Thoth card is the Knight of Cups reversed. The
Thoth Knight corresponds with the rank of King in other decks. The Knight/King of Cups (cusp of Libra,
“We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation, and Scorpio, “I desire,” intense,
controlling mysterious, obsessive) in an upright position is the expert on
emotions and the subconscious, mainly because of his life experiences. These will not be effective pursuits
for me today because my card is reversed.
I may not have the focus necessary to direct my feelings or to hear and
react to my Inner Voice. Most
important is that I not become cranky if things don’t go as planned.
Legacy card is the Two of Swords flavored by the Ten of Coins. The Two of Swords (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion,
imagination, in Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation) represents
a time of not looking or of shutting out the world. The serenity of this card happens because we are vigilant and
on guard, and because we are controlling our thoughts and actions. The isolation associated with this card
can bring the possibility of some kind of deception into play; the serenity
experienced because of isolation may not actually be reality. The Ten of Coins (Mercury, reason,
intelligence, education, communication, in Virgo, “I serve,” practical,
analytical, work and service oriented), which is flavoring my Two of Swords, represents
physical world wealth and bounty, and the attempt to maintain the status quo. Okay then, isolation just might bring a
mistaken perception that all is going well in my physical world. I should look twice before deciding
what to do, and I should remember that I need input from more than logic.
6-digit date number is 4, the number of depth and stability.
horoscopes: “Low
biorhythms could have you feeling a little depressed. You may tend to doubt
your goals and abilities. Don't let this send you into a fit of gloom,
Sagittarius. All is better than it seems. Realize that today you're likely to
blow every little setback out of proportion. Give everything you try your very
best effort. Go out tonight and have a good time!”
And: “The fire in your belly is heating up,
and you may find yourself quite anxious to prove an important point at this
time. Don't be surprised if you ram heads with someone on an issue that is
charged with political jargon. Be careful of buying into someone's mind-set
without doing the research to actually see where this person is coming from,
and what exactly it is that he or she wants from you.”
Shadowscapes Insight is regarding the Ten of Swords. The energies of this card spiral around us in an
ever-tightening circle, making events appear dire. Sometimes there is nothing else to do but ride the wave, and
then pick up the pieces once the water recedes. Sometimes, though, the discomfort is caused by the ending of
delusion; we can only hope.
Lesson 10 of Third Degree is 95 percent completed. I should be able to submit it by the end of the weekend, at
the latest after my YTT Intensive 4, which is this Sunday. Today, I will be auditing class number
3 of the required 4 and then doing more of the YTT homework, and I will be
attending three practices this week as well. I should be in good shape for this weekend’s Intensive.
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