . . . the Nine of Cups again, and another reversed Earth card.  The Nine of Cups (Jupiter, expansiveness and growth, justice, fortune, in Pisces, “I believe,” feelings, duality, suffering, soul growth) is about emotional satisfaction and the ability to find pleasure in feelings and emotions, and in our expectations for the day.  This is a lucky card, and I am being told that my desires may be a bit easier to obtain than I expect!  The Ten of Coins (Mercury, reason, intelligence, education, communication, in Virgo, “I serve,” practical, analytical, work and service oriented) represents physical world wealth and bounty, usually achieved through the implementation of long-term plans, and the attempt to maintain the status quo.  My Ten, which is flavoring my Cups card, is reversed (and reinforcing my reversed Queen above), and perhaps I need to relax my control a bit, and be more open to unplanned methods and results.

My 6-digit date number is 10, the ending of one cycle and the beginning of another, which reduces further to 1, the number of potential and position. 

My horoscopes: “Don't run away from the tension today, Sagittarius. Any emotional stress you feel will be compounded if it isn't dealt with right away. Be in the moment while the moment is here. The more you face the present, the less you will regret in the future. Clear up any sticky situation that arises and move forward. People may not understand your needs and concerns until you clearly verbalize them.

And: “A new sense of commitment to service to others, particularly those less fortunate than yourself, could fire your natural idealism today. Health issues or animal rights might be on your mind. This concern might possibly be job-related, but it is more likely that this is an enterprise that you decide to pursue on your own. It also benefits you, as it increases your self-confidence and belief in yourself.

My Shadowscapes Insight is regarding my old friend, the Ten of Pentacles.  Physical world comfort and a secure place to rest, all achieved through tradition and rules and convention.  My own hard work has gotten me to this point, and I am being told to take some time to appreciate what I have achieved.  Not too long, though; new levels can be reached if I use what I have already attained in order to strive further. 

Another Wild Unknown Tarot card: The Two of Wands.  This one shows two Wands, points down and close to each other, with the wider tops angling away from each other, creating a “V” shape.  In the background are vertical lines of the colors of the rainbow, purple at the top, then fading to blue, then green, then yellow, then orange, and finally red at the bottom.  Lots of power in this image!  We have the power of the rainbow, a creation of the sun and the rain, and we have the power of the chakras, energy centers connected to the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical bodies.  The card is also very balanced as well as dynamic; it is the number 2 (balance, polarity, and the energy of “distance between”), plus we have the vertical Wands with a horizontally striped background.  This Two of Wands makes me feel as if I am ready to accomplish some task for which I have trained intensely; I feel ready, warmed up, and eager to begin.


Thursday, July 25, 2013


Eight of Swords reversed/Six of Swords. The Eight of Swords (Jupiter, expansiveness and growth, justice, fortune, in Gemini, “I think,” curious, sociable talkative, dual) in an upright position tells of a confused and restrictive response to obstacles, or maybe perceived obstacles.  My card is reversed, so the situations that seem to create problems without my being able to control them will not be as bad as they initially appear. The Six of Swords (Mercury, reason, intelligence, education, communication, in Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, the group, cause oriented) is about balance, healing, moving towards a better place, and even about learning the science behind things that work (because understanding why they work makes them more effective).  This card kind of validates the message of the reversed Eight of Swords.  After all, we can’t aim for a better place unless we experience a bit of what came before that better place.

My Thoth card is the Nine of Cups.  “Happiness” is Uncle Al’s keyword for this card. The Nine of Cups (Jupiter, expansiveness and growth, justice, fortune, in Pisces, “I believe,” feelings, duality, suffering, soul growth) is about emotional satisfaction and the ability to find pleasure in feelings and emotions, and in our expectations for the day.  This is a lucky card!

My Legacy card is the Four of Cups reversed, flavored by The Wheel of Fortune. The Four of Cups (the Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, nurturing, tenacious, moody) in an upright position tells us that too much pleasure, or maybe too much nurturing or overprotectiveness, deadens the senses.  Because my card is reversed, I should be able to prevent myself from taking things for granted or assuming that pleasure will continue. The Wheel of Fortune (Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes, and spontaneous, impulsive and energetic change), Jupiter (expansiveness and growth, justice, fortune), Kaph (grasping hand), and the Path between Netzach (the stimulating factors of emotion and inspiration) and Chesed (the place where forms and structure are stabilized and nurtured)) tells of sudden movement, but not movement caused by us or controlled by us.  I like these two cards together; they tell me that I will be aware of cycles and their effects, but I won’t be made drunk by any good stuff.

My 6-digit date number is 9, the number of completeness of manifestation.

My horoscopes: “Enlist the help of others today, Sagittarius. Information exchange is key to putting the last few puzzle pieces into place. Doing things on your own is important and necessary, but at some point you need to realize that the next major step requires a certain amount of input from others. Gather data and apply it to your situation. Don't become a leech or burden to others.

And: “Social events are likely to put you in touch with some attractive and exciting people. Stimulating discussions could take place, which set your mind whirling even more than it usually does. Some interesting books could be recommended. You'll want to take the names and phone numbers of some of those whom you meet today, so make sure you have a notebook with you when you go out. Have a great day!

My Shadowscapes Insight is regarding the Ace of Cups.  Oooh, nice!  I love the images on this card.  A single drop of water begins the ripples on the surface, so very much like a scrying mirror.  The Ace of Cups is filled with possibilities connected to dreams or imagination or feelings or emotions.

It’s been an interesting few days.  I taught a Chair Yoga Class, volunteered to teach four Chair Yoga Classes in August with another YTT trainee, and my sister is now asking me serious questions about Wicca.  Never a boring moment!


Monday, July 22, 2013


Justice reversed/Queen of Wands.  Justice is a card of adjustment, and it corresponds with the element of Air (hot/separates and wet/adapts, and quick, animated energy that usually brings problems or challenges that bring growth), Libra (“we are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation), Lamed (ox goad; training or teaching), and the Path between Tiphareth (the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify) and Geburah (the place where forms and structures are challenged or affirmed).  Upright, it tells of balance and harmony, and reversed, it can tell of bigotry.  It can also, in my particular case, tell me that I will have lots of work today from the lawyer for whom I do part time work.  Sometimes the meaning is literal! The Queen of Wands (cusp of Pisces, “I believe,” feelings, duality, soul growth, spirituality, and Aries, “I want,” action oriented, assertive, competitive) is energetic and enthusiastic, gives 100% of herself, and always has a smile on her face and humor in her heart. She is telling me to accept this work, give it my best shot, and she is telling me not to complain.  Okay, then!

My Thoth card is the Ace of Swords.  The Ace of Swords (Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, caution authority, cunning, Aquarius and Pisces, “I believe,” feeling, duality, soul growth, artistic) tells of the birth of ideas and concepts.  This card tells me that logic and analysis will be the keywords of the day.  Clarity is mine, if I want it!

My Legacy card is the Queen of Cups flavored by the Four of Coins.  The Queen of Cups (cusp of Gemini, “I think,” curious, sociable, dual, and Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, tenacious, nurturing, moody) represents the energies of Water and The High Priestess manifested into the Minor Arcana. She is lovely and soft and caring, and in tune with her instincts, and she is telling me to be the same way.  She is being flavored by the Four of Coins.  The Four of Coins (the Sun, the inner core of a person or situation or the deepest self, in Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, authority, caution cunning) tells of very solid foundations and an awareness of the value of our possessions.  The energies of this card are resistant to change, and they need predictability.  Imposing this kind of need onto the Queen could have one of two results: either She will be a bit more grounded, or she will become cranky from being stifled.  Let’s keep her in a good mood.

My Pearls of Wisdom Full Moon card is the Eight of Wands. The Eight of Wands (Mercury, reason, intelligence, education, skill, communication, in Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, adventurous, blundering) is a card of action, of quick developments, and of pulling it all together so things can be completed.  The Pearls of Wisdom Tarot adds the concept of all that energy serving to complete a cycle.  The end result will be balance . . . once the dust settles. 

My 6-digit date number is 6, the number of vertical and horizontal balance.

My horoscopes: “If the doorknob doesn't turn today, Sagittarius, don't force it. You will only break it. Perhaps you need to try another door. If things don't flow smoothly into place, then they probably weren't meant to be. Life shouldn't always be a struggle. Your job is to enjoy it. Remember that the next time you're in a long line. View the situation as a period of rest.

And the second one did not come through.

My Shadowscapes Insight is regarding the King of Pentacles.  LOL, my Shadowscapes deck loves to give me Pentacles cards!  This King turns everything he touches into gold.  Not only does he bring blessings, but he also brings the seed to the next season’s harvest!  Share his bounty, and plan for the future. 

Tonight I taught my first one-on-one Karma Yoga Class.  “Karma” because I don’t get paid for it, “one-on-one” because it was a private class.  My student is from the Studio, an amazing heroine of a woman, who has had open heart surgery and two stomach surgeries.  She began practicing Yoga because she did not want to end up curled up in a ball because of her scar tissue.  Not only is she succeeding with that challenge, but she also was able to wean herself from anti-depression medication, all in about a year and a half.  She is a Goddess and I am privileged to be working with her.

I’ve thrown another Wild Unknown card: The Ten of Swords.  This one shows a bull laying crumpled on the ground, one sword through his eyes and brain, and nine more sticking out of his back.  This card has a very heavy feel to it, especially when you consider it’s a Swords card and connected to the element of Air.  I feel weighted down by the image, and very discouraged.  After all, the sword through the eyes would certainly be enough to kill this bull, but there are nine others sticking out of its back, kind of like what the bull must look like at the end of a bull fight.  Yes, that kind of hopelessness and exhaustion works for this card, too.  What is interesting is that the one sword is through the eyes.  This suit represents our intellect and the workings of our mind and our ability to analyze; we are “seeing” a situation through our intellect and deciding what it means to us.  Because this “seeing” does not usually take into consideration feelings or intuition or groundedness or fertility or passion or creativity, it may not be realistic.  That bull has been blinded to reality, and is depending solely on his mind.  He doesn’t see that the darkest part of the image is that part near him; behind him the sky is much lighter but he is missing that!


Sunday, July 21, 2013


Transparent Oracle Sunday!

55, Guide: Mermaid (Below).  Ascension and escape from the physical world seem to be our tasks for this life; however, in order to ascend, we need to first understand this word we are attempting to grow out of.  The cards of Below assist us in that endeavor.  Mermaid tells us of many non-physically manifested concepts: feelings, emotions, love, compassion, and healing.  Like Water, none of these can be held in place by our hands, and yet all are important ingredients within a balanced and harmonious and satisfying life.  Learning to access these ingredients and use them for our benefit without “over-spicing” the recipe takes focus and Will, and loss of control can bring obsession and destruction, but it is well worth the risk.

1, Gateway: Spring (East).  East is the direction of the rising sun, and thus of new beginnings and fresh ideas, as well as knowledge, intellectual ideas and thoughts.  The Gateway of Spring brings us fresh new beginnings and the first blossoming of creativity.  There is an innocence about the energies of this Gateway, and an optimism, and perhaps these lovely energies will bring new insights, as well as new creativity.

53, Guide: Sidhe (Below).  The cards of Below assist us in understanding our foundation.  There are entities who dwell there who can also assist us with that endeavor, if we approach them correctly.  The Sidhe can be a wonderful Guide when we are attempting these things, for she is both a source of creation and of responsibility.  The Sidhe cares for the earth and Nature; just like us, she is a part of that realm.  But the Sidhe is also connected to the non-physical world more than we are, and thus can be a Guide who teaches us how to see things in a different or unique manner.  And if we work hard and are true to our Purpose, we just might get some support along with our guidance; this partnership can achieve extraordinary things!

Oooh, interesting.  Another very “tight” mandala!  The face of Sidhe on top of the face of Mermaid, a potent and compelling spiral in the center and emanating “rays” moving outward, and the wreath of Spring (with a beautiful flower on each Third Eye) connecting everything together.  That spiral is compelling for a reason: inspiration and feelings and emotions all come from within us.  I am being reminded today of my own Purpose, and I am being encouraged to give my inner Self another look.  Perhaps things have changed or become more interesting there.  Perhaps I will be able to understand a bit more.

Another Wild Unknown Tarot card!  The Five of Wands.  Five wands, each facing a different direction, and each sending out different energy patterns from each side.  This card kind of puts me in a daze because of the different directions in which the energy is moving.  These conflicting flows don’t feel dangerous, but they certainly are distracting!  Not one energy flow supports another, and they all may very well cancel each other out in the end, kind of like the way a strategically set fire can help tame a fire that is out of control.  Then, we will have stillness!  Not very Fire-y, eh? 

I am just back from YTT Intensive 6.  I’m tired, but this was another great day, learned a lot and practiced like crazy.

And yes, true to my spread today, I’ve had several Aha! Moments. 

The first has to do with Ayurveda.  The book on our required reading list presents a new way of viewing the human being.  I have thus far been seeing the life essence as the animating force of the physical body, but now I am seeing that the physical body is also the manifestation of the life force.  Some may say I’m splitting hairs here, but this is important to me.  Yes, the life essence **is** the animating force of the physical body, and that animation is the Effect that creates the Cause that is the physically alive entity that is “me.”  But according to Ayurveda, that physical body is also an Effect, an Effect that is being created by the workings of the Cause that is the life force!  I am sitting here, typing this blog entry because my life force is causing my physical body to do so.  I have brown hair and brown eyes, a craving for soft ice cream and cake icing, and a tendency for wide hips because **that** is how my life force manifests itself.  That is such an interesting Cause/Effect relationship!

The second Aha! Moment of the day happened while I was watching a Leslie Kaminoff video on the Koshas.  Kaminoff stated that anyone can benefit from Yoga; as long as you breathe and move, Yoga can help better your life.  Then, he explained and demonstrated how simple arm movements can connect the different Koshas (or “sheathes”; Annamaya or food-apparent sheath, Pranamaya or air-apparent sheath, Manomaya, or mindstuff-apparent sheath, Vijnanamaya, or wisdom-apparent sheath, and Andanamaya, or bliss-apparent sheath) and thus, reduce blockages and imbalances.  Yesss!  Okay, my mind knows this to be true, but there is a difference between “knowing” and “getting” the concept.  Now I get it!


Friday, July 19, 2013


Five of Cups reversed/Knight of Wands. The Five of Cups (Mars, action, aggression, drive, in Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, controlling, mysterious, obsessive) tells of an emotional setback or disappointment, or perhaps the belief that a wrong choice has been made.  There is a sense of isolation that comes with the upright card, but my Five is reversed, so perhaps, just perhaps, I’ve been able to learn the lesson of the Cups cards: happiness comes from within. The Knight of Wands (cusp of Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, controlling, deep, obsessive, and Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, blundering) usually represents a person of passion, courage, enthusiasm and boundless energy; most definitely not background-type efforts.  The Knight of Wands is a warrior who is confident enough and passionate enough to jump into the fray and protect what he thinks is important.  Perhaps he is reminding my Fool to think before acting, and to make certain any cause chosen is worthy.

My Thoth card is the Six of Cups reversed.  “Pleasure” is the keyword for the upright card. The Six of Cups (Sun, the inner core of a person or situation in Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, compulsive, deep, obsessive) is a card of innocence, emotional balance and harmony, of simple joy that begets even more simple joy by infecting all around us.  Crowley sees the upright Six of Cups as being filled with emotional possibilities because of its harmony, but my card is reversed.  Perhaps I am forgetting that the best joy is simple, inexpensive, and not bound by expectations.  I need to just let things happen and get pleasure from the results.

My Legacy card is the Page of Cups, flavored by the King of Coins. The Page of Cups corresponds to Libra (“we are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation), Scorpio (“I desire,” intensity compulsion, mystery) and Sagittarius (“I seek,” philosophic, adventurous, blundering); it is a card of soft and tender energies and of getting fulfillment through connections to others and through innocent and simple joys. I see this one as being related to the Six of Cups, and perhaps my Page is jumping up and down, waving his arms and yelling: “Listen to me!  Don’t worry, be happy!”  The card flavoring my Page is the King of Coins. The King of Coins (cusp of Aries, “I want,” action oriented, assertive, competitive, and Taurus, “I have,” sensual, stubborn, cautious, physically oriented) is the expert on managing resources and on the physical world manifestation of all kinds.  The King is supporting the message of my Page, and reminding me that happiness can be found within the world around me, as well as within my feelings and emotions.

My 6-digit date number is 3, the number that tells of a creation out of the potential and position of the Ace, and the balance, polarity and energy of “distance between” of the Two.

My horoscopes: “Enjoy yourself, Sagittarius. You have a lot to be grateful for, so give thanks. Take pride in all you've accomplished so far and share your joy with others. Let go of the reins and sit back comfortably for a while. You've worked hard for a reason - to enjoy life. If you don't do it now, then when? Take time out and be with loved ones tonight.

And: “You might be feeling a bit off kilter today, and it may seem like your head did not quite get screwed on correctly this morning. Don't sweat the small stuff, and realize that many people are feeling just as spaced out as you are. Use the day's energies to indulge in your fantasies and share intimate moments with loved ones. Be careful not to overindulge in escapism. It may be hard for you to come back to earth at all

My Shadowscapes Insight is regarding the Eight of Cups.  I’ve had this a few times recently.  Traditionally, this card shows someone walking away from the Cups, but the Shadowscapes Insight Eight of Cups has a different message: find sensual enjoyment from diving deep, from moving with confidence into the quiet and dark.  The path ahead may be unknown, but there is great power in choosing to move to a different place.

Another Wild Unknow Tarot: The Six of Swords.  The image on this one is a pile of Swords at the bottom of the card, surrounded by darkness; across the top of the card is light, and the border between the darkness and light is a rainbow.  My first reaction to this image was that despite the weight of the darkness, there is still hope.  I could hear the words to the song, “There’s Got To Be A Morning After”; moving toward that bright ending just might be the perfect step.


Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Ten of Wands/Page of Pentacles. The Ten of Wands (Saturn, discipline, responsibility, limitations and resistance, in Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, blundering) tells of being taxed to some perceived limit, or of feeling as if we are out of gas at the bottom of a hill. I know exactly what this is referring to.  This heat has me dragging, and I am falling behind in my emails and such. I might be able to get a better handle on things by the weekend, if I can survive until then. The Page of Pentacles (Aries, “I want,” assertive, action oriented, Taurus, “I have,” sensual, cautious, stubborn, and Gemini, “I think,” curious, sociable, dual) is down-to-earth and responsible, and a listener and a learner. The Page of Pentacles loves to learn new things and have new experiences, but he also loves to also be a catalyst for change in the physical world, change for everyone.   Today, he is reminding me that even in the midst of a heat wave, I can make things fun.

My Thoth card is Lust (Strength) reversed. Interesting that Uncle Al named the Strength card “Lust.” The Strength card (Fire, hot/separates and dry/shapes, and spontaneous, impulsive and energetic energy; Leo, “I am,” passionate, dramatic, egotistical; Teth, sieve or basket, digestion; and the Path between Geburah, the place where forms and structures are challenged or affirmed, and Chesed, the place where forms and structures are stabilized and nurtured) is about having the strength and the patience to endure and focus.  Crowley sees this card as representing magickal power, and that makes sense because we need to have an ability to focus, and an ability to have patience, in order to work with magick.  This card is not about having do-or-die fortitude, but rather, fortitude that allows us to do or accomplish things that please us.  Again, it makes sense that this card is reversed; finding our get-up-and-go amidst a heat wave is not always easy. 

My Legacy card is the Two of Wands, flavored by the Queen of Cups reversed. The Two of Wands (Mars, action, spontaneity, aggression, drive, in Aries, “I want,” action oriented, pioneering, assertive, enthusiastic) tells of power, influence and authority. Possibilities and potential, and the power and skill and awareness to make use of them . . . not bad.  My Two of Wands is being flavored by the reversed Queen of Cups. The Queen of Cups (cusp of Gemini, “I think,” curious, sociable, dual, and Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, tenacious, nurturing, moody) in an upright position represents the energies of Water and The High Priestess manifested into the Minor Arcana.  The card in a reversed position could be again referring to the heat-induced lethargy that is affecting me.  But paired with that Two of Wands, this reversed Queen may slow me down, but she won’t stop me.

My 6-digit date number is 10, the number that tells of the end of a cycle; it reduces further to 1, the number of potential and position. 

My horoscopes: “Romance blossoms for you, Sagittarius, perhaps after a long standstill. A new stability and security may settle on love relationships as well as close friendships. Children could be a great source of warmth and pleasure. You might want to channel some of this blossoming positive energy into a creative activity of some kind, which should increase even further your sense of contentment and well-being.

And: “People may be coming at you from all angles today, and they want answers from you. Try to keep your head on straight and go with the flow. The key to floating through this day with flying colors is to keep your stress level down. Getting upset about any one thing will paralyze you. People may be revealing their sob stories to you today. Try not to get overwhelmed by their drama. Show them how to have a good time.

My Shadowscapes Insight is regarding the Eight of Cups.  The Eight of Cups in most cards tells of leaving something behind.  I love the image of this one, diving down to the quiet depths of the sea, where there are no distractions at all.  A perfect place to consider where I am right now, and where I may want to end up tomorrow.  Feelings and emotions are the things to be considered here, as well as dreams for the future.  Can’t manifest ‘em unless I like ‘em. 

Led the pre-class centering and the post-class relaxation this evening at the power flow class.  Yessss!  Now to get some emails taken care of.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013


King of Cups/The High Priestess.  The King of Cups (cusp of Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation, and Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, controlling mysterious, obsessive) is the expert on emotions and the subconscious, mainly because of his life experiences.  He is able to be calm, caring and diplomatic, and still get things done.  He can keep people working together in a productive way, and he sees the world through his heart.  The High Priestess (Water; the Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination; Gimel, the camel who safely crosses Da’ath, the Abyss, and thus, has the secret of life; and the Path between Tiphareth, the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify, and Kether, the source, limitless possibility), is one-half of the Major Arcana representation of the Sacred Feminine, with The Empress being the other half. The High Priestess is the source of the power of The Magician, the feminine version of The Hierophant, and the Keeper of the Mysteries.  She reminds me to listen to my intuition, to be open and receptive to all messages, and to be aware of everything.  These two cards together tell me that at least for today, I have a powerful connection to my inner self, and in some situations I will be real good at connecting my inner self to my outer world.

My Thoth card is the Prince (Knight) of Cups reversed.  The Knight of Cups (cusp of Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, the group, cause-oriented, and Pisces, “I believe,” feelings, duality, suffering, soul growth) in an upright position is about feeling things strongly and without restraint or grounding.  He is reversed, and I need to have a bit of care today, as any minor emotional imbalance could bring out the bad side of me. 

My Legacy card is the Ten of Coins, flavored by the Four of Cups reversed.  The Ten of Coins (Mercury, reason, intelligence, education, communication, in Virgo, “I serve,” practical, analytical, work and service oriented) represents physical world wealth and bounty, usually achieved through the implementation of long-term plans, and the attempt to maintain the status quo.  It is important to remember that having bounty is not enough; we need to continue the plan into the future, too.  The Four of Cups (the Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, nurturing, tenacious, moody) in an upright position tells us that too much pleasure, or maybe too much nurturing or overprotectiveness, deadens the senses.  Because my card is reversed and flavoring the Ten of Coins, I most likely won’t get lost in dreams of what could be.  Instead, I will combine pleasure with bounty, and get some wonderful things happening.

My 6-digit date number is 9, the number of vertical and horizontal balance. 

My horoscopes: The high from your recent successes could make you want to purchase luxury items that you used to think were impractical, Sagittarius. This is fine as long as you're discriminating and don't give in to impulse buying. This also isn't a good time to overindulge in food or drink. You should let yourself enjoy your success while still using common sense. “”

And: “A disproportionate amount of communication via modern technologies such as cell phones, e-mail, fax, or the Internet could take place today. You may have discovered a new field that has captured your interest and seek to learn as much about it as you can. Or you may have heard rumors about someone you know, and you're trying to track down the facts. Either way, expect to spend a lot of time on the phone, or on the computer.”

My Shadowscapes Insight is regarding the Seven of Wands.  This card is about defending what is ours.  There are all kinds of defenses, and today I may need to be more clever than usual; perhaps, I will need to actually draw a line in the sand.  I must make sure that my stand is right, and that I believe what I’m standing for!

My next Wild Unknown Tarot card: The Son of Pentacles.  Oh, I can feel the steely determination in this one!  The image shows the head of a young stag, bowed with effort, with a waning moon in the dark sky.  This one kind of feels like that moment just before you realize that the end is in sight, when you need every ounce of fortitude you can beg, borrow or steal so that you can see things through to the end.  Here is the challenge that will allow the Son of Pentacles to eventually lead, and to perpetuate the species.

It is hot.  I mean steamy hot.  Why do I feel as if I’m being distilled in some way?  I’m being boiled until I turn to steam; perhaps that steam is the purest essence of something important. 

As I review all of my information regarding the Alchemic Great Rite, I am drawn to remind myself of the step with that very name, “Distillation.”  Here is a section of a recent essay from the Llewellyn newsletter on this very subject:

Stage 6: Distillation.When we have embodied the gifts of all previous stages, we are ready to refine ourselves to an even greater degree in the stage of Distillation.  In Distillation, we have reached the point of spiritual and emotional maturity. We can now merge with collective thought without being taken in or overwhelmed by it – in other words, what society says is true may no longer be true for us. We now think for ourselves, but without judging others' opinions or behaviors. In fact, we find them interesting and learn from them. Distillation melts away the final dregs of the ego's control so we are free and independent in thought and Spirit.

In Distillation, we may have sudden rushes of ecstasy and joy – and for no particular reason. We may see our own face – or even the face of the universe – in those of others. We may be drawn to some type of service to humanity with feelings of love and excitement.  A distilled person no longer responds to egoistic expectations, isn't devastated by challenge and crisis, is integrated with Soul, and responds to new, higher guidance while honoring Earthly existence.

Okay.  That makes perfect sense!


Monday, July 15, 2013


Transparent Oracle Sunday!  A day late!

61, Gateway: The Self (Within). This card is considered a “blank canvas,” in that it has faces and hands like the other Within cards, but there are no traits or textures or shapes or colors infused into the faces and hands.  That is because each of us is unique; this is a great significator card, and I am choosing to accept The Self as offering a message: “These cards offer a unique message to you, but that message must be perceived through your own unique senses and interpreted through your own unique intellect.”  This card tells us that the first and main purpose of life and living is to get to know our individual Self.

23, Element: Water (West).  West is the direction of Water, and thus, of feelings and emotions, relationships of all kinds, cleansing and healing, the wisdom associated with natural endings, and the bubbling up of pure joy.  Water is about emotions, feelings, the Inner Voice, dreams, intuition, and Water is connected to both birth and death.  Because our physical bodies contain so much Water, whatever affects Water usually affects us as well.  The image on this card also shows ripples moving outward; something to remember when we are expressing our feelings.

44, Moon (Above). The direction of Above takes us up and out of the four traditional elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, and reminds us that we are but a small part of the Cosmos.  Above also reminds us that while the Machinery of the Universe is huge, it does have an effect on each of us, and each of us is an important part of the workings of that Machinery.  The Moon is a card of cycles and tides, and of mystery, the subconscious, and fantasy.  All are useful tools and effects, except when taken to extremes.  The Moon also represents the Sacred Feminine, and inner, passive and receptive energies. 

I then stacked my cards to create my mandala.  This one is very tight, and that does not surprise me because these cards are really focused inward.  And oh boy, is this a powerful mandala!  It is about feelings and connections and visions, it is about the power of passivity and receptiveness, and it is about knowing and valuing my inner being.  After the Fiery outer focus of last week’s Transparent Oracle spread, this one brings welcome serenity.  But I do need to remember that inner work can burn as well.

We had a great weekend, company coming and going, and it was hot, hot, hot!  Spent Saurday on the beach, then went out to dinner.  Spent Sunday on the front porch.

I’ve got catching up to do, but it is too darned hot!


Friday, July 12, 2013


Judgement reversed/Page of Cups. Judgement corresponds with Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes, and spontaneous, impulsive and energetic change), Pluto (power, metamorphosis, cycles of dying and becoming), Shin (fang), and the Path between Malkuth (the physical world of action and physical, outer reality) and Hod (provides analysis and communication) and in an upright position represents an opportunity to tally up and pay the bill so we can have a fresh start.  My Judgement is reversed today, and I think I am being told that the tally is not high enough to deal with yet.  The bill will come, but not yet! The Page of Cups corresponds to Libra (“we are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation), Scorpio (“I desire,” intensity compulsion, mystery) and Sagittarius (“I seek,” philosophic, adventurous, blundering); it is a card of soft and tender energies and of getting fulfillment through connections to others and through innocent and simple joys. Kind of like asking me to **be** the Six of Cups.

My Thoth card is the Princess of Cups.  Another one! The Princess/Page of Cups corresponds to Libra (“we are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation), Scorpio (“I desire,” intensity compulsion, mystery) and Sagittarius (“I seek,” philosophic, adventurous, blundering); is a card of soft and tender energies and of getting fulfillment through connections to others, and through innocent and simple joys.  The Princess of Cups is imaginative and playful, and eager to serve.  Sounds good to me.

My Legacy card is the Page of Wands reversed, flavored by the Nine of Wands reversed.  No Fire for me! The Page of Wands (Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, tenacious, nurturing, moody; Leo, “I am,” passionate, dramatic noble egotistical; and Virgo, “I serve,” practical, analytical, work and service oriented) is a fun guy to be around, unless you have a migraine, and since my Page is reversed today, I’m not going to have the patience for that kind of energy.  Indecision may be an issue, but from the card flavoring my reversed Page I should get some good energies. The Nine of Wands (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, adventurous, blundering) in an upright position tells us to prepare for the worst, but to wait before being aggressive.  My reversed Nine of Wands will flavor my reversed Page of Wands with some trust and optimism.

My 6-digit date number is 5, the number that tells of movement that dispels stagnation.

My horoscopes: “A group you're affiliated with could find some discrepancies in their financial records and ask you to check into it, Sagittarius. This is probably due more to mistaken entries or lost pages than to any major disaster, but solving it will set everyone's mind at ease. Don't be surprised if you have to dig through little scraps of paper buried in the bottom of files. It will be worth it, though.

And: “The general atmosphere may seem a bit too slow for you today. Try not to get bogged down in the details. Also, try not to worry too much. You may find that it is difficult to get a rise out of people. You might just want to sit back and take it easy. This is a good day to plan and reorganize. Honor your recent achievements and protect all that you have worked for.

My Shadowscapes Insight is regarding the Ten of Pentacles.  This card appears regularly for me; it encourages me to enjoy today the fruits of my labors, but also to remember that within my current harvest are seeds that will germinate into the next round of opportunities, so I should take good care of them.

And another Wild Unknown card: The Mother of Pentacles.  This is such a beautiful card!  It makes me feel safe and warm and very loved. The doe in the image is comfortable with her legs tucked under her, but her eyes are open and her ears are pricked.  She needs to be alert, because her fawn is fast asleep by her side.  He curls up against her, soothed by her warmth and her support as he sleeps peacefully.  She will make certain that he is not disturbed, and when he wakes, she will fill his belly.

We’ve got some company this weekend.  And it’s raining cats and dogs today, which is a good thing.  I won’t have to water all weekend!  My sister is coming down on Sunday, to spend a few days in the Blue Moon House.  I will be leaving on Monday, but will still get some quality time with her.

Fresh bread tomorrow!


Thursday, July 11, 2013


The Hanging Man/Nine of Swords reversed.  The Hanging Man corresponds with Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts, and emotional, sensitive and imaginative energy that tends to move deep, and attempts to take the same path as in the past), Neptune (inspiration, spirituality, magick, enchantment, dreams, altered states), and the Hebrew letter Mem (water, stability and balance, the reflective quality of thought) presents the kind of balance that comes to us through surrender, and through seeing things in a different way.  But since he is reversed, I need to avoid indecision and do things pretty much by-the-book, and I need to think about my own needs.  The Nine of Swords (Mars, action, spontaneity, aggression, in Gemini, “I think,” curious, talkative, social, dual) in an upright position represents brooding and worrying, usually self-caused, and usually unproductive.  Crowley calls this worrying “cruelty of the mind,” and he’s right.  This kind of worry is a total waste of time and energy and from the looks of things, I won’t fall into this funk.

My Thoth card is the Nine of Wands.  “Strength” is the keyword for this card.  The Nine of Wands (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, adventurous, blundering) in an upright position tells us to prepare for the worst, but to wait before being aggressive. Strategic withdrawal or hiding from the truth may not be effective today

My Legacy card is the Knight of Cups reversed, flavored by the Seven of Swords reversed.  The Knight of Cups (cusp of Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, the group, cause-oriented, and Pisces, “I believe,” feelings, duality, suffering, soul growth) in an upright position is about feeling things strongly and without restraint or grounding.  He may appear calm, cool and collected to others, but my Knight of Cups responds deeply to life, and dreams big dreams.  He is not about power and dominance in the physical world, and thus his attributes might be underestimated.  He has a powerful connection to his own feelings and to his Inner Voice.  The Seven of Swords (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, cause-oriented, the group, aloofness) tells of the effort to maintain things as we want them, often through the use of deception and without considering the wants or needs of others.

My 6-digit date number is 4, the number of depth and stability.

My horoscopes: “Love is in the air, Sagittarius! You may encounter some wonderfully passionate situations today. You're ready to live these marvelously rich and emotional experiences to the fullest. Put your doubts and insecurities away for the time being. Lose yourself in pleasure and the unknown. Have a great time!”

And: “The fiery charge of the day is helping you press through with the projects you have brewing. Set things in motion now. Get out of the background and onto the center of the stage. Your rocket is on the pad ready to take off. All you have now is to ignite the engine. Use the power of your emotions to deliver a powerful boost that will propel you to the stars.”

My Shadowscapes Insight is regarding The Hermit.  Love this guy; he is the seeker who turns his back to the bright lights and noises of the city, and heads out into quiet solitude.  It is only then that he can hear the whispers on the wind, maybe for the first time!

Another Wild Unknown Tarot card, and this one is a beauty.  The High Priestess.  The image on this card is a white tiger, sitting serenely with that inscrutable look cats can get, a rainbow hewed crystal ball between her paws and a waning crescent moon in the sky.  Cats are mysterious creatures; anyone who has ever lived with one knows this.  They are predators, and yet they are devoted parents and loving companions.  But they seem to see things or hear things that aren’t there; they seem to know things that we can’t even imagine, never mind sense the presence of.  Even in repose, eyes half closed, gazing gently off into the distance, we can tell that she knows . . . she just knows. 


Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Queen of Cups reversed/Eight of Pentacles reversed.  That’s a clear message.  The Queen of Cups (cusp of Gemini, “I think,” curious, sociable, dual, and Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, tenacious, nurturing, moody) in an upright position represents the energies of Water and The High Priestess manifested into the Minor Arcana.  The card in a reversed position could be indicating some disconnect or imbalance regarding feelings and emotions, too much or too little.  The Eight of Pentacles (Sun, the inner core of a person or situation, in Virgo, “I serve,” practical, analytical, sensible, orderly) in an upright position tells us that diligence and an awareness of details is important.  The reversed Eight of Pentacles could be offering a reason for the disconnect being presented by the Queen, a lack of focus on details.  Perhaps just knowing that this disconnect is happening and that it could be happening because of an emotional imbalance might be enough to lessen the consequences. 

My Thoth card is the Eight of Cups.  The keyword for this one is “Indolence.”  The Eight of Cups (Saturn, discipline, responsibility, limitation, law and order, in Pisces, “I believe,” feeling, duality, suffering, soul growth) tells of an ending or a decline or a change of direction, often one associated with emotions, and it offers one possible response to that decline or change: moving on. Crowley sees this one as the hangover card!  Perhaps I need more than awareness, perhaps I need to cut my losses and look in a new direction. 

My Legacy card is The World reversed, flavored by the Two of Swords.  This pair makes sense too.  The World, which corresponds with Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes, and material, stable and practical energy that is slow to change), Saturn (discipline, responsibility, limitations and resistance), Thav (mark or sign), and the Path between Malkuth (the physical world of action and physical, outer reality) and Yesod (the place where patterns and images emerge that may manifest into the physical world) is a card of integration and involvement and understanding, a crystallization of the entire issue at hand.  This card is reversed, and again I am seeing a potential for apathy or withdrawal.  The Two of Swords (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation), which is flavoring my reversed World card, represents a time of not looking or of shutting out the world.  The serenity of this card happens because we are vigilant and on guard, and because we choose to not receive or acknowledge as valid the information that comes to us from the outside.  Is this good?  Or bad?  Only time will tell, but there is a danger here of not deciding.  Shutting out the world for too long can be another source of imbalance.

My 6-digit date number is 3, the number that tells of a new creation out of the possibility and position of the Ace, and the balance, polarity, and energy of “distance between” of the two.

My horoscopes: “It's time to put your plans in motion, Sagittarius. There's a very expansive energy urging you to reach out and make valuable connections with others. Remember that many hands make light work. Don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it. There are many outstretched hands waiting to help you in whatever way you need.”

And: “If you've been thinking about trying your hand at writing, this is the day to get started. Your mind is particularly sharp and your imagination rich. Unusual developments, mostly positive, could take place in your neighborhood today. However, the facts about exactly what's going on might not be known right now, and so a lot of unfounded rumors could circulate. Reserve forming any opinions until you know the truth.”

My Shadowscapes Insight is regarding the Six of Cups.  Such a beautiful card.  This one reminds us that it is only the mind that is unfettered by expectations that can find joy, peace and fulfillment in whatever life offers.  Got lemons?  Make lemonade, and invite over some friends!

Today was a milestone day for me, at least as far as Yoga Teacher Training is concerned.  A regular Yoga teacher was absent today, and I volunteered to demo for the substitute.  Imagine my surprise when that substitute announced in the middle of the class that I would be teaching the next few asanas!  I did well, and I think one reason that I felt so comfortable was that I did not have time to indulge in stage fright.

The worst (teaching for the first time) is over, and I survived.  Awesome!!

The next awesome thing that happened is that I have been assigned a gentle Yoga student, for one-on-one teaching practice.  Yay!

Finally, my power flow teacher has asked me to do the beginning centering and ending relaxation for next Wednesday’s class. 

Progress, with a capital “P”!
