Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Four of Wands reversed/Death reversed. Today is not a day for pausing or for taking the time to examine the foundation being built, for if I pause, the cement may set the wrong way. I need to keep the creative process moving, and I need to remind myself that the process of letting go of things that are used up or no longer applicable is **not** the one I should be interfering with. Endings are not events to be feared, for endings always clear the way for new beginnings.

My Thoth card is The Empress reversed. Connecting with the senses and all that is creative can be a good thing; however, any extremes associated with this concept, whether regarding too much or too little connection, will hot help the situation. I need to strive to balance this connection to creativity and Nature today so that I have a sufficient amount of this energy but not too much, and I need to remember that my tendencies will be to extremes rather than to balance.

My Legacy card is the Knight of Cups reversed. This card warns me of the one danger of dealing with the presence or absence of extreme emotions: indifference. Getting fed up and then turning my back on all emotions is not the way to go today. This Knight of Cups reversed is telling me that extremes are not going to work, but it is also telling me that walking away is an extreme as well, and will cause more harm than good.

My horoscopes: “The day should be very calm, and you will be able to focus on projects that you neglected recently. Indeed, today you are able to bring things up to date. You may end up spending a very hectic day tying up loose ends. But you should also consider thinking about your private life. Indeed, you need to pay more attention your friends and family members.”

And: “Your visionary tendencies are in the ascendant today, dear Sagittarius, though they take more of a practical bent than a mystical one. You might look at your living room or your backyard and suddenly find yourself redecorating it in your mind's eye. If you've wanted to start some sort of long-term project to improve your surroundings, this is the day to get started. You'll not only attain your vision; you may surpass it. Have fun!”

Reversals seem to be the key to the day, and I need to focus on what is **not** flowing rather than what is flowing, but not too much.

This morning was one of those mornings filled with minor distractions that attempted to focus my attention toward the physical world. One thing I have realized consciously since Saturday is that I feel better, more balanced, more healthy, and more **alive** when I am either seeing the Machinery of the Universe or remembering the sensation of that sight. When I am consciously aware of the background energy (the combination of the purest of Sacred Feminine and the purest of Sacred Masculine that is the emanation of the catalyst that creates life), my mind, my emotions, my spirit and my body all seem to hum with efficiency. I feel strong and ready, poised for the next experience of the day.

However, when I am distracted, I lose my grasp of this energy. It is almost like being distracted by carrying something heavy, and tripping over the wire that plugs in the lamp and in the process, plunging the room into darkness. It is interesting to me how easily I am shut off from that active give and take of background energy. Why is this? I am not just a physical entity; so why does this inertia take control so easily? And this is Inertia with a capital “I”! In a blink of an eye I seem to withdraw into my physical body, and it takes much more effort to reach back out and reconnect to the background energy.

I could understand this happening if my physical body was in some kind of danger. Being stalked by a predator would logically cause the mind to turn all of its focuses and abilities toward surviving. But this is not about danger and surviving danger, it is about slipping back into stagnation.

Yes, sitting still on the couch is easy. But there is so much pleasure to be had from motion, from knowing that my muscles are strong and healthy because they are well used. Shutting down my awareness is easy. But there is so much fulfillment from being “awake” and in the “now,” rather than going through each day on automatic pilot. Not searching one’s inner self in order to discern Deity is easy. But the human psyche is incredibly complex and fascinating, and belief and Will could very well be creating my reality, so how could I allow them to operate without being a part of that creation?

Yes, I am a physical being, existing in a physical world. But I also have a mind, a mind which is able to overcome the constraints of the body, a mind which is able to travel through the vastness of its world, and a mind which is able to affect the physical self and the physical world. My lesson for today is that exercising the mind is just as important as exercising the body. I do my dance stretches every morning, I brush and floss my teeth, I take my tonics and tinctures, all in the name of maintaining physical health and balance. The mind and emotions and spirit also need active and deliberate care in order to flourish; otherwise we end up with a couch potato psyche.

I threw four reversed cards today. Perhaps I need to remember that it is resistance that strengthens our muscles. I am being gifted today with resistance in order to exercise my mind, my psyche, my Will. I am grateful for the gift.


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