Sunday, July 10, 2011

Four of Wands reversed/Two of Swords reversed. The Four of Wands (Venus, beauty, allure, relationships, in Aries, “I want,” action oriented, assertive, enthusiastic) in an upright position is about building enough to become established, as a beachhead, or about a pause before continuing, not as a finished product.  Because it is reversed, my Four of Wands is reminding me that I can’t let the weight and stability of the number 4 weigh down or box in the Fire of the suit of Wands.  Fire needs to keep growing or it will die, and pausing for a moment to celebrate accomplishments so far might lead to lethargy. The Two of Swords (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation) represents peace and stillness, but not necessarily peace and stillness without danger.  This card in an upright position often represents a refusal to see reality, but since it is reversed, even if I attempt to hide from reality, the shields I attempt to hide behind will be taken down.  Combined with the Four of Wands reversed, this Two of Swords reversed might provide the momentum I need.

My Thoth card is The Chariot. The Chariot corresponds with Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts, and sensitive, emotional and imaginative energy that likes to stay the same or follow the same course), Cancer (“I feel,” sensitive, tenacious, nurturing, moody), Cheth (the fence), and the Path between Geburah (the place where forms and structure are challenged or affirmed) and Binah (female receptive energy and the origin of form and structure), and is related to emotional control and the training of our emotions so that we can use them to bring greater good into our lives.  This card is also associated with travel, and about getting where we want to go, and about digestion, since it is a Water card, digestion and understanding of feelings and emotions.  The Charioteer is seen to be successfully controlling the “lower” (slower vibrating, physical realm) workings of himself in order to pass successfully into the astral realms, all the way to the higher planes.  Hmmmm . . . sounds good; but I do need to remember that the success represented by The Chariot is not stable, so it needs looking after.

My Legacy card is he Nine of Wands reversed flavored by The High Priestess reversed.  The Nine of Wands (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, adventurous, blundering) in an upright tells of being pro-active in response to issues, but since the card is reversed, I may find that I am not capable of choosing what to do.  This is the card that connects me to Heraclitus and his concept that constant change is what allows stability to happen.  I must remember to not fight change, but rather be ready to take advantage of it.  The High Priestess (Water; the Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination; Gimel, the camel who safely crosses Da’ath, the Abyss, and thus, has the secret of life; and the Path between Tiphareth, the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify, and Kether, the source, limitless possibility), is the source of the power of The Magician, the feminine version of The Hierophant, and the Keeper of the Mysteries.  She is reversed today, so her inner focus will not necessarily serve me.  One reversed interpretation brings us to focus on The Hierophant, who I will be talking about below.

My 6-digit date number is 10, the end of a cycle of manifestation or experience, which reduces further to 1, the number of potential and position and beginning.

My horoscope: “This day will be agreeable, Sagittarius. There is a dynamic energy in the air that's fueling your fire. Have a good time regardless of what you do. An adventurous, high-spirited approach will get you where you need to go in every situation. You have the power to make important transformations that will help you in the future.

And: “Your ability to inspire confidence in other people is at an all-time high right now, and you should be prepared for people to start looking to you for the answers they need. Your credibility is more respected than you may realize, and your reputation for fairness is almost legendary. You could be asked to make a major judgment that involves the future of several people, and it could become a high-pressure situation. However, there's no need to succumb to stress.

Technology: “A personal relationship or two has taken a turn for the worse. In fact, you may not even be on speaking terms at the moment. If you want to repair the damage, it'll be up to you mend things. Just don't take responsibility for something that isn't your fault.

My Sun reading: “Still waters continue to run deep under a Scorpio Moon and Cancer Sun. The depth is compassion and response to another's needs. You could be sincerely in the midst of a passionate discussion with someone special. Today's words will be remembered for a long time.

We had such a lovely day yesterday! We spent most of the day at the beach.  We came back to the house briefly for lunch, but went right back.  We finally came home, showered, sat and talked and then went back to the beach for sunset (which was lovely, Tara, but a bit cloudy).  Then, a yummy lobster dinner under the stars, a bit of apple crumb pie and some long, deep discussions about all kinds of things.  Back to the beach once more to stand in the surf and breathe in the lovely salt-laced air, and then to bed. 

I am the first one up.  The house is quiet, but the birds are not.  LOL, they are calling back and forth to each other.  The sun is out, and it looks like it’s going to be another lovely day. 

Before I head to the beach, I wanted to talk a bit more about the 16th Path.  As promised, some information on The Hierophant. Besides the 16th Path, The Hierophant corresponds with Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes), Taurus (“I have,” sensual, cautious, stubborn), and the Hebrew letter Vau (the nail which holds tradition in place).  Many decks show The Hierophant as The Pope or The Priest, and this makes quite a bit of sense, although the message of this card is in no way only Christian or monotheistic.

The Hierophant is basically about education (getting one and offering one to others), about getting and being informed, about learning of culture, heritage, ritual, ceremony, religion, and in turn, achieving a well-rounded world-view.  The knowledge and wisdom associated with The Hierophant tend to be conventional and orthodox, and one of the skills associated with this card is learning to fit into a culture or tradition.  This card is “of the group,” and it does not represent the inner seeking of The High Priestess.  She guards the mysteries, while The Hierophant guides others to the mysteries. 

In a way, this is one Purpose (with a capital “P”) of the Sacred Masculine, and The Hierophant is one representation of the Sacred Masculine (along with The Emperor, The Chariot, The Sun, and yes, even The Devil).  The God always leads us to The Goddess.  He loves Her so much that He allowed Himself to be separated from Her, endured the pain of being torn from Her, for the sole purpose of being able to experience the joy of reunion with Her again and again.  The 16th Path brings us from the Vision of Love to the Vision of the Source.  Sounds right to me.


1 comment:

  1. Any time you mention the sunsets down there, I have to pull up the picture of my first one, back in November of '09, just to remind myself that it was actually real! Even scared out of my mind as I was that day, it's still one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.

    Sending much love, and hoping that you've been having a wonderful, magick filled weekend!

