Monday, November 23, 2015

11/23/15 Ace of Swords reversed and Three of Disks

The Thoth Tarot today!  I threw the Ace of Swords reversed and the Three of Disks.

The Ace of Swords (Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, caution authority, cunning, Aquarius and Pisces, “I believe,” feeling, duality, soul growth, artistic) tells of the birth of ideas and concepts; it offers the power to analyze that is necessary in order to make good choices, to determine personal truth, and in order to react correctly to events in our day.   This card is about intellectual potential, and it is about that feeling that occurs when lightning strikes and a new idea is formed.  While not guaranteed, the ideas presented by this card just might last through to manifestation.

The Thoth Tarot Ace of Swords sets up Crowley’s interpretation of the entire suit, because the Sword in the image has the word “Thelema” (or “Will”) on its blade.  The intellect is about the Will, and the Ace provides the purest form of the intellect, undiluted by people, events, or even the effects of the physical body and the world around us. 

The Three of Disks (Mars, action, spontaneity, aggression, drive, in Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, cunning, competence) tells of competence, planning and teamwork.  The skills presented here are not ordinary; this making use of talents and finding comfort in humble work is more an avocation than an ordinary job.

The Three of Disks in the Thoth Tarot is considered the most un-abstract of Crowley’s Minor Arcana images.  Uncle Al sees this Three as the “material establishment of the idea of the Universe, the determination of its basic form.”  Interesting that the sand dunes in this image appear to be radiating outward from the pyramid.

Well, that is a clear message for today.  I should not attempt to impose my own Will or my own intentions into the events of the day.  Rather, I should use my own abilities to make things turn out the very best that they can.  I should see myself today as an acolyte whose purpose is to serve, for anything that I focus on will have an effect, and that effect needs to be for the good of everyone.


Sunday, November 22, 2015

11/22/15 Transparent Oracle Sunday!

Transparent Oracle Sunday! 

4, Time of Day: Dawn (East).  East is the direction of the rising sun, and thus of new beginnings and fresh ideas, as well as knowledge, intellectual ideas and thoughts.  Dawn is a magickal time, a crossroad between the quiet and serenity of night, and the action and manifestation of the day.  With the first rays of the rising sun we move out of our dreaming consciousness and into an awakened perception, and it is during this crossroad that we might be able to bring the messages of our dreams into the light of day, so we can better manifest them.

27, Guide: Salmon (West). West is the direction of Water, and thus, of feelings and emotions, relationships of all kinds, cleansing and healing, the wisdom associated with natural endings, and the bubbling up of pure joy.  Salmon is an incredible animal; it can swim the seas and when the time is right, it can find its way back to where it was spawned.  That takes a knowledge and wisdom about where the Salmon has been; there is that concept again.  This Guide is also about cycles, tradition, and memory of what has been.

35, Landscape: Forest (North). North is the direction of Earth, and thus of the physical or physically formed or manifested world, and of nurturing, health, finances and security, and the wisdom associated with living simply, being well-grounded, and being in touch with our physical body.  Forest is about the results over the long term, results which happen because of fertility and nurturing and patience; Forest represents the manifestation of age and wisdom and patience, connections (and results) that are not openly apparent but rather, like roots under the ground, are all around us.  Different energies can work together; a Forest is proof of that.

I then stacked my cards and created my mandala.  Another beautiful image that just seems to have a lovely, balanced energy about it.  This one creates an image in my mind: a stream meandering through a forest with the morning sun sparkling on the surface of the water, fishes swimming.  Peaceful yet invigorating.  These cards are foretelling a new beginning at a time of transition, however this new beginning will be built on the foundation of tradition, patience, fortitude, and memories of the past.  These things will be important this week, and the work I’ve done to get to this moment in time should be honored.  No matter what the final result, all of those experiences have value; they make me who I am right now.


11/18/15 Five of Wands reversed and Ten of Wands reversed

Pulled out my Llewellyn Welsh Tarot today because I needed the soothing, dream-like images in this deck today. I threw the Five of Wands reversed and the Ten of Wands reversed. 

The Five of Wands, which corresponds with Saturn (discipline, responsibility, law and order) in Leo (“I am, passionate, dramatic, egotistical) indicates a struggle caused by annoying cross-purposes, or this discomfort could be caused by growing pains. The traditional image on this card makes me laugh, and makes me remember setting up a tent in order to camp.  The more people trying to set up the tent, the longer it takes to finish the project.

The Llewellyn Welsh Five of Wands is pretty traditional as far as images go.  Five men with five Wands, each with a different interpretation of how they should be assembled.  The interesting thing about the image on this one is that there are written instructions to be had.  However, they are rolled up on the ground and being ignored by these five people who are each absolutely certain they know how to do the task. 

The Ten of Wands (Saturn, discipline, responsibility, limitations and resistance, in Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, blundering) tells of being taxed to some perceived limit, or of feeling as if we are out of gas at the bottom of a hill that must be climbed.  This card can also tell of a passion or idea that has taken a life of its own and then gotten out of control or taken over everything else, and this to me is an interesting interpretation of this card.  Sometimes success can be oppressive; if we get suddenly lucky and we are not prepared to take on what we’ve been given, the burden can seem crushing.  Too much of a good thing is never good!

The Llewellyn Welsh Ten of Wands shows a more traditional image: a man walking up some stairs, carrying what appears to be a huge and heavy bundle of wands on his back, moving toward a building or the edge of a town.  What is interesting about this version of the Ten of Wands is that those wands the person is carrying each have small branches and leaves at the top.  This card has more of a “carrying my weight and more” and “not flinching in the face of hard work” kind of feel to it.  This card tells of a huge burden that is difficult to carry, but it is not an impossible task.  I also get the feeling that, because these Wands appear still viable, they will have some effect on the house or town to which they are being carried. 

Because both Wands cards are reversed, there is a general message here: responsibilities might rain on my parade today.  But when we look at both of these cards and examine their reversed interpretations, that might not be a bad thing.  Unity of purpose is easier to deal with, and finding that a responsibility is not a burden can also bring a sense of lightness.  Perhaps today is my day to sit back and try to find the space within; I can take this time for myself without neglecting my responsibilities.  Relaxation without guilt; I like it!


Friday, November 20, 2015

11/15/15 Transparent Oracle Sunday!

Transparent Oracle Sunday!

13, Element: Fire (South). South is the direction of the midday sun and the peak of power and illumination; this direction is associated with passionate drive and creativity.  The direction of South corresponds with the element of Fire.  Fire brings spontaneous, impulsive and energetic change through heating and separating, drying and shaping.  Fire has often been used as a representation of Spirit or the Divine, and this makes sense.  Fire brings transformation, animation or life, courage, and intent.  Fire has its dangers, though; it brings transformation through destruction that brings new birth.

6, Guide: Butterfly (East).  East is the direction of Air, and thus of fresh ideas and new beginnings, knowledge, information and thoughts.  Butterflies are about metamorphosis, and about seeing in all directions at the same time.  Butterflies are strong!  Monarchs, with wings basically the consistency of tissue paper, fly hundreds of miles to the South in the Fall, winter over, and then return Northward.  Butterflies are an interesting combination of potential and sacrifice.

25, Landscape: Ocean (West). West is the direction of Water, and thus, of feelings and emotions, relationships of all kinds, cleansing and healing, the wisdom associated with natural endings, and the bubbling up of pure joy.  Oceans are huge and magnificent; they are considered the cradle of life.  They can be calm as glass, but beneath that smooth flat surface lurk powerful predators.  They can be rough and deadly, yet if we travel down a short distance, all is quiet and silent.  The Ocean card is about death and life, about destruction and creation; and amidst the chaos, healing and purification.

I then stacked my cards and created my mandala.  This image just plain feels good!  My Butterflies are resting on the points of the triangle that represents Fire, and they are all surrounded by the gentle waves of Ocean.  In a way, this image really resonates for me; Cape May is a stopover for the fall monarch migration, and I can easily visualize the sun on flowers, butterflies fluttering in the warm air as they search for nectar, and the groups of monarchs departing southward across the Delaware Bay.  I am being reminded today that life’s Journey is long, and often it is filled with detours and challenges.  In the end, whether the road is smooth and straight, or whether I take one step backwards for every two steps I move forward, transformation and change and evolution will all happen.  I need to have courage, and I need to focus on one step at a time; the Journey is one that takes a lifetime so I should look for the day-to-day benefits rather than allowing myself to be overwhelmed by the big picture.


11/13/15 Ten of Cups and Six of Wands reversed

I was drawn back to the Hermetic Tarot today, and threw the Ten of Cups and the Six of Wands reversed. 

The Ten of Cups (Mars, action, spontaneity, aggression, drive, in Pisces, “I believe,” feeling, duality, spirituality, suffering and growth) in an upright position offers the manifestation of happiness, simple joys, and fulfillment. The number Ten is about the completion of a cycle or manifestation, and the suit of Cups is about emotions, feelings and the inner self, so this card offers the bounty that comes with the successful experiencing of all the lessons of the Cups cards.

The Hermetic Tarot Ten of Cups presents the traditional image of water flowing in a connected way into ten Cups, with a few interesting additions.  The water is flowing from a lotus blossom, which represents the ability to rise above the mud and murk in order to bloom and achieve enlightenment.  How auspicious that the water on this card is sourced from a lotus blossom!  Some of the water is being poured from a Cup being held by a hand; again a hint that the pleasures and contentment of this card have a higher source. 

The Six of Wands (Jupiter, expansiveness and growth, justice, fortune, in Leo, “I am,” passionate, dramatic, noble, authoritative) expresses the celebration we feel when we have passed some test or successfully met a challenge.  This card is about the sense of accomplishment and the recognition that happen when we stick to our own plan despite adversity.  Good standing and recognized authority, and the hands on the reins.

The Six of Wands in the Hermetic Tarot is called the Lord of Victory, and indeed, victory is one of the keywords commonly assigned to this card.  One of the descriptions of the Hermetic Tarot Six of Wands is “success through energy and industry,” and that sums up the way that conquest and triumph are presented to us by this card. 

Any happiness I experience today will be of a higher nature, and that is cool because that happiness will be there whether things in the physical world go as planned, or whether things beyond my control strive to derail my journey.  Simple interpretation, but important message!


Monday, November 9, 2015

11/8/15 Transparent Oracle Sunday!

Transparent Oracle Sunday!

11, Gateway: Summer (South).  South is the direction of the midday sun and the peak of power and illumination; this direction is associated with passionate drive and creativity.  This Gateway is about warmth and bounty, abundance and blessing, passion and wealth.  Summer is a time of physical world manifestation and abundance, and it is also a time to bring magickal awarenesses into the open.  After all, with an abundance of manifestation into the physical world, this would be an easy time to sense non-physical world abundances as they often happen around physical manifestations.

24, Time of Day: Sunset (West).  West is the direction of Water, and thus, of feelings and emotions, relationships of all kinds, cleansing and healing, the wisdom associated with natural endings, and the bubbling up of pure joy.  Sunset is the time when we pause as the daylight hours come to a close.  We should not, however, assume that the day is done, for much can be had from the dark hours.  The light of the setting sun and the long shadows can transform even the most mundane environment into something mystical and magickal, the perfect environment to remember the experiences of the day.

65, Voice (Within). Within is the direction of the Self, and thus the cards associated with this direction deal with the ways our Self connects to the world and perceives the world, and the Self.  This direction is mostly abstract, and yet is our bridge to the Universe around us.  The Voice is used for communication, but it is also a tool for expression and for manifestation.  It is about an outward flow of knowledge, wisdom, information or energy, effected through the workings of the throat chakra, but supported by the solar plexus chakra.

I then stacked my cards and created my mandala.  Voices are framed by the Gateway of Summer and illuminated by the Sunset.  Non-physical messages sometimes appear in conjunction with physical manifestations, so I need to be aware of all planes of existence.  I am being told of an upcoming ending (and this is not the first message I’ve received in the past week about an ending), and now might be a good time to review what has happened in the past few weeks.  What I learn should be shared!!

I’m back from my time in California, processing everything I’ve experienced there.  Sounds like there are exciting things to be perceived and understood!


Sunday, November 1, 2015

11/1/15 Transparent Oracle Sunday!

Transparent Oracle Sunday! 

32, Weather: Snow (North). North is the direction of Earth, and thus of the physical or physically formed or manifested world, and of nurturing, health, finances and security, and the wisdom associated with living simply, being well-grounded, and being in touch with our physical body.  Snow has a magickal effect on the landscape and our surroundings; when snow falls, it covers everything and hides details as well as mutes sounds.  The mantle of white is made of countless tiny, unique crystals, and like a blanket, the covering of snow insulates and protects.

69, DNA/Labyrinth (Within). Within is the direction of the Self, and thus the cards associated with this direction deal with the ways our Self connects to the world and perceives the world, and the Self.  This direction is mostly abstract, and yet is our bridge to the Universe around us.  The DNA/Labyrinth card is a card of self-exploration, and it offers me a chance to become acquainted with myself and to own my personal identity.  Ancient wisdom and modern science linked together; I like that!

63, Touch (and Taste) (Within). Our senses connect us to the physical world, and the sense of Touch is the most solid and least deceptive sense; touch is the method we use to find our way around and to dispel illusion.  Taste is a part of Touch, for it is by bringing things into contact with our tongues that we Taste them, enjoying the yummy tastes and grimacing through the unpleasant ones.  Contact is the key here, and connection; they can be pleasant or violent.  Contact can bring a sense of support and security, and touching something can dispel illusions.  This is not just a receptive sense, for we show love and support by touching others.

I then stacked my cards and created my mandala.  This one is all about DNA and the Labyrinth, at least on the surface.  And this is the perfect time to consider this card, because now is the time to transfer perception from outer to inner.  Each year, I carry what I’ve learned during the sunny, outer months back within as the Winter approaches, and each year I need to integrate all that new stuff with what is already there.  I am being told that for this week I should be sure to keep track of what’s happening with my physical body (and this makes sense, as I am away from home, visiting friends), but my focus might be more on re-learning who and what I am.  This might require a time of shutting out the usual and customary day-to-day world and what better way to do that than to be away from home!
