Page of Pentacles/The Hermit. The Page of Pentacles corresponds with the season of Spring (Aries, “I want,” action oriented, enthusiastic, competitive; Taurus, “I have,” sensual, physical, cautious; and Gemini, “I think,” curious, talkative, sociable, dual, intelligent), tells of the presence of a “young body and an old mind,” and it tells of the potential for exciting opportunities. The Pages encourage us to use the tools we have been offered through the Aces, and this Page tells me that I should go out and meet abundance as it approaches, with child-like enthusiasm, rather than holding back. It also reminds me that I’ve gotta have faith. If I believe, I will make it happen. The Hermit, which corresponds with Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes, and material, practical and stable energy that is slow to change), Virgo (“I serve,” practical, analytical, work and service oriented, orderly), Yod (open hand, touch), and the Path between Tiphareth (the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify) and Chesed (the place where forms and structure are stabilized and nurtured), is about looking within for answers. The Hermit’s message to me is that the journey is the goal, not the destination, and he is telling me that at least at this time, the journey should be a solitary one. I should ask the tough questions today, and look within for the answers.
My Thoth card is the Seven of Disks reversed. “Failure” reversed today. The Thoth Seven of Disks (Saturn, discipline, responsibility, law and order, in Taurus, “I have,” sensual, cautious, stubborn) in an upright position tells of a heavy pause that just might be hard to counteract, due to the Earthiness of both the number 7 and the suit of Disks. Most decks see this card as offering the possibility of a reward for efforts expended so far, or at least it offers us a glimpse of the reward that will come to us down the road, but Uncle Al feels that in an upright position it is indicating that sloth is ruling the day. Yay, it is reversed!
My Legacy card is the Four of Cups reversed flavored by the Queen of Swords reversed. The Four of Cups (the Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, nurturing, tenacious, moody) in an upright position reminds us that experiencing too much pleasure can desensitize us to its effects, and blind us to everything else going on around us. Because the card is reversed, I should feel able to work hard and focus intensely; this means that the pleasure I may experience will be because I accomplished good things. The Queen of Swords (cusp of Virgo, “I serve,” practical, sensible, work and service oriented, and Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation, grace) in an upright position tells of being honest, of being difficult to fool, of being able to make use of the many experiences I have accumulated, and she reminds me that there is humor to be found in just about every situation, and laughter is the best medicine. This reversed Queen is flavoring my Four of Cups reversed, and perhaps while I may be able to focus on the tasks at hand, I may not be real good at seeing the big picture. I’ve gotta remember not to take things too seriously, but I also should remember that this reversed Queen may make some booboos.
My 6-digit date number is 10, the number of completion of experience or manifestation, which reduces further to 1, the number of potential and new beginnings.
My horoscopes: “Today's energy has you rethinking all areas of your life, Sagittarius. If you aren't as challenged by your job as you think you should be, perhaps it's time for a change. The trick for you will be figuring out what it is that you want to do. You have a tremendous amount of creative ability. If you aren't using these talents, why not explore a career that would let you develop them further?”
And: “Carefully thinking things through is usually a good idea, but beware of spending too much time second-guessing yourself right now. Creativity and originality can be crushed by too much analysis. The stars favor quick decisions right now, so don't spend your day carefully deliberating. In a group setting, go ahead and express your innovative idea, and see how it's received. Don't try to make it perfect before you unveil it.”
Technology: “The best results come from practice, practice and more practice. Be a brave soul and attempt your plans, and if you fall flat on your face, whip out Plan B. Minor missteps are part of the process, not an end result, so keep on keeping on.”
I spent a good part of my day working in my much-loved garden. I had a great weekend, considering that I was supposed to be in the Dominican Republic. I actually saw a frigate bird!! We were all on the beach, and along came a bird that I had never seen before. I watched it as it circled around a bit, looking at it through the binoculars so that I could memorize what it looked like. When we got back from the beach, I looked it up in my bird book. The first bird I looked for was my guess, the frigate bird, and I was right! It was an immature male Magnificent Frigatebird, rarely seen north of Florida! How cool is that??!!
After I finished working in my garden, I filled the tub with cool water, and did a meditation. I went to the Ancient Altar of the Source, because I had been given such intense experiences and such powerful information over the past week or so, as I worked on the 13th Path, but I had not yet been able to tie everything together. So I climbed the mountain, cast my circle, called my Quarters, and invoked my Deities. And then I hoped for some answers.
My circle was filled with the most amazing energy once Everyone had arrived; this energy glowed and seemed to emit a tone, a musical tone, a vibration, a lovely, harmonious sound. Far above me was the “information highway” that I had been shown during my last visit to the Ancient Altar; I could hear the faint sounds of the lights traveling to and fro. I closed my eyes, spread my arms, opened my chakras (beginning with the root and finishing with the crown), and opened myself to that lovely energy. It filled me, but I could not feel it; I could hear it and see it but there were no other sensations connected to it. I thought about this for a moment, and then I realized that this energy was vibrating at a higher level than physical energy! Maybe I could make use of it to raise myself up closer to the lights.
I gathered my awareness, and left my body. I could not believe how easy it was to rise up, and the coolest thing was that, once I had gotten maybe 50 feet over the altar, I could look down at myself! I have never been able to look at my body while astrally traveling, I always get jerked back into my body when I try to do that. But this time, I could see myself, standing there with arms spread; I could see the altar and the burning candles, the obelisks, my Guides and my cast circle glowing softly, far below. Cool!!
Then, I had to wrest my focus away from the scene that was fascinating me so. As exciting as it was to see myself from above, that was not why I was here. I looked up, and focused more on the lights shooting back and forth above me and the harmonious vibration of this higher energy, and I began to rise further. The closer I got to the lights, the louder the sounds began. I was almost there! Suddenly, I became aware that I was already connected to the lights; very thin strands of the lights were attached to me, I think randomly; I don’t think that I could see them until I had risen to this higher level of vibration. Then, the most amazing thing happened: as I watched, three thin strands that were going into my crown chakra suddenly began to twist around each other, and they got thicker. They pulsed with colors, blue, green and yellow, and soon they had the ropy appearance of an umbilical cord.
Then my attention was drawn away from the umbilical cord, and back to the shooting lights. I realized that some of them appeared to be entities. They had heads, and appendages that flowed behind them as they moved, but they were so brightly lit that I could not see details. A few of them suddenly stopped and changed their direction, moving along the strands that were part of my umbilical and into my crown chakra. Were these angels? I don’t know. After watching further, I realized that some of the thinner threads contained information that was moving out of me, and into the information highway above me. This absolutely must be the Akashic Records! And I was submitting my own perceptions, without even realizing it.
I strived to open myself further to the energies around me, and suddenly the light became almost more brilliant than I could bear, and the tone of the vibrations became higher, faster, sweeter. Oh, the glory of what I touched on!! Now I understand why the prophets of the Bible described the presence of Deity as like being next to suns!! Now I know why those who have glimpsed Deity risk having their brains fried. Now I know why prophets and enlightened ones seem different than the rest of us. Oh, what they have seen! The beauty, the rightness of it all is beyond description. There simply are no words. Even now, as I type this, tears are running slowly down my face. Those who have not seen what I have seen would not understand because I just can’t find the right words to describe this; they would think I had been in the sun too long.
This is the place where magick happens, higher magick. Not the tiny little spells that bring us a date for Friday night, or a raise at our jobs. Not that these spells aren’t important, but they are closer to the physical world and they use that slower vibrating, more heavy energy that is closer to the physical realms. The magick associated with this energy transcends my own individual experiences in this life, and I think it might transcend lifetimes, too. This is the place where I can attempt to help humanity some day, this is the place where I can add to the positive experiences of my family, my town. My future, both short term and long term. This is powerful stuff!!! And you can bet your last dollar that I’m not going to rush into using this energy just yet. But it is there. Whether I tap into it or not, it is there. I know; this all sounds really “woo-woo,” really out there, and it might be difficult to read, or boring to read. The words just don’t convey the power of the experience, and that is frustrating. But I’m not crazy. I promise. Actually, I feel saner than I ever have.
I finally began to tire, and my personal energy field began to get heavier. I gently floated back into my body. Before I closed my circle, I took a moment to thank Cernunnos. It is Cernunnos who cares for all life forms, especially those who are “wild,” who are not “civilized,” and I know that it is He who watches out for my son, and it is He who taught Brian how to be strong enough to survive. I asked Cernunnos if I could offer Him something as a gift of gratitude, and LOL, He responded instantly with a “yes.” I am to commit to doing another 40-day regime, this time I will do my stretches for the next 40 consecutive days. Starting today. And I told Cernunnos that I would gladly do the same extra 10 days that He had requested during my 40-day Reiki regime; He told me that He would let me know if I needed to do so.
I then bid my Deities farewell, released my Quarters and closed my circle.
Now I understand the 13th Path. I understand that Binah is the first recognizable manifestation of the Sacred Feminine and Chokmah is the first recognizable manifestation of the Sacred Masculine. What I visualize as Deity, the thought forms that are created by my visualizations and then inhabited by Divine Essences, are not the “ultimate” or highest form of energy; the Essences that fill those thought forms are not the highest form of energy, for they have already been differentiated by male (Force) and female (Form). In order for those Essences to be perceived by me, a physically connected life form, the vibrations must be slowed down a bit and lowered, and even so, I have had to train myself for some time in order to raise my own awareness to that lowered level. Kether is The Source, and every step that I have taken to evolve in this lifetime has been necessary for me to reach the point I attained earlier today. This was something that had to be done in a solitary way, like the camel crossing the desert. I needed to do the preparations before attempting the Journey. No one could show me what I needed to say and do and know in order to be allowed even the briefest glimpse of what was behind The High Priestess’s veil.
I also was wondering before today why the 13th Path leads to Kether, and not to either Binah or Chokmah. But now, I understand that too. Now that I have glimpsed just a bit of what The Source is, I can understand and experience Goddess and God. I can open myself to Their Essences, which are a bit closer to my own physical world energy.
I have been given a glimpse, all beginning with Brian’s near-death experience. This is an earth-shattering Path, and as I look back at the last few days I am a bit shaken, but I want to learn more. Tomorrow, I will move to the 12th Path.
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