King of Swords/Justice. The King of Swords rules the cusp of Capricorn (“I build,” ambitious, cautious, authoritative, cunning) and Aquarius (“I know,” friendships, cause-oriented, the group, aloof); he is considered the mastermind of the Tarot, and his forte lies in the understanding of things, rather than people (which is the Queen of Swords’ specialty). Today I may find that I am able to use my intellect in order to better understand some things in my life, and those things may be better understood if I employ equilibrium and balance during my evaluation. I will learn more if I don’t impose my own expectations onto the information I am studying.
My Thoth card is the Ace of Swords reversed. The Ace of Swords rules the season of Winter (Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, “I believe,” feelings duality, spirituality soul growth, artistic, overly emotional)
My Legacy card is the Page of Cups reversed, flavored by the Queen of Cups. The Page of Cups, through the Ace of Cups, rules the Fall signs of Libra, “we are,” partnerships, balance, charm. cooperation, Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, controlling, deep, secretive, and Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, adventurous, blundering, and if upright, the presence of this card is telling me to pay attention to my relationships, my dreams and my Inner Voice, and to expect news or invitations regarding connections and relationships. The Queen of Cups in an upright position rules the cusp of Gemini (“I think,” curious, talkative, social intelligent, dual) and Cancer “I feel,” sensitive, tenacious, nurturing, moody), and if upright, the presence of this card tells me to nurture my intuition, listen to the emotions of those around me, and seek out hidden knowledge because I am in a position to understand it. Both cards are reversed, so I am being told today to focus on the “words in print” before me, rather than on my instincts and intuition. Today should be a day of facts (LOL, however that word is defined), rather than theories.
Look at all those Court Cards, and the only one that is not reversed is my King of Swords. Today will not be a day of emotions and feelings, that’s fer sher. But at least the potential for challenges to block my progress is small.
My 6-digit date number is 8, the number that responds to the beginning of degeneration of the number 7 by re-imposing harmony; however, that harmony is not as strong as that of the number 6, and will not last as long.
My horoscopes: “You may feel as if your smile is unwelcome today, Sagittarius. It may seem to you like there's some sort of gloom and doom to people's attitudes that makes them unwilling to accept any sort of good news. Don't let this stop you from maintaining your own cheerful state. It's important that you not probe too deeply into the reasons behind other people's behavior now.”
And: “You are feeling very emotionally confident, and this is evident in your interaction with others. You are strong and brave, and you will find that your positive, upbeat, and friendly attitude will get you just about everywhere you want to go. Have a good time, and do not feel you need to make compromises with those who simply do not understand or appreciate your good nature. Either they are on the bus or they are not, and it is not your responsibility to make their decisions for them.”
I am back into researching the Watchers. I ordered used copies of two books, “Book of Enoch: Angels, Watchers and Nephilim,” and “Gateway to the Gods: An Investigation of Fallen Angels, the Nephilim, Alchemy, Climate Change, and the Secret Destiny of the Human Race,” the latter of which sounds a bit out there, but I will reserve judgment until I get the books.
One big discrepancy I have found is the corresponding seasonal association with the North and Regulus, and the South and Formalhaut; in some sources, this is reversed. The other two are consistent, and I understand the associations; below are some of the correspondences I am finding about Antares and Aldebaron, and hopefully documenting those correspondences here will help me to comprehend the Watchers.
Aldebaron (“the follower”), Persian name, Tascheter, reaches dominance at the Spring Equinox, and thus it is associated with sunrise, the cardinal direction of East, and the season of Spring. It is found in Taurus, and has a possible planetary companion; it is associated with Archangel Michael, and eloquence, integrity, courage, agitation, loss and violent death.
Antares (“holds against Ares (Mars)”), Persian name Satevis, reaches dominance at the Fall Equinox, and thus it is associated with sunset, the cardinal direction of West, and the season of Fall. It is found in Scorpio; it is associated with Archangel Uriel, and adventure, obstinacy, stubbornness and violence, as wel las injuries to eyes and sudden loss.
**sigh** Those two are pretty cut and dry. Now comes the hard part, deciding which cardinal direction I feel should be assigned to Regulus and Formalhaut.
Okay then. Possibility number 1. Regulus (“little king” or “prince”), Persian name Venant, reaches dominance at the Summer Solstice, and is found in Leo; it is associated with the Archangel Raphael, and nobility, ambition, great power, alertness, leadership, sudden downfall, accidents and violence. Metaphysically, because I associate the element of Fire (heat, Summer, daylight) with the direction of South, my first instinct is to place Regulus in the Southern quarter. Formalhaut (“mouth of the fish”), Persian name Haftorang, reaches dominance at the Winter Solstice, and is found in Pisces; it is associated with Archangel Gabriel, and magic, fame, the occult, failth, alchemy, addiction, undesirable associates and congenital birth defects.. Metaphysically, because I associate the element of Earth (cold, Winter, nighttime) with the direct of North, my first instinct is to place Formalhaut in the North.
Now for the contradiction, possibility number 2. If we consider the horizontal line (Aldebaron and Antares) as a left/right flow of energy in a solar way (after all, that is the direction our sun moves), then we can see the vertical line as an above/below flow of energy, similarly in a solar fashion. The concept of “above” is usually associated with noon and the peak of light for the day, and with the season of Summer. The concept of “below” is usually associated with midnight and the deepest dark of night, and with the season of Winter. If we take this into consideration, Regulus, with its association to the Summer Solstice, should be “above” and thus, North, and Formalhaut, with its association to the Winter Solstice, should be “below” and thus, South. This also makes sense because at the Summer Solstice, Regulus is somewhat in the Northern sky, and at the Winter Solstice, Formalhaut is found in the Southern sky.
That is the exact opposite of the previous determination.
Okay, one more thing to take into consideration is precession. Because our planet is tilted, the North/South axis draws a circle against the backdrop of the sky; this is known as the Great Year, and a complete cycle of the Great Year takes about 26,000 years. The manifestation of the Great Year causes the four zodiacal signs (and all the constellations segments of our sky) to move; thus, each of the Royal Stars is moving.
This means that within possibility number 1, Formalhaut in the North and Regulus in the South, precession would cause the stars to move Winter – Fall – Summer – Spring. Within possibility number 2, Formalhaut in the South and Regulus in the North, precession would cause a Summer – Fall – Winter – Spring cycle. I think. LOL, I am treading on thin ice here, and need to do more research. As a side note, precession happens in a backward or counter clockwise direction.
Zodiacal constellations are twelve of eighty-eight divisions of space recognized by astronomers since 1930. However, the signs are actually divisions of time. The astrological sign of Aries is the symbolic birth of the new year, and in the Northern hemisphere, Spring, which begins at the Spring Equinox, happens when Aries is at zero degrees.
Now here is one cool tidbit. About 3,000 years ago, the stars of Aries were behind the sun as it rose on the day of the Spring Equinox. That was when Moses chose the ram as the sacrificial animal of that age. Before that time, the stars of Taurus were behind the sun as it rose on the day of the Spring Equinox. That was when bulls were the major animal of sacrifice and sacredness. After Aries came Pisces, and that is when Jesus was the Fisher of Men, the sacrificial symbol for the age. The new age is Aquarius, which is progressive and focused on the benefit of society.
Here is what Wikipedia has to say about the Age of Aquarius:
The Age of Aquarius is either the current or new age in the cycle of astrological ages. Each astrological age is approximately 2,150 years long, on average, but there are various methods of calculating this length that may yield longer or shorter time spans depending upon the technique used. Unlike sun-sign astrology where the first sign is Aries, followed by Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, whereupon the cycle returns to Aries and through the zodiacal signs again, the astrological ages proceed in the opposite direction or order – normally termed retrograde. Therefore, the Age of Aquarius follows the Age of Pisces. It has been said that we are currently shifting into the “Aquarian Age.”
The 2150 years for each age corresponds to the gyration of the Earth's northern zenith points toward each of the twelve Zodiac regions in the sky (Earth’s 25,800 year gyroscopic precession divided by the twelve Zodiac points). According to different astrologers' calculations, approximated dates for entering the Age of Aquarius range from 1447 AD (Terry MacKinnell) to 3597 (John Addey). The start date for the Aquarian age is somewhat contentious and there is little uniform agreement upon the date or process leading from the previous Piscean age to the Aquarian age (or between any two ages). Nicholas Campion in The Book of World Horoscopes lists various references from mainly astrological sources for the start of the Age of Aquarius. Based on the research by Nicholas Campion most published material on the subject state that the Age of Aquarius arrived in the 20th century (29 claims), with the 24th century in second place with twelve claimants. Eight researchers claim the Aquarian age will arrive in the 25th century while the 21st, 26th and 27th centuries have seven supporters for each century. Other centuries that have a number of supporters for the beginning of the Aquarian age include: 22nd and 23rd centuries (6 each); 19th century (5); and the 18th century (4).
Astrological ages exist as a result of precession of the equinoxes. The stars and constellations appear to slowly rotate around the Earth independent of the diurnal and annual movements of the Earth on its own axis and around the Sun. This slow movement takes slightly less than 26,000 years to complete one cycle. Traditionally this rotation is calibrated for the purposes of the astrological ages by the location of the sun in one of the twelve zodiacal constellations at the moment of the northern hemisphere vernal equinox around 21 March each year. Approximately every 2,160 years the sun’s position at the time of the vernal equinox will have moved into a new zodiacal constellation. However zodiacal constellations are not uniform in size and so some astrologers believe that the corresponding ages should also vary in time; this however is a contentious issue amongst astrologers.
In 1929, the International Astronomical Union defined the edges of the 88 official constellations. The edge established between Pisces and Aquarius technically locates the beginning of the Aquarian Age around the year 2600. Many astrologers dispute this approach because of the varying sizes of the zodiacal constellations and overlap between the zodiacal constellations.
Ages are believed by some astrologers to affect mankind while other astrologers believe the ages correlate to the rise and fall of mighty civilizations and cultural tendencies. Aquarius traditionally “rules” electricity, computers, flight, democracy, freedom, humanitarianism, idealists, modernization, astrology, nervous disorders, rebels and rebellion. Other keywords and ideas believed associated with Aquarius are nonconformity, philanthropy, veracity, perseverance, mankind and irresolution. The appearance or elevation in status of many of these Aquarian developments over the last few centuries is considered by many astrologers to indicate the proximity of the Aquarian age. There is no uniform agreement about the relationship of these recent Aquarian developments and the Age of Aquarius. Some astrologers believe that the influence of a New Age is experienced before it arrives because of a cuspal effect or Orb of Influence. Other astrologers believe the appearance of Aquarian developments indicate the actual arrival of the Age of Aquarius.
According to the Esoteric Christian tradition, such as the Rosicrucians, the proximity and entrance in the Age of Aquarius -- occurring after the present Age of Pisces, or age ruled by the “Sword” -- will bring to the majority of human beings the discovery, true living and real knowledge of the inner and deeper Christian teachings which the Christ spoke of in Matthew 13:11 and Luke 8:10. This age is regarded as an intermediary preparation toward the Christ in the etheric plane, the New Galilee: the “new heavens and a new earth” to come in a future not identified time. In the Aquarian age at hand it is expected a great spiritual Teacher to come (“is coming”), through the school which works as herald of this age, in order “to give the Christian Religion impetus in a new direction.” Others who do not herald the idea of a physical spiritual teacher in contrast to the AntiChrist believe that the Spiritual Teacher will truly be themselves, and that Christ will manifest himself within those who seek these Inner Teachings.
Well, that gives me some food for thought for the day! Never boring around here. More correspondences/traits about the Four Royal Stars tomorrow.
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