Two of Swords reversed/The Fool. The Two of Swords in an upright position represents the Balance that is presented through stagnation or a temporary impasse; in no way is this a permanent situation. The number 2 represents the concept of “distance between” and the suit of Swords represents the mind and the thinking process; since the card is reversed, I am being told that whatever happens within my mind today, there may not be the kind of pause that brings balance. The Fool represents the element of Air (hot/separates and wet/adapts), the planet Uranus (science, innovation, radical change), and the Hebrew letter Aleph (the head, to learn), and is the archetype of the Sacred Child. This card and the Two of Swords reversed validate and support each other, for they tell of a fresh new breeze coming through, stirring things up and bringing excitement.
My Thoth card is the Ace of Swords reversed. Crowley sees the element of Air as having a “noble passivity,” for it has no self-generated impulse, but if set in motion by its Father (Fire) and Mother (Earth), its power is manifestly terrible. The sword shown in the image on this card is the sword of the Magician, and LOL it is reversed, as The Magician seems to be of late for me. When seen as representing the intellect, the Ace of Swords is the first card of a suit that is apprehended and consciously shaped by the mind, rather than occurring naturally. Wow! I think I am having an aha! moment here. LOL, even though the card is reversed. I need to know that the energies of this card could have a negative impact today.
Knight of Wands reversed. Fire of Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes) and the cusp of Scorpio (“I desire”) and Sagittarius (“I seek”), this Knight is the center of the inferno that is the world’s Fire. No task is too big or too difficult for him, or at least so he feels. But it remains for me to determine if this confidence and this enthusiasm bring positive results or negative results.
My 6-digit date number is 11 (the number of Archangel Uriel), which reduces to 2. The number 2 is about the beginning of manifestation, and it brings the concept of “distance between” or “separation” or “Balance.”
What a great, busy and exciting few days it has been. Thursday night my much-loved Pagan Brain Trust met. I really am amazed at the maturity, wisdom, depth, and capacity to love unconditionally, that is found within each member of this awesome group. It is a privilege and a pleasure to watch each of them as they are stopped in their tracks by a challenge. No matter how hard they are knocked down, each one of them will take a short moment to gasp for air, and then claw themselves back up to their feet. Not only do they each pull themselves back up to a standing position, but they each then begin to walk again, hesitant and shaky steps at first, but soon enough they get their sea legs and are cruising along. Each of them has a unique energy field. Lorraine is the most amazing combination of confidence stemming from knowledge and experience, and uncertainty; she is the perfect Hierophant because not only does she act as a repository of knowledge, but she is equally the teacher and the student. Elizabeth is The Empress. She is soothing and supportive, yet amazingly connected to all of the Natural world and every entity alive within it. She is a lovely combination of heavy sensuality and mischievous innocence. Jen is The Magician, but instead of an altar containing the representations of the elements, she has before her a computer table holding the most updated and cutting edge tools with which she connects to the effects and manifestations of the Universe. Tara is to me the Temperance card. I love Marchetti’s descriptions of this card: the image “. . . draws the fire of heaven down from above and . . . earthly energy up from below . . . being prepared for an alchemical wedding which will empower and transform . . . forever.” The act of “tempering” means “to make adjustments by counterbalancing or by mixing in new ingredients” and “to make something stronger by its passage through a test or hardship.” LOL, Tarot metaphors, but I can’t help it.
Last night, we went to my mother-in-law’s 90th birthday party, and how fitting that we had just about 90 people in attendance. My brother-in-law and his wife hosted the party in their lovely home, and a good time was surely had by all, including my mother-in-law, who was still sitting with us at 12:30 am, drinking brandy.
I think today will be a slow day as I am feeling a bit tired physically, but my mind is working, teasing some concepts in the attempt to break them open and achieve understanding!
Now you've got me reading everything I have here in my library on the Temperance card! Not an obvious choice, if I'd had to pick it myself, but of course, it makes perfect sense. Marvelous, dear!
The card of alchemy!!!